The consensus at ATS concerning the "India Daily" is that it is a sensationalist source and not to be trusted. I accepted this point of view
unconditionally until today, when I found in my Hotmail inbox the following message from Dr. Michael Salla, Ph.D., founder of the Yahoo group called
"prepare4contact", and now I don't know what to think about the matter.
My intention is to seek out the opinions of people that are qualified to decide whether or not Mr. Salla's reasons for accepting the "India Daily"
as a useful source are acceptable. I am in no way promoting this ufologist. As far as I know, he could be just another disinformer, or an honest
researcher who can be expected to make mistakes lke anybody else.
The message:
Aloha all, like many, I've been intrigued by the stories coming
forward from the India Daily news journal concerning
extraterrestrial technologies or visitors.
These stories are allegedly based on leaks from within the Indian
military-intelligence community and I have suggested they
are possibly part of an Indian government initiative to educate the
Indian public about extraterrestrials. I've posted a number of
the India Daily stories and a number of individuals have responded
to the effect that India Daily is not a serious news journal, and/or
may be putting out disinformation as part of a psyop from a mil-
intel agency. I subsequently did some research on the India Daily to
determine how reliable it is as an information source on what is
really happening as far as any relationship between exterrestrials
and agencies in the Indian government is concerned.
The India Daily was created in April 2004 and is based in New
Jersey. It has enjoyed quick success and puts out quite a range of
news stories that cover news worthy items that are oriented towards
an Indian audience. The writers are a mix of correspondents
or staffers associated with the India Journal. A good number of
breaking stories are extracted from news agencies. To get an idea of
how popular India Daily is, I compared it to some other well known
news journals/websites using the Alexa Ranking which is a method of
registering web traffic for potential advertisers. You can enter any
website and compare it with others to determine its popularity. (See )
Basically, the lower the ranking, the more popular it is. I ran four
other news journals/websites to compare and got the following
# Domain Name Traffic Ranking
1 4,260
2 15,502
3 4,558
4 53,676
5 252
Basically it shows that India Daily compares quite well with other
news journals/websites and out performs the english version of the
popular Arab website Aljazeerah. My conclusion is that India Daily
is more likely a serious news journal covering Indian affairs,
rather than a site promoting disinformation. Consequently, the
stories coming out of India Daily need to be considered as possibly
part of an effort to disclose information concerning
extraterrestrial technologies or entities that are known
to various Indian government officials and agencies. This suggests
that India Daily is a news journal to watch closely. (...)
In peace,
Michael S.