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The Reactionary Conspiracy 15. Adolf Hitler in a film from the 1960s.

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posted on Jan, 25 2024 @ 10:54 AM
a reply to: Freeborn

He believes Hitler is dead and will be resurrected. By the Catholic Church of all people.

Elaborate troll or in serious need of help. I go with the latter based on OPs description of their living conditions.

posted on Jan, 25 2024 @ 12:10 PM
a reply to: Ohanka

Yeah, he's a crank....but he makes me laugh and I like laughing.

He never ceases to amaze me how to comes to some of the conclusions he does and the links he makes, tenuous would be the most polite way I can describe it.

posted on Jan, 25 2024 @ 01:47 PM
S&F for the effort put into the post. However for me, Hitler wasn't the type of person to live in the shadows and had he survived I don't think he could have kept in the shadows for the rest of his life.

posted on Jan, 25 2024 @ 02:45 PM

originally posted by: Bilbous72
S&F for the effort put into the post. However for me, Hitler wasn't the type of person to live in the shadows and had he survived I don't think he could have kept in the shadows for the rest of his life.

As I said, Hitler has been cryopreserved all this time. I think he has also been awakened one month every ten years, as I decoded in this thread.

posted on Jan, 25 2024 @ 03:09 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

A rather infamous thread in which myself and many others pointed out the abundance of flaws in your argument which you ignored in favour of spamming random screenshots from films you had watched recently.

The premise of that thread is ridiculous, illogical and impossible even by the standards of an 80s action cartoon. Shredder and Krang would have laughed about it.

posted on Jan, 25 2024 @ 04:14 PM
a reply to: Ohanka

I have no words. Well, I do, but I believe none of them are allowed under the sites T&C's.

posted on Jan, 25 2024 @ 05:32 PM

originally posted by: MarxistDebunker2
a reply to: Solvedit

Yes, and Bhutan was also the first country in the world to ban the production and sale of tobacco. A piece of legislation that was enacted by the Parliament of Bhutan on 6 June 2010, precisely on the 66th anniversary of the Normandy landings.

Two references to Fascism in just one act: Adolf Hitler was known for disliking tobacco, and 66 = FF = Francisco Franco.

Apart from that, the conspiracy has done a very good job of disinformation that has kept Bhutan and other countries outside the radar of the prosecution of Nazi/Axis war criminals, so neither the Mossad nor any other government agency can detain Hitler if they don’t know where he is.

Why would they practice disinformation but then drop clues? The tobacco ban date and the coincidence with the anniversary date are just coincidences. And why would they put him in a film?

Perhaps it was a prank. Perhaps they used heavy makeup to cause an actor to look like Hitler.

posted on Jan, 26 2024 @ 06:29 PM

originally posted by: Solvedit
Why would they practice disinformation but then drop clues?

Because they have some sort of rule by which they have to warn their enemies in advance, but at the same time they don’t want to lose the war, so one way to fulfill their own rule without risking too much is to leave cryptic clues hidden in a sea of irrelevant information and disinformation.

originally posted by: Solvedit
The tobacco ban date and the coincidence with the anniversary date are just coincidences.

And that Hitler was known for disliking tobacco is another coincidence? And 66 = FF = Francisco Franco is another coincidence?

originally posted by: Solvedit
And why would they put him in a film?

As I said in previous pages of this thread, as a show of force and to comply with their above mentioned rule.

originally posted by: Solvedit
Perhaps it was a prank. Perhaps they used heavy makeup to cause an actor to look like Hitler.

No, it wasn’t prank.

posted on Jan, 26 2024 @ 06:32 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

Why would they have a rule to warn their enemies in advance? The Nazis pioneered the practice of starting a war without formally declaring it until after the fact, if at all. Poland got no prior warning in 1939.

posted on Jan, 26 2024 @ 06:49 PM

originally posted by: Ohanka
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

Why would they have a rule to warn their enemies in advance? The Nazis pioneered the practice of starting a war without formally declaring it until after the fact, if at all. Poland got no prior warning in 1939.

In the case of the Second World War, Mein Kampf, published in the 1920s, was the warning (living space, gassing of jews, anti-communism, etc).

posted on Jan, 26 2024 @ 07:11 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

Ok fair enough. Perfectly valid answer.

However Mein Kampf was an actual autobiographical political manifesto that rather obviously stated the geopolitical goals of its author. Who was actively and publicly seeking the power needed to achieve them. It was not (entirely) a work of fiction authored by someone with no connection whatsoever to Hitler alluding to a conspiracy.

Hitler openly talks about his desire for Living Space in the East in Mein Kampf. He doesn’t write a story where a Belarusian peasant girl sees a flock of eagles fly over the dnieper river after a great fire in the West to symbolise his planned German conquest. Which would be much more in line with what you suggest are warnings and signs from this fever dream of a conspiracy.

So it’s not really the same thing.

posted on Jan, 27 2024 @ 07:04 AM

originally posted by: MarxistDebunker2

originally posted by: Solvedit
Why would they practice disinformation but then drop clues?
Because they have some sort of rule by which they have to warn their enemies in advance, but at the same time they don’t want to lose the war, so one way to fulfill their own rule without risking too much is to leave cryptic clues hidden in a sea of irrelevant information and disinformation.
You made up a pretext by which it would make sense to drop clues. However, there's no evidence of such a rule. If there were, it would not apply to revealing Hitler had been alive, then letting him die of old age, because no one was warned of a war. Then you go on to infer technologies which could keep him alive, again without evidence.

originally posted by: Solvedit
The tobacco ban date and the coincidence with the anniversary date are just coincidences.
And that Hitler was known for disliking tobacco is another coincidence? And 66 = FF = Francisco Franco is another coincidence?
Hitler didn't want Bhutan to take over the world and has no stake in the health of its people. In case you haven't noticed, there were antismoking zealots from the beginning of tobacco's discovery, and it's becoming a worldwide trend, but I understand it's hard to tell from Europe. As for Franco, it's almost nothing so it's not even worthy of being called a coincidence. How many two digit numbers wouldn't correspond to the letters of someone connected to Hitler, for example?

originally posted by: Solvedit
And why would they put him in a film?
As I said in previous pages of this thread, as a show of force and to comply with their above mentioned rule.

How is revealing someone's hiding place a show of force, and why make a show of force so you could go on and let Hitler die of old age? Who is being warned of a war? What force are they showing?

No, it wasn’t prank.
Hitler had relatives. One of them, born in 1911, had dual English and American citizenship and served in the US navy in WW2. It could be a Hitler without being Adolf Hitler.

edit on 27-1-2024 by Solvedit because: added a sentence.

edit on 27-1-2024 by Solvedit because: spelling

edit on 27-1-2024 by Solvedit because: format

edit on 27-1-2024 by Solvedit because: format

edit on 27-1-2024 by Solvedit because: clarity

posted on Jan, 27 2024 @ 03:01 PM
a reply to: Ohanka

A warning is a warning, it doesn’t have to be necessarily a work of fiction.

Besides that, Mein Kampf is known for containing many historical inaccuracies, which I think were introduced deliberately by the conspirators in order to make this book look more extravagant.

posted on Jan, 27 2024 @ 03:30 PM
a reply to: Solvedit

It is not the first time I write about this rule of them, please take the time to read my threads about the reactionary conspiracy, my messages are usually not very long, so you can actually read all my threads in a couple of days. The vast majority of users replying me, in all my threads, are accounts managed by the conspiracy trying to divert attention away, so you can skip them and read only my messages.

Keep in mind all my threads are a working draft about an ongoing investigation, so some aspects of it could change as my understanding of the conspiracy gets better over time.

The digits for Hitler are 18 = AH or 16 = AF (first and last letters of the name Adolf).

The alphanumeric code used by the conspirators:

posted on Jan, 27 2024 @ 04:44 PM

originally posted by: MarxistDebunker2

The alphanumeric code used by the conspirators:

So you're saying they had enigma machines but when they started to suspect the system might be compromised, they went back to a code which has been well known since antiquity?

posted on Jan, 27 2024 @ 05:31 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

Alternatively Hitler may not have been an entirely accurate narrator who held a clear agenda. That being the conquest of Europe and the extermination of European Jewry leading to the destruction of the twin evils of Capitalism & Communism. You know the very thing talks about in the book.

Also the conspirators don't exist and there is no evidence whatsoever to any of this. I suggest you find more productive endeavours to dedicate your life to.

posted on Feb, 12 2024 @ 04:37 PM
I have found another film from the 1960s in which the conspiracy announced the fate of Adolf Hitler after the Second World War:

The Frozen Dead is a science fiction horror film released in October 1966. It is about a nazi scientist experiment with frozen Nazi soldiers who have been kept in suspended animation.

At minute 38 this scientist tells another character to watch arm number four:

The “arm number four” would be a reference to the four legs of the dragon seen on Bhutan’s flag:

Then we see a slightly strange scene with a dialogue about a button:

This button would be a hint to Bhutan, the country where Adolf Hitler would have been cryopreserved all this time.

On minute 45 we can see another clue on the right side:

4 symbolizes Bhutan, while 18 is AH, that is Adolf Hitler.

So the decoded meaning of that sign is: “Adolf Hitler is in Bhutan”.

Finally, at minute 51 we can see this other sign in the background:

There is hidden information on it:

The 95 (blue underlining) is a reference to the 95% target.

AD 2 (black underlining) should be read from right to left, and it means 24 A (since D = 4), an allusion to April 2024 or August 2024.

Also, we can see the word DAY three times on that image.

Another view of the same scene with more information:

We have here two allusions (blue arrows) to the Axis secret tunnels for the invasion of the United States.

In conclusion:

- The conspiracy used this film to announce that Adolf Hitler survived the Second World War and has been cryopreserved since then in the Kingdom of Bhutan.

- April 2024 is a good candidate to be the date in which the Axis is going to start the invasion of the USA.

edit on 12-2-2024 by MarxistDebunker2 because: Typo

posted on Feb, 15 2024 @ 03:06 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

Important clarification about my previous post:

AD 2 would mean 2025, instead of April or August 2024, since there is a t (symbolizing the plus sign) below the A.

Thus, AD 2 = 1+4 2, so this gives us a 25, which is a hidden reference to 2025, a year that is much more consistent with my current knowledge of the conspiracy for being the beginning of the invasion of North America.

So I have to change my above statement for this one:

- 2025 is a very good candidate to be the year in which the Axis is going to start the invasion of the USA.

And I should add the following one:

- Given that there is also a - beneath the AD, the A 24 solution to this puzzle could also be right, like putting two events in just one code, and therefore it could be the announcement of another event planned for April or August 2024, whose nature I haven’t deciphered yet.

posted on Feb, 21 2024 @ 11:23 AM
Another film with more hidden information:

Gunga Din is an adventure film released on 17 February 1939. It’s set in 1880s colonial British India.

At minute 13 we can see a pick on a map:

Note how the pick and its shadow form an H:

Besides that, the upper part of the pick’s shadow seems to be pointing to a place to the east of Nepal, around the site where Bhutan is located.

Then, at minute 28, we can see this image:

It is a secret way of showing the initials of Adolf Hitler:

The 28 would be an allusion to the code 28/92, used by the conspirators to authenticate information.

The temple of the thugs:

The leader of the thugs says this sentence:

“Thugs awakened from a sleep…”

“…of 50 years”.

This 50 is a reference to the fifty years between 1889 (Hitler’s birth year) and 1939 (release year of this film). Also, the time mark 1:05 would be a hint to 2025 (since 1920 + 105 = 2025), the year of the expected return of Adolf Hitler.

A ceremony in which a group of thugs raising their right arms:

It is a symbolic way of alluding to the fascist salute.

Finally, we can see a hand:

As I have explained in The plot’s theology, the hand is a symbol that represents the conspiracy.

In conclusion: The conspirators also used this film to announce that Adolf Hitler has been hiding in Bhutan all this time.

Moreover, and this is important, this film is a proof that the conspiracy I am denouncing here on ATS is real, since this picture was released before the start of the Second World War, which would mean that the outcome of this war had been decided beforehand.

Also, it is worth mentioning that din is an Arabic word that means “religion”.

posted on Feb, 22 2024 @ 07:34 PM
Have you thought about why rich Hollywood film studio owners would support a project to hint at the continued existence of a Socialist madman who would nationalize their studios and take most of the profits, while making them build films acceptable to the Nazi party?

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