posted on Dec, 3 2023 @ 03:37 PM
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"Confrontation with the self
Contact with the self occurs at the end of the individuation process. The individual becomes sensitive to the symbolism of the self - symbols
reflecting the unity of opposites[10]. Characteristic signals of approaching confrontation with the self are images resembling mandalas, increased
sensitivity to universal religious symbols, and intensifying experiences of the individual image of God (also as a result of the possibility of
identifying the self with God) [11].
Applying this to an exemplary Christian, the image of Christ can become a symbol of the self.[12]
Gautama Buddha was also an incarnation of the self for Jung[13].
Too close a connection between the ego and the self is unhealthy for the psyche. Then ego inflation[14] (mental inflation) manifests itself in
impressions of omnipotence, omniscience and indestructibility[15]. What is desirable, however, is the realization of the self, which brings man the
revelation of the nature of the Absolute[16]."
Source: Wikipedia