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Most UAPs are piloted by humans - some are piloted by members of a parallel civilisation

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posted on Jun, 10 2023 @ 07:25 AM
a reply to: LittleJake

Agree with all you wrote. So why was this ever written? Must be because he created others unlike humans 1st?

Genesis 1:27 So God created man in His own image

Bible Hub › genesis
And God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them. ... And God creates the man in His image; in the image ...

posted on Jun, 10 2023 @ 07:35 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Disagree on flat earth but agree with all other points you wrote. When I saw my 1st UFO in May 2018 I began my deep dive. I also believe Dr. Greer and that there are good and bad ET's.

One guy I reached out to back then via email was this guy; Indian In The Machine who pushes the Ashtar Command lightships, etc. Based on what I have seen I cant blow him off as crazy. I also have a strong belief in God since 2018 as UFO sighting were accelerating along with Sleep Paralysis episode's and visitations by the "Hoodie" aka Guardian of The Threshold.

To date June 10, 2023 The Hoodie has never returned. UFO sightings have gone down by 95%. Sleep Paralysis episodes basically stopped. My last was January 30, 2022.

Christmas week 2018 I began to pray to God. I would like to have "science" explain as to how the SP basically stopped as I had SP since the age of 7 and had 1000's of visitations by the Hoodie?
edit on 04 13 2023 by Waterglass because: add

posted on Jun, 10 2023 @ 07:15 PM

originally posted by: LittleJake
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Thought of this scenario just a few nights ago.

How old is this planet we inhabit?
The age of Earth is estimated to be 4.54 ± 0.05 billion years.

How many extinction events have occurred in the past?
There have been five mass extinction events in Earth's history. At least, since 500 million years ago;

And now, there are conspiracy theories suggesting underground chambers capable of harboring alien species we supposedly know little or nothing about.

What I'm getting at here is, what if all the UAP, or other unexplained sightings being reported is not from another far off distant planet, but rather a far advanced civilization that thrived before one of these extinction events and forced underground because of it? Is it possible we may have an alien species living, literally, under our feet?

A species just as common to earth as humanity is, but predates us by thousands, maybe even millions of years?

Have you been watching that show Silo?

posted on Jun, 11 2023 @ 12:05 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

The deductive reasoning explaining why I think you are right:

1. The term "Unidentified Aerial Phenomena" was recently and subtly changed to "Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena". This is because they know they are primarily based in the seas.
2. Occam's Razor says the simplest explanation is most likely right. Overcoming physics lightspeed/time issues to fly across the galaxy is not the simplest. A civilisation under the seas is.
3. Endless videos of them going into the water.
4. NASA presentation in Middle East last week had a video of a sphere (foo fighter, orb) flying across the desert. After that, was a picture of a world map highlighting the areas where these things are sighted the most. There were three locations: Off Virginia, in the East China Sea and over Iraq. I couldn't explain Iraq, but the other two places are critical HQ areas for US and Chinese navies - so these things are very interested in our naval forces.

posted on Jun, 11 2023 @ 04:09 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Most UAPs are piloted by humans - some are piloted by members of a parallel civilisation

Most UAP's are drones. They are probably extraterrestrial, but until the public gets to examine one, speculation will be all there is.

posted on Jun, 11 2023 @ 08:33 AM
a reply to: Mahogany
You are funny. But I agree with no dome. I am seeing some beautiful pictures from the space craft traveling through space as we speak. Love the Saturn rings

posted on Jun, 11 2023 @ 06:18 PM
a reply to: Spacespider

It certainly sounds like a paradox, but please be aware that I definitely do not share any of Greer's kooky NAN ('New Age Nonsense') beliefs. I have certain beliefs about the incident he was talking about in the example you shared, which he divulges as the very final point in his presentation, that being the Rendlesham Incident in December of 1980, here in the UK. I tend to keep my beliefs regarding that incident to myself, as they are most definitely 'uncommon', and unlikely to be agreed upon by anyone else.

That said, I think that apart from Greer's minor moments of NAN, the documentary stands up well in its own rights, as Greer tends to keep most of the kooky stuff to himself - despite a couple of minor 'space brothers' homilies, a mere sentence here & there, midway through the presentation.

The information on the suppressed science/ technology is compelling & forthright, it stands up to rigorous enquiry, and I believe it really does offer the hope of a better future for us all, if we can get past the hurdles which are in the way of presenting open-sourced over-unity devices & electrogravitics propulsion technology.

In this quest for the open sourcing of these technologies, we may have a solution that will instantly disarm the worst elements of the World Economic Forum & BlackRock, Vanguard, Pfizer, the UN - the lot of them.

If we could provide strong & unassailable scientific evidence of over-unity & electrogravitics technologies, with the blueprints online for all the world to see, in all their open-sourced glory, then we might very well have the touchstone that sparks a revolution. Imagine the worldwide protests against the petrodollar, the corporate poverty/debt/scarcity trap, if there was clear evidence of these technologies, ready to be built straight off the bat. If the open-sourced evidence went viral, the protests would explode, people would just start building them, using them, promoting & sharing them, and the world would begin to change. It likely wouldn't be peaceful, at first - but it's at least a possibility - which is more hope than I've had in the past three years combined, with the scamdemic, the economic destruction & the faux warfare we've been indoctrinated with, as the elite try to curb our numbers & destroy our livelihoods, our homes & family life.

It may very well be time to 'rise up' as one movement - and these technologies provide the key, of that I am entirely convinced.



PS - The inclusion of experts such as Dr Paul LaViolette in the documentary gives it a fully authentic stamp of approval - he's a systems theorist with an exceptional grasp of the suppressed technologies, he has also been involved in inventing & developing such technologies of his own, and he is adhering to the open source strategy.

posted on Jun, 11 2023 @ 06:20 PM
a reply to: billxam

As with Greer's NAN moments tainting the documentary slightly, I think most of what I had to say would stand under inquiry, but I fully accept that for most people, a belief in flat earth has to be put aside as an unthinkable.

Thanks for being honest & for sticking with the rest of the information despite your understandable decision to consider flat earth as no part of the big picture.

posted on Jun, 11 2023 @ 06:26 PM
a reply to: SoulFarm

I would again say that with THIS DOCUMENTARY IN PARTICULAR, disregarding all other work he has done before, he actually managed to put together a compelling case for the need to open source the suppressed free energy & electrogravitcs technologies.

We can literally ignore everything else kooky that he ever said, and simply allow the case made in this documentary to stand on its respective merits. I agree Greer is otherwise not credible, but the people he enlisted for this documentary ARE CREDIBLE, and we should therefore listen to the narrative being put forward - it really does offer totally rational hope for the future. He even admits upfront at the very beginning that most UFOs could conceivably be piloted by technologists working for Lockheed SkunkWorks. IE the pilots & creators of the craft are all HUMAN.

His comments about aliens in this video more or less amount to a handful of sentences that don't affect the overall narrative being put forward for consideration (that being, that we need to convince the inventors to open source their technology, as a gift to the world, rather than try to profit - because if you try to profit, the big corporate powers will shut you down, one way or another, they are expert at doing so, having done so repeatedly over the past hundred years...)

posted on Jun, 11 2023 @ 06:26 PM
a reply to: chris_stibrany

No mate, that wasn't me. I have an open mind regarding the nature of the Heavens above.

posted on Jun, 11 2023 @ 06:28 PM
a reply to: LittleJake

Yes, that is almost literally what I meant when describing the strands of my theory. Thanks for contributing/ offering a supportive opinion!

posted on Jun, 11 2023 @ 06:30 PM
a reply to: Topcraft

One can speculate about unknowns, and use science to promote scientific realities which are known. It's quite a simple concept really. Humans are fallible & don't know everything, so speculation is okay if you're trying to construct a theory. That's exactly how all science starts, anyway. Speculate on a hypothesis, then try to disprove the hypothesis. Using a combination of known scientific information & speculative opinion when contemplating a great mystery, when promoting a rational solution to the problems of the world, is perfectly reasonable when considered in that light.

posted on Jun, 11 2023 @ 06:34 PM
a reply to: DerekJR321

It's okay. Some people say things that dent their credibility in everyday life all the time, such as: "I'm a Yankees fan". It doesn't mean that everything else they say & do is tainted - take each strand of the hypothesis on its own merits. It's not dependent on the reality of a flat earth, I just like to be honest about my beliefs when I'm ruminating on the mysteries.

posted on Jun, 11 2023 @ 06:44 PM
a reply to: Waterglass

The 'Hoodie' is a demonic entity which surfs the liminal threshold of your sleep paralysed consciousness. They are subject to the authority of Christ. If you are praying sincerely to God then you likely come under the grace of God, and these incidents ceased because God ordained that they should cease.

I had severe sleep paralysis 'hallucinations' when I was young. One time involved a literal succubus demon (a female). It passed a gel composite 'something' into my mouth during a kiss, which then proceeded to wriggle down my throat into my stomach. For the next 24 hours I experienced severe stabbing & tearing pain in my abdomen as this 'something' moved from my stomach into the abdominal cavity, sealing up the wound as it traversed the lining of my stomach.

This 'something' then began to wriggle around violently at random over the next fifteen years, causing stabbing pains & making my abdomen move as though I were a pregnant female, literally feeling the thing pushing outwards from my abdominal cavity. During the years afterward I would experience sleep paralysis incidents in which the 'something' would wriggle violently & unceasingly for long periods of time. I am convinced it was what is known in scripture as a 'thorn in the side' (as described by Paul the Apostle) - "a messenger from Satan sent to torment me". For many years I bemoaned the state of this situation & prayed repeatedly for it to be removed. Ultimately God's answer was the same one He gave to St Paul: "My grace is sufficient". Eventually the activity died down & it has seemed to have been totally stopped over the past eight years or so.

The interesting thing is that this 'implantation' occurred just months after I watched 'the Matrix' for the first time in the cinema. The scene where Neo is implanted with the biomechanical 'critter/worm' therefore seemed to hold special relevance for me after the event.

I know many will totally disbelieve my story, but I swear before God it is entirely true.

posted on Jun, 11 2023 @ 06:47 PM
a reply to: RadioSparky

NASA has a very high CGI budget, that's for sure.

posted on Jun, 11 2023 @ 10:51 PM

originally posted by: LittleJake
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Is it possible we may have an alien species living, literally, under our feet?

A species just as common to earth as humanity is, but predates us by thousands, maybe even millions of years?

Maybe that's what Bigelow meant when he said aliens are "right under people's noses."
edit on 11-6-2023 by Schmoe1223 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2023 @ 03:09 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

The 'Hoodie' is a demonic entity which surfs the liminal threshold of your sleep paralysed consciousness. They are subject to the authority of Christ. If you are praying sincerely to God then you likely come under the grace of God, and these incidents ceased because God ordained that they should cease.

What I have written is true. I used another ATS Thread to document what I went though back in 2018-2019 and printed out a hard copy in case stuff disappeared. SLED735 authored the Thread. Hoodie was last seen during Christmas week of 2018. SP episodes since then are less than a dozen. Last one was January 30, 2022.

Father Robert Morey of the Catholic Diocese of Charleston agrees with your spiritual take and that the hoodie is evil. He said that said demon appears as I was under Spiritual attack since the age of 7. He is also a Vatican trained Exorcist.

Based on what I have gone through I believe your story. I interviewed with Dr. Sheila Pryce Brooks of York University by Zoom call late Fall 2022. She also has Sleep Paralysis. She has never been visited by the Hoodie but anther demon who grabs her arm and swings her around the room. She described it but my mind has blocked it out. I recall it wasn't human.

You can email her and she will contact you. No cost but just a exchange of rich useful information.

Dr. Sheila Pryce Brooks
edit on 04 13 2023 by Waterglass because: add

posted on Jun, 14 2023 @ 11:21 AM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment

I was thinking on the nature of UAPs & their occupants, also linking the Missing 401 mystery, and the possibility of an ancient breakway culture that has embedded itself in our world, living secretly alongside us, taking advantage of zero point energy to run a paradisical civilisation perhaps located under the waves of our oceans, avoiding detection thereby.

This thread: What if aliens are like us? touched in a very brief comment on the mystery I've been ruminating on, but I felt a broader conversation might be worthwhile, hence this thread.

We all should know that the UAPs which evade our military in the skies above, are perfectly capable of 'flying' in the waters of our oceans as well, and the way in which many USOs have been observed to enter or exit the ocean deep by our own military or civilian crews aboard ships & along the shoreline, should point us to the validity of the theory I'm proposing.

I'm one of those crazy flat earthers, who firmly believes that the world we occupy is an enclosed system - I know nothing about what lies beyond, only that the skies we witness - the stars & planets beyond - are likely a sort of holographic projection within the semi-solid dome of the firmament above. We can gauge real astronomical observations including distance, chemical composition, spectra of light & so forth, but we could never actually penetrate the firmament itself to journey to the many worlds which seem to lie beyond our own biosphere.

This is another reason I'm convinced that our 'alien brothers' are most likely hidden here, somewhere in our world, likely beneath the seas - because this world is presently a closed system. One day that might change, and we will have access to the stars, or whatever may lie beyond. But for the moment, the world is on a sort of lockdown - almost as if some rebellious & extremely powerful sub-deity were to be cast down into a world from which he is no longer permitted to travel, where he must be held until the destiny of this world is complete, when everything about this illusory landscape is rolled up like a scroll & consumed by fire, so that a new Earth & a new Heaven can be created/unveiled. The rebellious sub-deity brought a host of sub-deities with him, and they themselves may be the entities behind the curtain, pulling the levers of the most powerful human organisations of this world, like the wizard at the end of the yellow brick road. They themselves may be the inhuman pilots of the incredible flying/submersible machines which we saw in our skies & seas, and fought boldly to replicate, in order to achieve a measure of parity with the inhuman pilots if possible, and certainly with our enemies, those sneaky Nazis who escaped to South America at the end of WW2 with a heck of a lot of money, and a massive technological advantage over the principle Anglo-American alliance of the day. They then proceeded to do a flyover of Washington DC in 1952, to demonstrate their superiority & as a threat to back up their demand to equal access at the table of world power in the post war years.

But don't forget the other subject in my title - that most of the UAPs we see are piloted by humans. We conquered the technology of electrogravitics (in the USA) in approximately October 1954, and then all the furore that had formerly been in the open literature suddenly went black, into Special Access Programs which were entirely hidden - ultimately, likely forming a breakaway civilisation based on the participation of employees operating in the military industrial/ aerospace projects world. They've been flying overhead ever since, and all this talk of aliens probably makes them chuckle, as they flit through cloud layers & evade pursuit at 2,000 mph. We have probably now achieved near parity with the inhumans, and certainly we must have achieved parity with the extraterritorial Nazi breakaway civilisation, which still exists to this day.

I would highly recommend the following video, from another thread which I link HERE - 'The Lost Century'.


[url= d8e5eb2fbd61a64f842a74c2d5a2&t=1686251754]Excellent documentary exposing human advancement & free energy/propulasion

Give it a watch.. Here's the comment I posted on that thread:

That was an outstanding documentary, thanks for bringing it to our attention. I had been chatting with a friend earlier this afternoon about the dynamics of power, economics & class struggle, and we both wondered about what the solution could be - in watching this video - some information from which I already knew, yet the presentation clarified the clear signal line of what it all means, the implications of the technology leaps made in the 1950s, etc - I think we've found that solution.

It's all about energy. Fix the energy scarcity problem, give everyone access to the best energy production devices, and the world will be reborn fully within a hundred years, renewed and refreshed within a couple of decades even. Abundance as a mindset for societal progress, scarcity a completely forgotten trait of our ancestors, persecuted as they were by the controlling corporate & financial interests of the times, as the inventions were born, again & again crushed.

If only we could all get behind this call for a release of the hidden patents & papers & an open-sourcing of the technology. The world could be clean, free & beautiful once again, and our newly enlightened mindset would enable us to conquer any challenge we put our minds to.

Here's hoping that we can do it, somehow..

All these threads put together convinced me that doors are going to start opening soon, and the world may change greatly over the coming decades. We need a lucid & tightly coordinated approach to resist the influence of the World Economic Forum & the cartels which run the world of finance & corporate greed. I believe that the free energy - 'over-unity' devices represent the path forward. As for Dr Greer, love him or hate him he's put together an excellent documentary which ultimately provides a rational sense of hope - if only we can overcome the various barriers to progress, which generally involves paranoid inventors taking their secrets to the grave instead of sharing them freely with the people of the world. I sincerely hope that Greer & his colleagues can begin to convince some of these inventors to open source their creations, and let the universe reward them in due time for their sacrifice. Long life the truth movement, and everyone who's on board with its mission, even the slightly kooky ones who believe in flat earth (me) or a Hopi prophecy (Greer - regarding a drawing etched on a rock is supposedly a prophecy of our end of days options - I think it has slightly less merit than Greer believes it to have, but we can agree to disagree..)

Thanks ATS, make of it what you will - strands to be connected, is all I'm saying.

Good and well-written thread, something I've suspected for a long time now.

posted on Jun, 14 2023 @ 12:19 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Hi mate, there's a good (free) E-book here about the Cryptoterrestrial hypothesis and thought it was a pretty fascinating read.

• Author Mac Tonnies outlines the CTH:

This theory by late American author and blogger Mac Tonnies asserts that if we accept that UFOs are vehicles created by an advanced civilization and apply Occam’s razor, we can conclude that it is most likely the civilization originates from the Earth itself rather than a distant planet.

Tonnies suggests that we share our planet with a humanoid race much older than humanity but related to us (explaining their physical form) and more technologically advanced. He dubbed these entities the “cryptoterrestrials,” rejecting “ultraterrestrial” as too linked to theories of humanoid visitors from other dimensions and “cryptohominid” as too suggestive of Bigfoot.

Tonnies suggests the entities may be a dying civilization given to subterfuge by hiding underwater or underground. These entities promote and encourage the idea that UFOs are of extraterrestrial origin as a cover story to throw investigators off from the truth. Reports from abductees of aliens warning humanity to care for the Earth make more sense if they are fellow Earth residents rather than visitors from thousands of light-years away..

The US Air Force isn’t trying to cover up a threat from above, but the existence of another, slightly more advanced civilization below us. Tonnies admits that some alien encounters could very well be of extraterrestrial or interdimensional origin, but he believed the majority are the result of a deception campaign by a desperate, Earth-based military force of subterraneans hoping to keep our eyes fixed firmly on the skies.

(post by HiveMind1984 removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

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