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What would it take for you to have faith in God?

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posted on Jun, 18 2023 @ 07:20 AM
What would it take?

Would nothing turn your mind and heart towards Him?

Or perhaps you'd prefer to place your faith in the God Mother?

Alas, I know little of Her.

But I know the Father intimately.

His Love is Great.

He weeps for his sons and daughters who shun him.

What would it take?

Would nothing short of a miracle appease you?

We live in apostasy.

Has your mind been dulled beyond repair?

Has your heart grown so cold as to be dead?

Don't you remember!?

What would it take...

It is One's duty to Honor his Father and his Mother.

posted on Jun, 18 2023 @ 07:31 AM
Because of The Fathers grace Heaven is open to those who are of the evil one and those who are of The Father because of this there are some who hate Christ.

posted on Jun, 18 2023 @ 07:44 AM

God hates amputees. Let's start there.

posted on Jun, 18 2023 @ 08:08 AM
a reply to: QwertyMyself

How did you find God? In less than 500 000 words if you can

posted on Jun, 18 2023 @ 08:46 AM
Many atheists want a God that spoils their children, and continues to give them gifts and blessings even when they're being a piece of s%$!

Atheists hate cause and effect. They blame God for the cause, despite the cause being people, and then also blame God for the effect, despite it being a clear consequence of what God said for deviating from the path (sinning).

posted on Jun, 18 2023 @ 08:46 AM
a reply to: QwertyMyself

You are asking a question here that you already have the answer to.
A question to which there is no answer save for only one. You know it.
Everyone knows it. We have heard the question before, and anyone
familiar with the Word of God knows the answer, although many have
not entertained it.
Many have heard it, most who have opened the Word of God know it, but not all truly understand it.

2 Thessalonians 2:11
11 And because of this, God will send them a strong delusion, in order for them to believe the lie,
So just exactly what is this "delusion"? Now, overall a delusion is a false belief. Even with strong evidence to the contrary. example: You do not believe the wind exists because you cannot see it, despite the fact it clearly moves the leaves on the trees and causes waves on the sea. You can see the result of it, but you still deny its existence. This is only an example.

Now the answer to your question. It is so very hard to understand someone who believes a lie. Especially when the opposite so clearly is true. First we must understand what "the lie" refers to. People see the evidence of God all around them but deny his existence.

Many of us do not understand how such a large number of the population can believe things so egregiously crazy. And many do believe things so far out, its not even in their understanding to know the why of it. Crazy things. Very evil things. Why such a large number of people? Our leaders even?
So how do we know the answer? It is "the lie".

The truth: Is God Himself, and his Son. They believe not the truth.
But for God to send the delusion you must have crossed a line. Of no return. Once over that line, you will receive a delusion. This is done to speed up the times of trouble. Literally the end. For the sake of those who actually do "believe the truth".

So your answer is: Those with the delusion already had crossed the line of no return. A delusion is such that it is almost impossible to get out of it, and keep in mind God himself is sending this one.
So The delusion? Those with it do not, and cannot believe the truth. It is not in them. So perhaps we should to sit back and watch the show. The delusions will grow in intensity as times speed up. As times increase fewer there will be who will accept "the truth".

Indeed, What will it take for people to have faith in God? They must believe the truth
edit on 18-6-2023 by DavidsHope because: misspost

posted on Jun, 18 2023 @ 09:49 AM
a reply to: Foundryman

Not true, God loves amputated foreskin...

posted on Jun, 18 2023 @ 09:55 AM
a reply to: QwertyMyself

When I see them do what they're supposed to do, when in position of power. This guy is part of a parasitic system, definitely does what he's supposed to, and therfore I have faith in him...

posted on Jun, 18 2023 @ 10:11 AM
a reply to: QwertyMyself

what happens when someone believes in Yahweh and believes in Yeshua but still wants to save humanity from their wrath as well as the deception of Belial.
Sure fine, pray and have hope and faith that YOU will be saved but you support the destruction of humanity for only the righteouss...
Yeshua does not return to us with an olive branch.

posted on Jun, 18 2023 @ 10:38 AM

originally posted by: Foundryman

God hates amputees. Let's start there.

How about God allows there to be free will and accidents, which sometimes result in there being amputees.
Then he sits there waiting to see what the human condition does with all that.
He hopes to see things like “never give up / start anew / I’ll help you”.
But sometimes he just gets dipsticks who say snarky dopey negative crap about it. Always making it negative and not hopeful or helpful.
And he wonders when or if this great experiment will go right, or if we’ll squander our chance to be good people.

posted on Jun, 18 2023 @ 10:44 AM

originally posted by: datguy
a reply to: QwertyMyself

what happens when someone believes in Yahweh and believes in Yeshua but still wants to save humanity from their wrath as well as the deception of Belial.
Sure fine, pray and have hope and faith that YOU will be saved but you support the destruction of humanity for only the righteouss...
Yeshua does not return to us with an olive branch.

If we as humanity don’t become good to each other by the deadline, whatever it is you call God will be back and angry. If we do well, He’ll come back happy and bringing grace for us.
Doesn’t matter whose Godly name and book and doctrine gets the credit. We’re all gonna be subject to the same results.

posted on Jun, 18 2023 @ 10:49 AM

originally posted by: cooperton
Many atheists want a God that spoils their children, and continues to give them gifts and blessings even when they're being a piece of s%$!

Atheists hate cause and effect. They blame God for the cause, despite the cause being people, and then also blame God for the effect, despite it being a clear consequence of what God said for deviating from the path (sinning).

Lol, excellent observations. People blaming God for their own failures, laziness, nastiness are a real treat.
Then they follow that up with being a-holes to anyone who believes.
These are exactly the people that keep us from becoming what God hopes for us.
What a great use of their lives.

posted on Jun, 18 2023 @ 11:57 AM
Never seen any proof of it and much of the bible, and history, has been left out or rewritten with the purpose of deceit from the human perspective. I dont feel a need to believe in a Him or Her as that separates us from the whole of creation. Creation exists, we are part of it and that is enough for me. I dont believe I will be punished for using the eyes and rational mind given to me. Nor punished for the experience, or lack of experience, of divinity available to me any more than an animal will.

My example of this is having aphantasia, which does not allow me to visualize, thus if I was part of a religion that practised meditation Id be locked out of the experience. I came by the aphantasia genetically so it essentially pushes me away from religion that requires meditation, so should that religion shun me as godless... no but humans involved might. My limitations do not remove me from creation if I cannot experience a creator. I am inseperable from creation thus have no need to imagine it, talk to it, beg of it.

I do believe humans are unique but collectively we have a lot of growing up to do when it comes to judging others experience of it.

Dont know if this makes sense. I respect and am deeply interested in others religious experiences but I grew up with a bit of shunning for not being the same as others and am wary when asked to jump into a box of human creation, labelled with orthodoxy, when I am an equal, but different, aspect of the creation.

Childhood was filled with do as we say or it will be hell fire and brimstone. I dont think that is fair to the individuality of the spirit as that individuality is from the creation too. Im not talking evil or even just bad behaviour here, just being unable to think as the majority do.
edit on 18-6-2023 by igloo because: nother thought

posted on Jun, 18 2023 @ 12:00 PM

originally posted by: Peeple
a reply to: QwertyMyself

How did you find God? In less than 500 000 words if you can

I've always believed in some sort of a 'source.'

But it had no personal characteristics, it was void.

Until one day.

I had an awakening.

I took a leap of faith.

I prayed like never before, I cried like never before, I poured out my heart to Him, and expressed my love, my hate, my pain, my sorrow toward my fellow kin and life itself.

Simultaneously, I was working on opening my third eye, and then too I felt something blossom in between my eyes, and suddenly my body shut down like a machine.

When I opened my eyes, I could see.

I could see the lights and hear the voices.

It was maddening... I went insane temporarily.

The boundaries of my reality completely fell down.

It took months to readjust and adapt.

I felt like I lived in an alien world.

I'm better now, and I have a gift.

I can finally express myself as fully and truthfully as I never had before.

I find it to be almost poetic in nature.

I can also 'feel the love now.

I bask in it all day.

I find it a better source of dopamine than other activities that I enjoyed before.

My life is forever changed.

Memories came back.

I can communicate with the Holy Spirit.

My Faith is increased manifold.

I will never be the same.

And I wish to share this bliss with you all.

But it seems no one cares these days...

Except for those whose faith is already strong.

Blessed are they for they have not seen, yet they believe.

posted on Jun, 18 2023 @ 12:17 PM

originally posted by: Foundryman

God hates amputees. Let's start there.

When the proof comes, it'll be too late.

The Father doesn't know hate.

The Son however, hates evil.

As for amputees, nobody hates them...

Where do you get this perceived hate from?

Believe it or not, you choose your lot in life.

We set forth challenges for us to overcome.

Some of you are brave beyond reason.

We also carry 'scars' from life to life.

Furthermore, there is the wheel of karma.

Take comfort in knowing this: your light body, your real body, it is perfect. You have 2 eyes, 2 arms, 2 legs. You can walk and run and sing and dance. All is possible in the heavenly realm.

But beware: ending one's life to accelerate our entry into this realm is not an option.

We have lessons to learn while incarnate.

You will continue to repeat these same experiences again and again until you overcome, or until the Day of the Lord.

posted on Jun, 18 2023 @ 12:43 PM
a reply to: DavidsHope
The system is rigged. Humans in controlling positions uphold lies and corruption of such epic proportions that average peoples minds cannot even contemplate it. Knowledge of the corruption is guarded well, so that most people have no clue. Evil has truly swung to its extreme but will balance out eventually. In the meantime, most people blindly support it yet they are innocent, due to lack of awareness. Innocence even when one doesnt have the knowledge to assess a situation and allows it to perpetuate.

In the western world we are taught of earlier golden ages, of heaven only if you believe and dont question, yet the same religious bodies that teach it are part of the control structure preventing humans from knowing full truth. This promise of future heaven allows people to accept drudgery and suffering of being held down by the evil structure in power. Yes, nature hands out some misfortune and people want heaven and a nice god handed to them for laziness etc. but this is largely because of the fairy tales they were sold. I dont mean there isnt value in the bible stories, far from it, but much of the manipulation by the church favoured a complacent populace so I feel the need to stand up for people in that sense.

The lies come from those in power. If there is an all seeing god who cares about their creation I dont understand how they could put all the blame on the little people for not figuring it out, for not being good enough, for not taking down the liars. Its like bullies in school... to a certain extent a little is healthy as it teaches kids to stand up for themselves but too much and the bully gets stronger and the other kids are traumatized sometimes with lifelong implications. So bullies need removed not pandered to. How much would a loving god torture their people under a system run by bullies... We were told the god is loving in sunday school so thats why many are waiting for salvation rather than fighting the bullies themselves.

Sorry off on a tangent here...

posted on Jun, 18 2023 @ 12:47 PM
Personally, I was a staunch atheist for many years. Then I got very SERIOUSLY ill and saw some inexplicable things that taught me what we see is not all there is.

I am now a Deist. I believe the proof of a higher power is in all that surrounds us.

I cannot endorse a specific religion. They have done too much damage to the world in the name of their individual causes, and some, frankly, don't even make sense. There's also been a lot of lying and hypocrisy.

posted on Jun, 18 2023 @ 12:53 PM
a reply to: igloo

I don't think it's a tangent.
Legitimate question. But to me the explanation is simply: it's a developing story.
The feudal system wasn't just oppression at some point it also offered protection. But things develop and grow the methods get tweaked in favor of power in time.
That's just how it is. And with every cycle of development we seem to advance even if the people during the 'revolution' feel like it's the end of days.
It's basically the same thinking as creationsts have: it popped out of nowhere and bamm humans organized in civilisation. That's proof of God to them.
You basically the opposite approach to the same line of argument: civilisation didn't popp out of heaven perfectly is proof God doesn't exist.
Both are wrong because too extreme to me.

posted on Jun, 18 2023 @ 12:59 PM
a reply to: QwertyMyself

I just feel like you're overdoing it with the preaching.
You have no answer yet, you know? None of us does.
How you tell the story is another moment where I interact with you and just wish you'd try to throw out less slogans and more personal observation.
You're not special you know? What happened to you is not unique and not new.
So chill a little.

posted on Jun, 18 2023 @ 01:02 PM
a reply to: Peeple

My bad.

It's still fresh to me, so I'm like a Lil kid who just got a new toy.

I never claimed to be special.

I'm fully aware my experience isn't anything new.

Won't stop me from using my right of self expression.

If you don't like it, just ignore it. Your choice.

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