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The Reactionary Conspiracy 15. Adolf Hitler in a film from the 1960s.

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posted on Feb, 23 2024 @ 05:44 AM
Have you found any evidence of pro-Nazi sympathies in any of the other films made by the companies which made the films you cite?

edit on 23-2-2024 by Solvedit because: redirect

posted on Feb, 23 2024 @ 10:44 AM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

"Finally, we can see a hand"

How many films are there where you cant see one?

posted on Feb, 25 2024 @ 11:05 AM
Another film about Adolf Hitler with many hidden clues that confirm my previous findings:

The Bunker is a historical war film released on 27 January 1981, that is 47 years, 11 months and 27 days after the appointment of Hitler as Prime Minister of Germany.

The 47 would be an allusion to Hitler himself, while 11 and 27(2 + 7 = 9) would be a reference to the 9/11 attacks

At the beginning of this film we can see an American soldier entering the Führerbunker (which is flooded):

The number 105 is a hidden allusion to 2025 (1920 + 105 = 2025), the year of the planned return of Adolf Hitler.

The flooding is a hint to the way Hitler fled Berlin at the end of the Second World War.

Then, we see a scene in which the electro-mechanic of Hitler’s apartments is talking about about an underground spring (first time):

Another hidden reference to 2025:

A hint to something beneath the soil related to water:

A map of Berlin in the background:

On it several bodies of water are clearly visible:

Second time this underground spring is mentioned:

Again the map of Berlin in the background with bodies of water:

In both cases Hitler is seen in front of the map.

The Danube river is mentioned in one scene:

This would confirm my earlier finding that Hitler escaped from Europe through the Danube.

Later on, we can see this somewhat strange scene in which Albert Speer is telling Magda Goebbels about escaping from Berlin using barges:

In my opinion, it is another reference about how Hitler escaped from Germany through the rivers.

Then, we can hear a song with the word “dragoons” on it:

It would be an allusion to the dragon that can be seen in the flag of Bhutan:

Finally, we can see this portrait of Frederick the Great, who was King in/of Prussia from 1740 to 1786:

Adolf Hitler could have escaped from the Führerbunker using a tunnel hidden behind this painting, similar to what the main character does to escape from his cell in The Shawshank Redemption.

In conclusion: This was another motion picture used by the conspirators to announce/confess that Adolf Hitler would have been cryopreserved in Bhutan all this time, and that 2025 is the year of his planned comeback.

posted on Feb, 25 2024 @ 12:18 PM
There are some issues with your theory.

First of all, do you know whether any human has ever been revived from long term freezing?

Second, it is sure to be traumatic and a revived person would be likely to be slow for a few years before they recovered.

Then there is the fact that Hitler was a product of his day. He put in a lot of hands-on research on how to motivate the disgruntled Germans of his generation but made strategic mistakes even in his day. What do you think he could do, even after the freezing wore off and he spent years re-educating himself about the modern world? Who would educate him?

What if he were thawed out in 2025? What could he do?

Why not focus on something current? Look at Russia and Ukraine. Doesn't V. P. look a little bit like Napoleon Bonaparte? What if he's disappointed in the Soviet system for not being more about equality and letting him get sidelined into a dirty, dangerous job for being Corsican instead of Russian? What if he wants the Ukrainians and the Russians to pay? What if he wants to spread war to other former Soviet republics?
edit on 25-2-2024 by Solvedit because: redirect

posted on Mar, 14 2024 @ 02:57 PM
Another film with hidden information about the scape of Adolf Hitler.

The Strange Death of Adolf Hitler is a war film released on 10 September 1943. It is about a man kidnapped by the Gestapo to be a double of Hitler.

The release date gives us the first indication, since this picture was released 58 years and 1 day before the 9/11 attacks. 18 is AH = Adolf Hitler, while the 5 is an allusion to the phase 5 (likely span: 2023-2032), the time period of the planned return of Adolf Hitler.

In this film we can see this letter sent by the Gestapo to the wife of the main character in which they tell her falsely that he has been executed:

The surname of the husband and the word below it form the surname Hitler (blue underlining):

The 46 seen on the top of the letter would be an allusion to the 46th presidency of the United States.

Later, we see this fake Hitler putting his left hand on a mirror:

The 23 is a hint to 2023, the starting year of phase 5.

The hand symbolizes the phase 5.

In another scene we can see an airplane flying towards the right side of the screen (meaning the east):

It symbolizes the flight of Adolf Hitler from some point next to the Black Sea (probably Turkey) to Bhutan.

Then, we see a scene in which information about time lapses is given in a hidden way:

The time 40:07 means 47, a reference to Adolf Hitler, since this number appears in the first half of his signature.

Decoded meaning: Being awakened (revived) for one month.

Then we see another letter:

Let’s remember that the military rank of Hitler was of corporal.

Decoded meaning: Adolf Hitler has been revived once every ten years.

This last scene would confirm my finding of Adolf Hitler has been cryopreserved since the end of the Second World War, and that he would have been awakened/revived for one month every ten years.

posted on Mar, 18 2024 @ 09:27 AM
Looks kinda like him, maybe if Hitler had stopped tweaking on meth. I am convinced Hitler was dead in that hole outside his bunker. I listened to his pilot. Great insights on YouTube.

posted on Jun, 18 2024 @ 12:58 PM
I have found another confirmation for Hitler’s fate after the Second World War:

• The INWO Book is a book about the collectible card game Illuminati: New World Order. It contains the rules of this game, the description of its 412 cards and other information. Nowadays it is sold only in PDF format (155 pages).

On it we can see the page 98, in which Adolf Hitler is named:

If we take a closer look to the “Hitler’s Brain” card:

On it we can find a hidden allusion (blue rectangles) to Bhutan, the country where Hitler would have been cryopreserved all these years (apart from being awakened one month every ten years).

Additionally, we can find more clues on page 88 of this book:

This page with the clues deciphered:

Thus, page 88 of this book is itself a code that validates the information found in this game.

More decoded information from these cards can be found in this thread.

posted on Jun, 18 2024 @ 01:24 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

Some more "clues" for you, enjoy:

posted on Jun, 18 2024 @ 02:02 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

The real Joe Biden is on the right hand side.

The real Donald Trump almost always wears a red tie.

Donald Trumps double almost always has a blue tie.

We call him "blue tie Donald" thats means "fake Trump"

posted on Jun, 21 2024 @ 01:16 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

The “Hitler’s Brain” card from Illuminati, the game on which “Illuminati: New World Order” (INWO) is based:

This card does not appear in the core set, but in an expansion set called Bavarian Fire Drill.

Cover of the box of “Bavarian Fire Drill”:

Back cover:

Comparison of this box with the Illuminati (1st edition) core set box:

The original Illuminati game with black and white cards was published in 1982. Five years later, in 1987, they re-released it with color cards, which is the version usually called the 1st edition. A version of the 1982 original was published in 2019.

posted on Jun, 22 2024 @ 10:09 AM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker

Notice how this is not the common Nazi swastika, which is right-facing, but a left-facing symbol (called sauwastika) which is very related to Buddhism. In my opinion, this is another hidden clue telling us that the authentic Adolf Hitler is hiding in the Kingdom of Bhutan,

and there is me thinking he made it to Argentina so he could get to Antarctica.. to New Germany.

posted on Jun, 22 2024 @ 10:11 AM
a reply to: Solvedit

Have you thought about why rich Hollywood film studio owners would support a project to hint at the continued existence of a Socialist madman who would nationalize their studios and take most of the profits, while making them build films acceptable to the Nazi party

Hollywood of Holy Wood is run by the deepstate. CIA and other originations play central roles in it running.,

posted on Jun, 22 2024 @ 10:13 AM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker

In the third installment of Pirates of the Caribbean, At World’s End, there is a clue about how they keep alive Adolf Hitler

The film Madagascar..when they get to Antarctica and the penguins are speaking German.. Tells you all you need to know.,,

posted on Jun, 22 2024 @ 10:19 AM

edit on 22-6-2024 by purplemer because: (no reason given)

A lot of misinformation in the war. A lot of Germans murdered at the end of the war by outside forces.

edit on 22-6-2024 by purplemer because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2024 @ 11:27 AM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker

Regarding this little known fact of the metro flooding (that provoked a massacre of about 10,000 German civilians) I have found this article published in the New York Times in July 1945:

He ordered this flooding to protect his escape. He probably used a mini-submarine and went through underground water channels to get out of Berlin.

This official figure of ten thousand fatalities is another lie of the conspiracy. The real figure is provided in the video game trilogy started by Metro 2033, which is set in a post-apocalyptic Moscow Metro.

In the first game they say that this fictional Moscow Metro has a population of forty thousand, while in the 2nd or in the 3rd one, they say it has a population of fifty thousand.

Apart from that, in the second game, a big portion of the plot takes place in the communist stations of this metro/subway, and the communist secret police plays also a prominent role. I am sure this secret police represents the Gestapo, and this is not coincidental.

The conspirators sometimes use the tactic of putting hidden data about two different events in the same puzzle. Thus, I believe those two figures (40,000 and 50,000) belong to two different crimes committed by the Hitler regime: one would be the people killed by Hitler’s last order in the Berlin U-Bahn (the Berlin Metro), while the other would be the real number of people killed in the 20 July Plot.

As in the 20 July Plot the official figure is 4,980 executed, maybe 40,000 are the real number of people executed in this failed coup. If this is the case, then the real number of people killed in the flooding of the Berlin U-Bahn would be 50,000.

The important role that the secret police plays in Metro 2 would mean that the 20 July Plot was orchestrated by the Gestapo, with the objective of killing all the relevant non-fascist rightists who could play a role in postwar Germany. By July 1944 all the relevant leftists who could play a role after the war had been already killed (or were about to be killed), so the Hitler regime only needed to purge the other side of the political spectrum to make sure they would keep controlling Germany even after the defeat.

edit on 12-11-2024 by MarxistDebunker2 because: (no reason given)

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