posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 12:11 AM
being a hippie is not something you technically decide to do.. its just who you are.. how you live your life and view everything..
i consider a hippie being someone who loves nature, loves the people around them for who they are, and feels connected with their mind and spirit and
all the other energy of life around them..
people think hippies are people who might do a lot of psychedelics or whatever but that is not it.. many hippies might do it because it is something
that can get you connected with the spirit world or your spiritual self but many people use it for the wrong reasons.. not just psychedelics, but
also other drugs such as marijuana, which also can get your connected with your spiritual self or opens your mind to the reality of the world that is
around us.
So when people say they dont like hippies.. your probably not talking about the real hippies out there.. or your just a big judgemental person that
doesnt like people who are down to earth and are loving people..
I would consider myself a hippie but i am not a person who wares crazy colors or showers once a week.. im a regular person who goes to school, played
football and is just a regular guy.
I say we need more hippies these days. its important getting to know your spiritual self and seeing the reality of things!.
Dont be talkin smack about hippies.. Because hippies are important for our world.