Mid terms are over and the real deal is just around the proverbial corner.
By this time next year we all be at each other throats over political ideology while our corrupt "two-party" poiticians play games with propaganda and
lies to get your vote.
For too long these politicians dangle bait in front of us to get us to pick them as our leaders, some of this bait is regards to the citizenry's
desire to curb corruption in congress. One of these ideas is "Term Limits"
Currently there are several bills regarding term limits in the house and senate.
As with many bills that the politicians have no intent on passing, they get sent to a committee to die in obscurity
"The committee chairperson may choose not to
schedule the bill for hearing. In this event, the bill
If the bill is tabled, it may or may not
come back for a vote. If it does not come back for
a vote, the bill “dies”.
Chamber leadership may choose not to schedule
the bill for Second Reading. In this event, the bill
in the case of the following bills, most have sat in a judicial committee since January
Sponsored by:
Representative Brian K. Fitzpatrick
Co Sponsored by :
Representative Mike Gallagher and
Representative Bill Posey
Sponsored by :
Representative Ralph Norman
This bill has a reported 97 co sponsors and still sits in committee
Sponsored by :
Representative Derrick Van Orden
This bill has no reported Co Sponsors
Sponsored by :
Representative Claudia Tenney
again, no Co Sponsors
Sponsored by :
Senator Rick Scott
No Co Sponsors
Sponsored by :
Senator Ted Cruz
This bill has 17 senate members as co sponsors, all republicans
a few things to point out here...
1st: Dick scott knew his bill, S.J.res.2 would die in senate committee as it is not a single issue bill
2nd: All these bills were introduced by republicans
3rd: Ted cruz, Mike Lee and Josh Hawley (cosponsor) sit on the senate judiciary comittee
House Judiciary Membership
Senate Judiciary Membership
So why do they sit and die in comittee, the current session is nearly over and the likely hood of these bills re-introduced next year is unlikey as
most of these people do not face re-election
Now is the time to ACT, lets make sure these poeple know we are watching, holding them accountable... call them and call thier offices, reach out to
them on twitter and make your voices heard!!!!
United We Stand!! get off your assess and stand up!
edit on 06pm30900000023 by datguy because: need a copy just in case...