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why Alex Jones is successful TLDR we hate facts and love feelings

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posted on Jun, 18 2023 @ 01:12 AM
TRUTH is just a narrative. It’s a speculative fiction with very few concrete examples to show for it. MATH being one of the few. ONE + ONE will always equal TWO, and that’s about as true as life gets, but, and inject the irony straight into your veins, we hate MATH. In school we never knew what we needed it for even though it is one of the few things that we know is TRUE.

If you look at what most people actually engage in, it’s not what is true, like math; it’s what we can argue about being true. Because what we actually want is to feel things and the idea of TRUTH is great at getting all the way up in our feelings. But why?

bc somewhere along the way we got duped into thinking truth matters more than it actually does. And don’t get it twisted, I’m not saying it doesn’t matter at all… if you want to build a rocket, then truth matters alot. But if you want to imagine what an alien looks like… then truth is bull#.

But there had to be a time when people didn’t care about TRUTH as much as they cared if they had food to eat and warm bodies to #. But then we realized the seasons were predictable, so we invented SKY MATH, we also realized if you take certain parts of plants and put them in the ground they would create more plants, and on the strength of these discoveries and /or inventions we started civilization and life became both easier and harder, but actually we just changed what was easy and hard about life.

BUT! Pandoras Box was opened. We had discovered and /or invented the idea of TRUTH. And ever since we have been prisoner to this oppressive taskmaster who demands total submission to its’ authority. It tells us the Devil is the Prince of LIES. But I tell you this, LIES can only harm you in direct proportion to how much you value TRUTH.

Doesn’t matter if it’s Capitalism, Communism, Christianity, or Democracy; we're told the value of these systems is based on how TRUE they are: Christianity only matters if God really died for your sins, Capitalism only matters if private ownership of capital really is the best economic system, Communism only matters if public ownership of capital really is the best economic system, and so on…

But is it possible that deep down we also hate TRUTH? Do we on some level recognize the strife and suffering we inflict on ourselves and each other in service to this unknowable faceless master we call TRUTH? I say YES. I say we long for the days when we cared not for owning the Libs with our raw powerful facts, and instead embrace the raw emotional release of squeezing a titty.

So, yes. I think we do hate TRUTH—to an extent. Unfortunately, we can’t admit we hate truth bc to express that would be to acknowledge a truth about ourselves that we hate truth. So we unconsciously remedy this paradox by creating and believing outright LIES so as to rebel against TRUTH. And we just bury this infinite regress of cognitive dissonance under 15 tons of bull#, so we look to the bull# artists as our saviors for they help us continue to pile on the # so we never have to acknowledge the fact this system built on the principle that only truth matters is #ing killing us.

And we hate it so much we want to destroy it from the inside out so we vote for the stupidest mother #er on the planet to become president so he can finally bring the whole house of cards down around him in the hopes we can finally get a break from the relentless drama of this stupid #ing society that demands we pretend to be right all the time, bc once it’s dead and buried we can once again know the simple pleasure of just… sucking on a titty.

Look. A lot of people like to say belief in conspiracy theories is appealing bc the idea of knowing something definite is preferable to not having any answer. So even if the quote-unquote “truth” is horrible, it’s better to believe that than not have any answers. But I think that’s stupid. And I think the reason people believe in incoherent conspiracy theories is actually way more pathological than the idea that ‘any answer, even a terrible one, is better than no answer.’

Bc here's the thing about ppl. We're weirdos. We're not inherently smart or stupid, good or evil, we are, however, inherently weird. We're the only animals on this #ing planet that do aaall this. Compared to every other living creature we are utterly abnormal! And I don’t need to tell you that. You already know that people are thinly veiled agents of chaos who need constant drama to feel alive.

And that’s why we hate truth, bc we are keenly aware we cannot experience reality directly. We can only experience REALITY via a chaotic hallucination produced by the 3-pound hunk of wet pink plastic in our skull. That’s what we ultimately learned when we invented science and everything it told us about reality was counterintuitive. We hate truth bc it is an affront to our very experience! So we remedy this existential crisis by creating and believing in LIES so as to rebel against TRUTH.

But this is just an extreme version of what we already do. It has always been true that the absence of an objective experience compels us to invent stories to fill in the gaps of our ignorance. And bc we know not what we do, like fish, we are swimming in a reality without realizing it is… our own imagination.

The ultimate truth that is relevant to our lives is that we invented these narrative realities and they can become just as real to us as the laws of physics. now the goal is not to remove narratives from our lives–that's impossible–but create a story that does not pretend to be reality yet is still capable of creating harmony between people.

Culture can only reach its full potential when we embrace the ultimate truth that what we thought was reality are stories we made up because we can't experience reality objectively. Because with this ultimate truth comes ultimate freedom--the freedom to make up any story we want unmoored by the pretensions of science. Our actions are still guided by empathy, but our culture can be guided by the limitless potential of imagination.

posted on Jun, 18 2023 @ 02:19 AM
Truth is the Devil, Satan, Mephistopheles, Beelzebub, Moloch, Bhall or whatever name it is is reining sin across the world, right now in fact. It's changing the rules and turning society upside down with it's ghastly and never ending agility and ability to degenerate the world into debauchery, lust, greed and incompetence. World leaders become fools as the cities and farms go bankrupt with corruption ushering in a new ungodly miserable way of life. Evil wins this way, stop it by rebuking it and follow GOD.

posted on Jun, 18 2023 @ 05:51 AM
a reply to: ERISunveiled

Truth is you can’t handle the truth.

What people believe in and what is true isn’t necessarily the same. But we need to believe in each other for society to function. That faith is being eroded by the looks of things. That’s what happens when to many people practice deception.
edit on 18-6-2023 by surfer_soul because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2023 @ 06:25 AM
Math isn't truth, it's a mental construct, something imagined in the mind of human beings. Numbers have no objective existence, it's an idea. You can't show me numbers, just symbols or you can try to explain it as an abstract concept, but it's all in your head.

The number zero is a great example. Can you hold up nothing and show me the absence of everything? You can't do it. Science tells us the there is always something, even if it's just the observer, even empty space is something. Zero is nothing, show me nothing, it's impossible. Abstract concepts are not real, merely imagined in the mind of man.

Don't worry about truth either, no one wants to hear or know the truth. All we have are delusions and lies to manipulate ourselves and other people. It's beyond the capacity of humans to understand truth and knowing truth won't help us survive, so we really don't need to know what the truth is. All we need is our greedy and violent instincts to get by, no truth is necessary IMO.

posted on Jun, 18 2023 @ 06:46 AM
a reply to: MichiganSwampBuck

Math describes the fundamental laws of physics, we didn’t invent it, we discovered it.

Zero isn’t a number, it’s a concept to describe an absence of a thing, that is all.

All we need is our greedy and violent instincts to get by, no truth is necessary IMO.

Have you ever thought about getting into politics? You’d fit right in. Seriously act like that around your family and friends and see how many you have left. Thankfully we are capable of kindness and love to balance out all this hate and narcissism.

posted on Jun, 18 2023 @ 07:15 AM

originally posted by: surfer_soul
a reply to: MichiganSwampBuck

Math describes the fundamental laws of physics, we didn’t invent it, we discovered it.

Zero isn’t a number, it’s a concept to describe an absence of a thing, that is all.

All we need is our greedy and violent instincts to get by, no truth is necessary IMO.

Have you ever thought about getting into politics? You’d fit right in. Seriously act like that around your family and friends and see how many you have left. Thankfully we are capable of kindness and love to balance out all this hate and narcissism.

You misunderstand me, math is handy, esp. in commerce (why it was invented in the first place). But it isn't truth and I was just trying to support the OP of the thread by pointing that out. As for instinct and greed, that's something I acknowledge and am merely pointing out. I am actually a kind and understanding person that has respect for other people. I will listen, not interrupt, and give a neutral response if possible when conversing with others.

Math is a concept, not truth, it is handy as a tool and works well for how we use it. I image many have a similar problem with other abstract concepts like the idea of "extra dimensions" that is merely a coordinate system used to describe something that actually exists in real space/time.

IMO truth is independent of the human mind and exists without our presence. When a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound? It makes a sound, but with out a being present to experience the sound, it makes no noise. I hope people can understand what I'm trying to express and not paint me as some psycho like our current batch of politicians.
edit on 18-6-2023 by MichiganSwampBuck because: For Clarity

posted on Jun, 18 2023 @ 07:40 AM
a reply to: MichiganSwampBuck

Math isn’t an abstract concept, although it can be, it is a broad and diverse field of study. Equations and calculations are self evident truths in that we can apply them to reality and if they are wrong they fail in reality.

Perhaps it is truth which is the abstract concept? But when we say something is scientifically true we can prove it with math and real world experiments and thus establish the facts. Where as “scientism” is the claim that something is scientifically factual without the evidence to back it up.

As to the OP saying basically we are affected more by feels than facts, I don’t disagree. This is why we shouldn’t be ruled by our emotions.

posted on Jun, 18 2023 @ 07:46 AM

originally posted by: surfer_soul
a reply to: MichiganSwampBuck

Math isn’t an abstract concept . . .

I disagree with that statement. The day you can show me a mathematical equation and not some marks on a board or pixels on a computer screen or someone's fingers and toes, etc., then I'll agree with that statement. Math has no objective reality, it's all in your head, but like I said earlier, it's a handy tool.

Now, perhaps math describes a truth, but like language it is flawed and in of itself it is only an abstract concept.
edit on 18-6-2023 by MichiganSwampBuck because: For Clarity

posted on Jun, 18 2023 @ 07:59 AM
a reply to: ERISunveiled

Bravo! *bows and standing ovations

That was awesome

posted on Jun, 18 2023 @ 08:06 AM
a reply to: MichiganSwampBuck

Math isn't truth, it's a mental construct, something imagined in the mind of human beings

It's so much more than that. Numbers are more or less mental constructs but more the question of what number system you adopt.
Like we with our decimal system but our circle degree thingy is a remnant of ancient civilisations who counted in 60s.
Advanced maths, where the fun starts, is basically geometry. And everything can be described with it. Because it just is how stuff is.
What we do with it in physics and economy and engineering isn't just made up # that collapses when put to the test. It works.
Most of the

posted on Jun, 18 2023 @ 08:18 AM

originally posted by: Peeple
a reply to: MichiganSwampBuck

Math isn't truth, it's a mental construct, something imagined in the mind of human beings

It's so much more than that. Numbers are more or less mental constructs but more the question of what number system you adopt.
Like we with our decimal system but our circle degree thingy is a remnant of ancient civilisations who counted in 60s.
Advanced maths, where the fun starts, is basically geometry. And everything can be described with it. Because it just is how stuff is.
What we do with it in physics and economy and engineering isn't just made up # that collapses when put to the test. It works.
Most of the

Like our sensory perception, it isn't what is really out there, but it works well when we navigate reality and natural selection supported this, allowing us to survive. Math, like I stated earlier, is handy and may be better at describing reality than other systems, but like everything else, what you experience is ultimately all in your head.

When I see those robins running around on my lawn looking for worms, I call them robins but I could call them roses (Shakespeare), in either case, what I see on my lawn isn't a name or label, it is something other and only real to me when I see it. It doesn't even exist until I see it, wait that only applies to cats (Schrodinger).
edit on 18-6-2023 by MichiganSwampBuck because: For Clarity

posted on Jun, 18 2023 @ 08:28 AM
a reply to: MichiganSwampBuck

I don't know why anybody would think a symbol is anything other than a mental representation of what actually is?
But as is topic of this thread, nothing ever is on its own. The second you look at something seperated from what it is supposed to interact with it loses half of its inherent 'nature'.*
Everything that is in real reality is only how it connects to everything else.

*also 'in a vacuum' or 'interval of t = 0'
That's when you already stop looking at it. Maths is just the obedient servant describing it. Like every tool the user is the decisive factor how 'good' (closely approaching reality) it is.

edit on 18-6-2023 by Peeple because: add

posted on Jun, 18 2023 @ 08:38 AM
a reply to: ERISunveiled

The observable and imagined events and emotional realizations we are exposed to throughout our lives aren't in themselves truth or lies, in of themselves they are just personal experiences and what others may deem as truth or lies. We then decide which ones to adopt or believe this then becomes our objective reality even though in reality it is one's subjective truths or beliefs. Then they are cemented in place, usually, by most people but not by all people.

Why did we choose certain subjective truths and lies over others? Indoctrination by our parents and society would be the two big ones - we have a natural human desire to belong, so we follow suit, so conformity to that particular family group or societal group.

Now we know why there are those people 'out there' that are pushing for self-awareness, to challenge your programming, to challenge societal programming, to 'wake up', to sift through our baggage/garbage cemented mindsets and at the very least just be open to something that goes against your programming. As conspiracy theorists we are half way there, the next step is to challenge ourselves.
edit on q00000011630America/Chicago1818America/Chicago6 by quintessentone because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2023 @ 08:42 AM
Time for a musical approach about reality.

Joni Mitchell - Both Sides Now

It's all in how you feel isn't it?

posted on Jun, 18 2023 @ 08:43 AM
a reply to: quintessentone

Why did we choose certain subjective truths and lies over others?

Because we're indoctrinated with bias that creates a feedback loop

I mean like for generations. Bias build up for thousands of years. It's hard to break out of it

edit on 18-6-2023 by Peeple because: add

posted on Jun, 18 2023 @ 09:12 AM

originally posted by: MichiganSwampBuck
Time for a musical approach about reality.

Joni Mitchell - Both Sides Now

It's all in how you feel isn't it?

We really don't know clouds at all. And as for math as an idea, it fits because the physics we have now can't mathematically explain quantum mechanics, so we need new math or new ideas to explain observable or imagined realities.
edit on q00000014630America/Chicago5858America/Chicago6 by quintessentone because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2023 @ 10:15 AM
a reply to: ERISunveiled

why Alex Jones is successful TLDR we hate facts and love feelings

I don't know about any of that...But from this thread, I found out that Reddit and ATS has some strange connections. And thus, I guess you proved you point....more or less. Truth don't matter, eh?

edit on 18-6-2023 by olaru12 because: syntax

posted on Jun, 18 2023 @ 02:57 PM
a reply to: ERISunveiled

Hello poster with Masonic™ and Crescent™ Symbology™ as an avatar.

Agreed that it is us silly hairless apes that invented the concept of " Truth ".

But that seems to be contrary to the declaration that there are Mathematical and Scientific Truths, no ?

To resolve this : it is proposed that we classify Mathematical and Scientific truths as contextual, and not large enough truths to get a capital " T ".

posted on Jun, 18 2023 @ 03:24 PM
a reply to: MichiganSwampBuck

Math has no objective reality, it's all in your head,

Are you aware of the Fibonacci sequence? It can be found in a great many things, from a snail shell, the proportions of the human body, to a spiral galaxy.
fractals can be found in nature too. Math isn’t just in the stuff we do, it’s everywhere in nature, DNA is a code or type of program and that’s also maths.

posted on Jun, 18 2023 @ 04:37 PM
a reply to: ERISunveiled

Pretty well written

May I offer a TLDR?

There are two versions of truth.

There is the colloquial and long held standard of facts leading to truth.

Conversely and contemporary is the truth that is in search of fact.

Both get weight and measure in subjectivity. Religion and spiritual belief is clear demonstration of this.

I think where ultimate truth as you describe gets bogged down is when the human condition is brought into the equation. Be it fear of being wrong, financial impact or the worst, govt power.

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