posted on Jun, 14 2023 @ 05:35 PM
If you have faith in God, great!
If you Love Jesus with all your heart, wonderful!
It would be Good for you.
Your Shepherd comes.
But for all of you who struggle to believe, or simply refuse to accept this, then so be it.
Come what may, it is your choice.
Sin all you please, it is our gift.
Eat of the flesh, enjoy perversions of all sort, speak profanity, strike your fellow kin if you deem it just, live as you please.
But choose Love.
Open your heart and choose to love, if only One.
You are free to express yourself as you wish, so long as your expression doesn't trample another's freedom.
Value freedom above all else.
If we live by these rules, I believe in time we may come to a world unification.
For those who reject even Love, beware.
The Day comes when you may get your wish.
Know your days here are counted.
The Earth chose Love.
Light reigns here.