posted on Jun, 16 2023 @ 11:23 AM
a reply to:
How can the database engine know how many records exist with a specific, arbitrary condition without reading that field in all records, either from
the table itself or from an index?
The DB engine will always have to perfrom some work. The difference is how much work. The engine (under conditions, usually with a proper schema and
optimized indexes) doesn't neccesarily have to look at every record for a field.
Example: To get a count of number of records in a table, you dont need to look at every record, assuming you've properly added a pk to the table (you
should) and that pk is AI (it mostly always should be) and your "deletes" are "soft" deletes, the engine can just simply return the value of max(pk)
without ever looking at anything else in the table.
As far as how this works, the pk is an index, the engine (for mysql) stores indexes as a btree. You dont need to traverse the entire tree due to some
implicit assumptions (the left leaf of the node is always lower than the right leaf, for example).
Given proper optimizations, the engine is very good at 'knowing' what can be ignored when it can be, of course its not magic.
edit on 16-6-2023 by ASrubWhoDiedAgain because: (no reason given)