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New Poll: 'Alien Motives'

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posted on Jul, 21 2003 @ 11:26 PM
OK: So here's the biggie-- Why do you guys think ET's are visiting this planet? Now, there are many, many alternatives to the ET hypothesis for UFO activity... But I'm interested in what believers in ETs think. If you believe otherwise, please say so below this post.

Now, various races of aliens have been observed by witnesses, so, I guess, this poll pertains only to the various branches of the race that is either called the 'greys', 'grays', or 'zeta reticulans'... As there have been many types of aliens sited over 50+ years, I'm asking for what you think either the majority race (the greys) or what most species, otherwise, are up to.

Now, some of my categories will overlap, so, please select the category that comes closest to what you believe. For instance, "They're Explores" and "they're Explorers conducting a long-term survey" are selections that overlap, so pick the one that you feel is the most 'inclusive' of all that is going on...

Because I can't fit everything onto a single line, let me brake everything down below:

Option 1 "Explorers"--- The aliens are akin to Neil Armstrong, Yuri Gargarin, or Captain James T Kirk. They are explorers at the helms of ships sent out to understand the nature of the Universe.

Option 2 "Surveyors"-- They are still explorers, but ones who come after some initial 'mapping' has occured. They seek to know where the 'hidden rocks' are in the Solar System and human society.

Option 3 "Scientists"-- They ahve easy access to our owrld and are studying us as Jane Goodall does Chimpanzees. They make measurements, taggings, or direct contact from time to time, but do not intend to 'alter' our society. That is, they are scientifically detached from our evolution.

Option 4 "Breeders"-- The aliens are here to alter the biological history of the human race... in the same way that a farmer 'creates' his livestock.

Option 5 "Doctors" -- The alien race is suffering some sort of genetic disease that can only be cured through sampling human genetics.

Option 6 "Missionaries"-- the aliens are here to 'enlighten' us and help us join the galactic community.

Option 7 "Scouts"--- they're here in advance of either agents who intend to seize our government, or they're mapping out our defences in praparation for an invasion.

Option 8 -- "Dark Side" -- this is a combo of options 3,4,5, and 7 combined.. that is, it fits in with Dulce-esque tales of aliens abducting humans, with the help of the Gov, inorder to exploit them

Option 9 -- "Good side" -- This option is a combo of 1, 2, and perhaps 6 and 5. The aliens are not totally non-interventionist, but they also aren't 'bad', in that they are here either due to necessity or because the galactic community needs them to be here.

Option 10 -- "players" -- the aliens are doing a combo of 5, 6, and 7 activity, inorder to play us for our resources.


posted on Jul, 21 2003 @ 11:36 PM

This poll did not appear as I intended it to... by a longshot.

I am at a loss as to why the 'options' appeared as they did.

A joke? Perhaps... but it's more likely that somehow the last debate vote got wedged into this thing.

posted on Jul, 21 2003 @ 11:37 PM
Hi Jim...
what I believe is that all Aliens whether they're 'Grey or whatever other kind they appear to be are all one and the same!

There are many types of people,white or whatever race they are But we are all one and the same....we are all humans .

Aliens manifest themselves to appear as whatever they like.....and by doing so they confuse mankind in believing they exist in many forms!
Are they out to get us?
Well it depends on what they are really looking for in appearing as they do !

posted on Jul, 21 2003 @ 11:37 PM

I wrote-out all ten of my options mentioned above... that's why I'm amused to see "Option1-Dragonrider" and "Option 1" on the screen instead of what I wrote.

Not angry, just confused,

posted on Jul, 21 2003 @ 11:40 PM
ATS is screwed up. The poll looked fine the first time I saw it. Report it to William.

posted on Jul, 21 2003 @ 11:42 PM

Very Funny joke, admins... I get it. Please restore the options I was polling for, though.

For those of you who won't get it tom., I asked for one of ten different responses, but my poll was modified to say "Option 1-DragonRider" or "Option 1"

And poor ole' me was just trying to ask about people views on spacemen........

posted on Jul, 21 2003 @ 11:50 PM
Don't worry onlyinmydreams, I don't think anyone is online that could change it to say that, nor do I think they would change it if they were, I am betting it is some kind of bug in the php software. I would fix it for you but I am not able to do that, look for one of the supermods to come online or cassini or OzChris, one of them should be able to fix it for you. I do have to admit though I did get a pretty good laugh when I read the options for the poll.

Be Cool

posted on Jul, 21 2003 @ 11:53 PM
Yes, assuming that it isn't some sort of internet revenge, it is absolutely hilarious... and strangely ironic.

Hell, if given the option of choosing between the D-R view of UFOs and the non-DR view, I'd pick something akin to D-R's views...

Still, as the original options did appear, my guess is that someone is ahving fun... this isn't just a computer screwup.

posted on Jul, 21 2003 @ 11:57 PM
Nah, this happened on my message board before. I forgot what the problem is. Nobody is intentionally screwing with your poll. I did like the option, "missionary," though. If that is the case, they seem to be rather inept missionaries.

posted on Jul, 21 2003 @ 11:58 PM
Unless it has been hacked by an outside source, which seems unlikely, then it would have to be a bug...Dragonrider and myself are the only mods online right now and your poll isn't in either of our forums (ie, we can't make any changes to it.) So I still have to say it is a bug in the software.

Be Cool

posted on Jul, 22 2003 @ 12:00 AM
I just did not want to say anything!

I thought maybe it was a conspiracy

Anyway.......Did I still have to vote???

Coz I didn't!!!

posted on Jul, 22 2003 @ 12:00 AM
OIMD, dude, you already won the debate, are you trying to rehash it???

That is wierd... I did try to vote, but didnt know it was going to do that!

posted on Jul, 22 2003 @ 12:05 AM
It has to be a bug...I just voted to see what would happen and now there is a new option

option 1 Dragonrider K_OS

It must be a bug.

Be Cool

posted on Jul, 22 2003 @ 12:12 AM
*spooky ghost music in the background*

A Ghost in the Machine??

William, have you had the server exorcised?

posted on Jul, 22 2003 @ 12:13 AM
OIMD shakes his head silently..

Dudes, C'mon, I get the joke... but, please.......

OK, so those who have hacker abilities wanted D-R to win... I can understand that... So am I to have my polls hacked from here on end...

posted on Jul, 22 2003 @ 12:13 AM

Sorry I just had to try it!

Are bugs types of a virus?

posted on Jul, 22 2003 @ 12:15 AM
Well however it happened, it is just keeping a list of whoever votes. Is anyone voting for a different option?

posted on Jul, 22 2003 @ 12:16 AM
OK... so finally I tried a vote.. But there MUST still be an original hacker with a point... otherwise, why would D-R have appeared on his own????

Yes, when I voted, my name came up..... But, still, this was only after i complained, and D-R was the only option for awhile... there';s a definite D-R fantic at work here..................

posted on Jul, 22 2003 @ 12:19 AM
It's not just keeping a lits of voters, as Helen and Fredie both saw this before you even logged on, D-R... Hell, I was even the first person to vote in my own poll...

This isn't just a matter of voters getting listed, it is a matter of a joke going for awhile, then being replaced with a reason for it going on...

posted on Jul, 22 2003 @ 12:21 AM

Originally posted by onlyinmydreams
OIMD shakes his head silently..

Dudes, C'mon, I get the joke... but, please.......

OK, so those who have hacker abilities wanted D-R to win... I can understand that... So am I to have my polls hacked from here on end...

I REALLY think this is simply a bug in the software. We are on a really secure server. The reason that Dragonrider's name showed up on the post is that he tried to vote...Try it yourself, I see helen's name now as well...

Originally posted by helen670
Are bugs types of a virus?

Nope...a virus is made with the intent to mess stuff up(from an outside source)...a bug is just a slight problem in the system itself, could have a number of different causes. For instance if I were to type blu instead of blue, only a letter different but the outcome would be a big difference.

Be Cool

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