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Chinese People Defy Godless Government, Seek Spiritual Guidance

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posted on Jun, 10 2023 @ 07:58 AM

Disillusioned by the deteriorating economic outlook, young people are flooding to Buddhist and Taoist temples to pray for divine intervention in securing jobs, getting into good schools or becoming rich overnight.

Economic uncertainty has driven temple visits and tourism to new heights, according to analysts and travel websites.

ha ha ha ha ha ha take that you Godless Marxist fools. after decades of indoctrination the Chinese people are following their own path and consulting their gods.
I'm thrilled that this is happening.

meanwhile the Christian church in China, despite years of oppression, is alive and well

Over the past four decades, Christianity has grown faster in China than anywhere else in the world. Daryl Ireland, a Boston University School of Theology research assistant professor of mission, estimates that the Christian community there has grown from 1 million to 100 million.

human beings are spiritual creatures, and it is unnatural and evil for governments to try to deny us churches, religions and other spiritual outlets.

very happy the Chinese people are shrugging off their government's disapproval and seeking their own paths.

posted on Jun, 10 2023 @ 09:08 AM
No matter how hard socialist communists try to stomp out faith and spirituality, it lives.

We are spiritual beings which can be seen from the earliest civilizations where every single one had a deity or worshiped the sun, or spirit guides, or ancestors, or animal spirits, etc.

Government can try to stomp out spirituality. Like the US is doing when it tried to close a Catholic Hospital for having a perpetual candle burning in a protected glass enclosure. Like trying to shut down religious organizations for not supporting abortion. Like in the US, not allowing churches to meet during COVID, even if they did it drive in style and sat 6 feet apart and wore masks. Like in China where people are arrested and jailed for worshiping anyone other than Xi and what he thinks. Like in the UK where people are arrested for standing silently, bothering no one and praying silently.

Spirituality is a threat to government and a threat to power hungry politicians. It gives guidance and hope to people. Politicians want to be the only source of guidance and hope for people to keep and maintain their power.

That is why so many political leftists and governments today are quite open about hating religion and religious people. They want their idea of morality to be the ONLY allowable version of morality. They want to make all the rules so they can change them when they want to and so play God or be God. Like the liberals of today in the US who are constantly pushing the boundaries of what is moral and demanding everyone agree with them - or else.

The past few days, I have about given up on the US as a moral nation and have about decided that the liberals have won and there is no morality other than what they insist is moral to day, that was immoral yesterday. In 16 states it is ok, and it is legal to allow a baby who lived through an abortion to be set aside to die. Alaska, Colorado, Connecticut, Oregon, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Kentucky, Maryland, New Mexico, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Utah, Vermont, and West Virginia. We are told by liberals that this is moral and we should not disagree with it or we are immoral and evil people. This is what happens when people decide they are God.

If you think people are not spiritual beings, I challenge you to read the exceptional NDERF stories.

If you think people are not spiritual beings, I challenge you to look at the latest research which challenges what scientists have to say, that we are not spiritual beings. I challenge you to watch the channel "The Other Side NDE" .

I know that highly political liberal leftists will ridicule me because they want government to be God. Political leftists (socialists/communists) don't want people to even consider that mankind is not it's own God. Political leftists want people to declare that there is no God, no spirit, no soul, and nothing and no one is more important and more wise and more all knowing than government and leftist politicians Political leftists demand people look to politicians and government for guidance and to tell them what is right and what is wrong, what is moral and what is immoral.

But no matter how hard those that think Government should control and rule everyone's lives because only government is all wise, all knowing, all compassionate, and does only what is best for society at large,
people know in their hearts that when it comes to government and politicians,
power corrupts and corrupts absolutely.

Humans also know that government doesn't care about at all them as an individual, their pain, their anxieties, their personal issues, they only care about individuals as part of the collective society and how you affect society at large. Especially socialist and communist governments and political leftists. This leaves individuals feeling as they are treated, worthless and unimportant as an individual person. So people turn to what is and always has been a spark within them, that they can reach out to as actually caring about them, their personal issues and their pain - spirituality.

Humans have an inborn instinct for the divine and no matter how hard political leftists, socialists and communists try to beat it out of people, they can't.

edit on 6/10/23 by The2Billies because: format

posted on Jun, 10 2023 @ 09:30 AM
I'm Taoist and can tell you we don't pray to anything. Everything I have and have achieved in life has been because of my own volition not some higher power. Nature is our temple and trees are our cathedrals. This article is just more anti-China trash to manufacture people's consent for sanctions and war with China.

"China is godless country!"

Over the past four decades, Christianity has grown faster in China than anywhere else in the world.

This is happening with the CCPs approval. Chinese law actually has more protected classes than American law.

Sure China is far from perfect, or even good but Americans and American media needs to take a deep look in the mirror before they start accusing and criticizing China of things we do on a much grander scale...

Name one nation that is currently involved in 7 different conflicts around the globe?

While America has been blowing up the Middle East for the last 20 years China and Russia have been helping build roads and railroads in developing nations like Africa in preparation for a new global economy that doesn't involve America or the petro dollar...

If we go to war with our #1 global trade partner during an economic downturn it would create suffering in this country that hasn't seen in a hundred years. We need to figuring out ways to peacefully coexist on this planet with these other nations before it's to late...

posted on Jun, 10 2023 @ 10:00 AM
So this is what really gets you going in the morning?

posted on Jun, 10 2023 @ 10:20 AM
a reply to: JAY1980

This is happening with the CCPs approval. Chinese law actually has more protected classes than American law.

It often gets overlooked.

I just try and show people the Uyghurs, they’re so protected right now they often get a Han government official to live in their houses with them… Well, that’s assuming they’re not already in one of the reeducation camps.

I too am stoked for them to be part of the new Axis. Once America loses the top dog roll, the true freedom loving alliance of China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran can finally start projecting some real values.

I heard if you live in China and want to share your opinion about tiananmen square, there are some emojis that aren’t banned yet, which is generous of their government.

posted on Jun, 10 2023 @ 11:24 AM
a reply to: ElGoobero

Sounds to me like China just found a new use for those ghost cities they built. Now they just need to build ghost fences around the cities and they have new concentration camps... errr internment camps, err sorry, education centers.

posted on Jun, 10 2023 @ 11:39 AM

originally posted by:

That is why so many political leftists and governments today are quite open about hating religion and religious people. They want their idea of morality to be the ONLY allowable version of morality. They want to make all the rules so they can change them when they want to and so play God or be God. Like the liberals of today in the US who are constantly pushing the boundaries of what is moral and demanding everyone agree with them - or else.
I know that highly political liberal leftists will ridicule me because they want government to be God. Political leftists (socialists/communists) don't want people to even consider that mankind is not it's own God. Political leftists want people to declare that there is no God, no spirit, no soul, and nothing and no one is more important and more wise and more all knowing than government and leftist politicians Political leftists demand people look to politicians and government for guidance and to tell them what is right and what is wrong, what is moral and what is immoral.

in the last few decades we've seen a whole new political philosophy arrive. I call it Progressive Statism, and it is anti-Christian at its core.
some consider this an extension of Marxism. maybe it is. all power to the state, none to the people, government controls commerce and industry, no religion.
I don't think there are many traditional 'liberals' any more in the USA. most of them are probably in the Republican party.

posted on Jun, 10 2023 @ 12:50 PM

originally posted by: ElGoobero
I don't think there are many traditional 'liberals' any more in the USA. most of them are probably in the Republican party.

If that is true, where are they?

2016 was a really high voter registration year for the US. For the first time we hit 200 million registered voters. Out of that 29% were Republicans, or 58 million registered republican voters.

As of today, that number is 38.8 million registered republicans.

Where is the other 20 million?

If liberals are switching parties and adding to the GOP numbers, then how many former GOP are leaving? Enough to create a 20 million person deficit?

posted on Jun, 11 2023 @ 08:29 AM

originally posted by: Mahogany

originally posted by: ElGoobero
I don't think there are many traditional 'liberals' any more in the USA. most of them are probably in the Republican party.

If liberals are switching parties and adding to the GOP numbers, then how many former GOP are leaving? Enough to create a 20 million person deficit?

The media and public schools have done their job and done it well.

Convincing people that as the liberal leftists believe, Government is the savior of mankind.
That there is no such thing as a spirit and soul, and life on earth is all there is.
That only liberal politicians know what is best for everyone,
and are so wise they know and should dictate how everyone should think, speak, and believe.
They have done this so well that acceptance of doxing, social media destruction and personal destruction of people for "wrong think or wrong speak" is applauded by political liberal leftists as necessary and good.

CNN, MSNBC, NBC, NY Times, public schools, etc. have done such a fabulous job that Democrats think a senile,
barely able to walk without falling,
has to be shepherded by aides as to where to walk,
has to have detailed lists of what reporters to call on,
has to have detailed lists of questions he'll be asked and the answers,
that they think Joe Biden is the absolute best President and most qualified person in the nation to be it's leader.
And refuse to even consider that Jo Bi Dun isn't the President but the puppet of far leftist liberals no one voted for.

Yep that is what has resulted since the media convinced everyone that the liberal left knows best
how everyone should live,
what they should and should not own (no gas powered stoves, furnaces, lawn tools, cars),
that everyone should applaud full term abortion with a healthy "birthing person" aborting a full term healthy "lump of parasitic tissue",
that setting aside a "lump of tissue" that survives abortion to die alone on a cold hard surface is a good and moral thing to do,
where liberals encourage companies and colleges to give fewer jobs and opportunities to people with the wrong skin color (too little melanin), or the wrong ethnicity (far east Asian) because they are too privileged and getting too far in life,
that there is no God, Christianity, "old" religions and traditional morals are evil, and believing in a deity or afterlife is foolish.

So you are right as liberalism increases in the US
as the left moves farther and farther left from socialism to communism
to Chinese style communism

The style of communism
where abortion can be made mandatory if dictated by politicians,
where people with the "wrong religion or race" can be rounded up, genocided and/or forceably "reeducated",
where believing in a soul/spirit and belonging to a group that "believes" can get you arrested and jailed.

Yep thanks to political liberal leftists,
this will soon,
very soon
be the US,
because the leftist political spectrum
ENDS UP in Chinese style communism.

edit on 6/11/23 by The2Billies because: grammar

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