posted on Jun, 22 2023 @ 09:39 PM
a reply to:
The subs are going through maintenance. They have to test their systems, including VLF, as I said.
He's wrong on the EAMs to start with. EAMs are not just sent out to subs, they're sent out to land based missiles, E-6B and E-4Bs, and the planes
relay them to subs, and to other units. They're also sent out as tests and as alert messages to launch the E-6Bs when there's a North Korean missile
test or various other reasons. There's also a big exercise on going with the Navy out of Fallon right now.
Constant Phoenix was just replaced with two new aircraft. They fly for training and crew familiarization getting used to the new aircraft, and lately
they've been flying in various areas taking baseline measurements that haven't been updated in 30 years. Absolutely nothing to do with anything in
Ukraine or Russian attacks or anything else. The Constant Phoenix belongs to the 55th Wing, based in Offutt, so that's why it took off from there.
It went to Des Moines and was doing touch and go and approach training. Absolutely nothing unusual. Apparently, using his logic the ONLY reason we
fly planes is because there's an attack going on. Pilots and crews don't need refresher training, familiarization training or anything else. The new
Constant Phoenix uses totally different engines, and has a completely upgraded cockpit. The crew has to get used to that, and adjust to the changes.
The only way to do that is to actually fly the plane.
The Tu-134 is used to collect intelligence. They fly them near other countries all the time and are intercepted all the time. Again, nothing but
normal operations. It didn't fly into Estonian airspace. It flew into the Estonian ADIZ, and deliberately provoked a response, just like we do just
like China does near Japan and Korea, and just like Russia does near Alaska. It never violated Estonian airspace. It happened twice in April, again
in March (which is probably the one he was talking about), June 8th and 9th...
This guy doesn't know what he's talking about. Just another person that doesn't know military operations trying to fear monger after seeing things
that he knows nothing about and thinks is unusual.