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Muslims Opposed to LGBTQ Curricula for Their Kids Aren’t Bigots

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posted on Jun, 19 2023 @ 04:04 PM
a reply to: malte85

I wonder why so many people say that Islam, Judaism and Christianity all are the same God?

So it's curious that you only blame the "Christian God" as being the cause of so many religious wars.

posted on Jun, 19 2023 @ 04:05 PM
a reply to: Klassified

So what's worse. The made in Merica progressive left or another religion. You do realize they tolerate white guys as they supported the 3rd Reich and Adolf Hitler.

posted on Jun, 19 2023 @ 04:09 PM
a reply to: LogicalGraphitti

Lets watch!

posted on Jun, 19 2023 @ 04:11 PM
a reply to: olaru12

Much to your disappointment, the average Michael, Mohammed, Mary and Fatima, are mostly culturally religious, and don't think too much about feuds 1000 years ago. They go to gathering on holy day and practice their holidays but don't shoulder very much hate that I've ever seen.

posted on Jun, 19 2023 @ 04:18 PM
I touched on this in another thread earlier today.

There is much hypocrisy in many Muslim communities surrounding homosexulaity.

Depending on the standing and stature of the person a blind eye is quite often turned to homosexuality as it is with paedophilia.
In fact in some places it is viewed as acceptable for grown men to have sexual relations with young children.

And the more common hypocrisy is that shown towards grown men having sexual encounters with effeminate young men.
Only very rarely is the sodomiser punished, quite often the sodomised are.

I find it hard to accept that so many who have preached about the evils and barbarity of Islam are now literally prepared to jump into bed with them and even call them 'brothers' and the potential saviours of America.

The world has truly gone mental.
edit on 19/6/23 by Freeborn because: typo

posted on Jun, 19 2023 @ 04:39 PM
What I'm reading here is the Muslim community are conveniently mad at somebody you also disdain and therefore you become friends. Thats not how being friends works. as soon as the lgbt hysteria is done, they will remember how much they used to hate you and remember they still do. Not all Muslims are angry, but the ones angry enough to fight won't stop just because you did. just proves in their mind they were right since the beginning and we are as guilty as the pedos.

posted on Jun, 19 2023 @ 05:10 PM

originally posted by: Freeborn
I touched on this in another thread earlier today.

There is much hypocrisy in many Muslim communities surrounding homosexulaity.

Depending on the standing and stature of the person a blind eye is quite often turned to homosexuality as it is with paedophilia.
In fact in some places it is viewed as acceptable for grown men to have sexual relations with young children.

And the more common hypocrisy is that shown towards grown men having sexual encounters with effeminate yo e vung men.
Only very rarely is the sodomiser punished, quite often the sodomised are.

I find it hard to accept that so many who have preached about the evils and barbarity of Islam are now literally prepared to jump into bed with them and even call them 'brothers' and the potential saviours of America.

The world has truly gone mental.

Quoted because it needs to be emphasized and repeated.

In some ways, we are devolving as a society and country.

With such a regimented and disciplined faith, how it allows this to continue to occur, it delegitimizes the whole culture

Of course, on many levels, the same could be said for Catholicism.

Religion, faith, and spiritualism can bring such peace and contentment to many people, but once it gets beyond a certain size at the neighborhood level they can easily be corrupted and lose their humanity for the individual.

I can loathe the current hyper-transgenderism cycle we are currently in but it's not enough to overlook certain peccadillos on all sides

Those inalienable individual rights and freedoms the US used to be known for really should still apply.

posted on Jun, 19 2023 @ 05:33 PM

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: Raggedyman

originally posted by: Waterglass

This is going to be great as I can see a common ground and alignment between Christion's and Muslim's. Our Muslim brothers and Sisters will Make America Great Again. They will take back the USA. I am betting on it.

Unlikely Christians and Muslims will unite and it would be a shameful thing if christians did
Christians are to love and allow others to choose their own journey.
Christ never got involved in politics or forced the Christian agenda, allowed choice
Advocating Christian militancy is unchristian, denying Gods gift of freewill is not what Jesus taught
The bible clearly teaches this world will fall, it can’t be stopped, only Christ’s return will end evil
Muslims won’t make America great again, nothing will

Christ also said "don't fluck with the kids". Or something to that effect.

definitely, 100% He did, or something very close and, Christ made it very clear what the ramifications of sin are, unrepentant sin and the destruction that comes with that evil.
Not only will justice come, as all Christians desire, it comes foe all evil as well

My point, you are right, Grateful Jesus brings judgement, grateful all evil will face justice

Randomuser is a Jehovah Witness, a member on this site, a member of JW,org who are like the old Catholic Church, the Jehovah witnesses still hide and harbour pedos, still actually protect those members who are pedos, still hide them amongst the members.
So yeah, I understand your disgust for religion and it’s followers
edit on 19-6-2023 by Raggedyman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2023 @ 01:28 PM
a reply to: Waterglass

I think for the OWG and the Anti-Christ to gain the power they so desire, typically "strong" Western nations like America must be destroyed first. So they are doing it from within using the trans movement, us vs them fearmongering, the death of the middle class/class warfare/banking collapse to do it. America must be eliminated as a threat.

ETA: some argue that the World Religion under the NWO will start out as some version of mixed religion version of Chrislam, then devolve into the AC declaring himself to be god.
edit on 20-6-2023 by SideEyeEverything because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2023 @ 09:16 AM
a reply to: SideEyeEverything

Agree with all you wrote and its really too bad that all those on top sell out. I was in China in June 2021 and they had serious issues along their Southern Border. I was at University for my MBA and part of the study was to study at the University of Hong Kong and Shanghai, Chinas Financial district. We were briefed by Chinese INTEL on various threats to them

Muslim extremist's would attack farming villages at night and massacre the entire village. They were always one step ahead of the Chinese army.

posted on Jun, 23 2023 @ 09:20 AM
a reply to: Freeborn

I find it hard to accept that so many who have preached about the evils and barbarity of Islam are now literally prepared to jump into bed with them and even call them 'brothers' and the potential saviours of America.

World gone mental? Just look at history aka USA relations with China in 1900 ~ today. USA relations with Germany and Japan in 1941 and today.

Sir it goes on and on. Soon Saudi Arabia will no longer be a US ally. In fact its already over.

posted on Jun, 25 2023 @ 12:16 PM

originally posted by: CoyoteAngels
a reply to: malte85

I wonder why so many people say that Islam, Judaism and Christianity all are the same God?

So it's curious that you only blame the "Christian God" as being the cause of so many religious wars.

It's the same God. The God of old testament.

posted on Jun, 25 2023 @ 12:20 PM

originally posted by: Waterglass

Happy belated Fathers Day!


FYI I am not against LGBTQ people. I am against the grooming of children and removing their parents rights to raise them and the attack on all religions.

I wrote another thread on who what and where the LGBTQ movement started to gain traction back from an article written in 2018. In brief is basically being funded by a group of USA billionaires with connections to BIG Pharama and the Medical Industrial Complex.

Muslims Opposed to LGBTQ Curricula for Their Kid's Aren't Bigots

The primary reason is to make money because once Jack becomes Jill and Jill becomes Jack they are now on BIG Pharma's balance sheet for life as they must continue to take pills, hormones and whatever else for life.

Did you know that? Same goes for the Gay crowd as many like to go without protection knowing that drugs are available if they get HIV. Dr. Fauci was a trailblazer in that role.

So on the above I was Lectured by another OP writing that I was full of sheep in that he wrote that Islam accepts transgender. I dont know who that disinformation specialist was but lookie here. The radicalized far left idiots over there have now gone too far. They have poked the Islam bear and its now awakened.

This is going to be great as I can see a common ground and alignment between Christion's and Muslim's. Our Muslim brothers and Sisters will Make America Great Again. They will take back the USA. I am betting on it.

We are witnessing a unique and welcome phenomenon: Muslims in the West are at the forefront of a social movement that transcends any one faith or ethnicity. For those following the news, protests led by parents have erupted across the United States and Canada against school boards that wish to teach schoolchildren content about the acceptability of LGBTQ lifestyles.

While parents of all ethnicities and religions are involved, Muslim parents have been playing a central role in all of these cases, both as organisers and protesters, and their highly visible presence is creating waves on social media.

It is understandable for parents to be concerned. In Maryland, for example, a school district has approved books that discuss homosexuality and transgenderism as normal realities for children as young as three years old. This is state-sponsored ideological indoctrination of toddlers who can barely form complete sentences, much less think critically.

You don't need to apologise. Any sane person stands against the LGBTQ ideology and the trans agenda. Nothing to do with what the gay & lesbian people and movement used to be back in 80s, 90s, or even until 10-12 tears ago. I think most gay and lesbian people will stand against the new version of the movement.

posted on Jun, 25 2023 @ 12:21 PM
a reply to: AlienBorg

Exactly. Even Muslims believe Jesus was a prophet. Some Jews believe he was the Messiah.

Im not sure why Christians are singled out. It always sounds like a personal problem to me.

posted on Jun, 25 2023 @ 12:22 PM
All issues related to trans and LGBTQ+ are welcome to be discussed here.

This thread is now closed.

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