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Who then now is owed? (The Vax Damaged vs. The Unvaxed Discrimination)

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posted on May, 26 2023 @ 06:16 PM
"These people are often times misogynistic and racist. At one point we need to ask ourselves... do we really want these people to be part of our society?"

The famous words of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, asking Canadians if those who oppose the vaccine and vaccine mandates should continue to be part of society.

We, those that have NEVER taken a single covid-19 vaccine, have experienced societal rejection, ostracization, made into the joke and the punchline, we've been fired, suspended, our health insurance we've paid into removed, we've been demeaned and emotionally broken (some of us), we've been beaten... we've skyrocketed "major depression"... and some of us have never recovered (I have not... I am still suffering the effects of severe depression). These are real people that have had their minds messed with on a scale never before seen. Most of us bottle the pain up or laugh it away... nevertheless, it scars you... and one day those scars will open again...

All because The Power That Be indicated that you must sacrifice yourself simply because they demand it.

And then... we have those that heeded to the demands of Those That Choose For You. They either believed in the medicine, or the message was enough, or they didn't want to suffer the rejection & torment anymore. Some folded, some rolled up their sleeves without question, some hesitated and were forced, some even demanded it. Many wore the bandaid as a patch of their unquestionable "moral" posture. Many of these people encouraged the decimation of the unvaxed. They WANTED them to be punished, refused service, refused transportation, they WANTED them to suffer.

Now... as more information comes... it's becoming very clear that those that chose to say no to the jab, made the right call. No matter what happens at this point moving forward, that jab is legitimately useless, as a matter of fact, many specialists are saying it is now worse to take the jab then not take it. Many countries have removed it entirely.

So my question is this... while we all know many are owed to a degree at this point...


A. The Unvaxed

B. The Vax Damaged

***Authority: The people that FORCED the consequence of refusal, or the absolute unquestionable demand of vaccination.

(post by LordAhriman removed for a manners violation)

posted on May, 26 2023 @ 06:31 PM
I am Canadian. No longer proud, nor truly free.

Our COVID response was very aggressive, very harsh. Too harsh. It was torture to a person like me. Calm, quiet, respectful, god fearing.

I will never look at the Liberal Party of Canada as a legitimate party... to me, they are all criminals. Every. Single. One. Of. Them. And if I ever have the displeasure of meeting anyone from that party in a dark alley... I won't complete that sentence for respect of you all, but I'm sure you couldn't even begin to imagine exactly what I'm thinking.

It leaves a disgusting taste in your mouth, in your heart... The country you loved and cherished for so long, ALL folded and didn't even so much as even TRY to fight for you, for ONE DAMN SECOND.

No Party in Canada is innocent of this either, it's just shades of guilt. Some grey, some darker... but the liberals are pure black. Justin Trudeau is someone I will eventually break the jaw of, knock his teeth out and stomp on his face, without any care of the repercussion. Send me to jail for a few years, I don't care.

I don't believe in revenge... But I do believe in a good fight every now and then.

posted on May, 26 2023 @ 06:57 PM
a reply to: mindpurge


A. The Unvaxed

B. The Vax Damaged

I would think the people who were forced to take the vaccine or lose their job and then suffered injury should be first in line, closely followed by those who were forced to chose to between their jobs and had to quit in order to remain unvaccinated, then the vax damaged who chose to be vaccinated because they believed the talking heads.

The first category should receive the greatest benefits. The last category should see the least payout and hopefully learn to be a little less gullible.

posted on May, 26 2023 @ 07:00 PM
a reply to: mindpurge

I tried looking up if he actually said that and came up empty handed.
Got a link so I can read the entire conversation when he said that?

posted on May, 26 2023 @ 07:55 PM
a reply to: LordAhriman

Thank you for that intuitive and well thought out response.

posted on May, 26 2023 @ 08:47 PM

originally posted by: LordAhriman

originally posted by: mindpurge

We, those that have NEVER taken a single covid-19 vaccine, have experienced societal rejection, ostracization, made into the joke and the punchline, we've been fired, suspended, our health insurance we've paid into removed, we've been demeaned and emotionally broken (some of us), we've been beaten... we've skyrocketed "major depression"... and some of us have never recovered (I have not... I am still suffering the effects of severe depression). These are real people that have had their minds messed with on a scale never before seen. Most of us bottle the pain up or laugh it away... nevertheless, it scars you... and one day those scars will open again...


And here we see the maturity/intellectual level of those whom can't think for themselves and lack any critical thinking skills

posted on May, 26 2023 @ 08:57 PM
a reply to: LordAhriman

Quite literally your most cohesive and substantive post in memory.

edit on 26-5-2023 by JinMI because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2023 @ 09:56 PM
They'll never pay anyone what's due, the price is far too high. They will IMO get what they deserve when they have to come face to face with eternity, or mindpurge in some back alley.

posted on May, 26 2023 @ 11:07 PM
link reply to: Allaroundyou

Couldn't have looked very hard, tbh. It's on any platform.

posted on May, 26 2023 @ 11:38 PM
a reply to: Glitterjunk

I just put the quote into Google with his name.
Got nothing, but thank you for a link.
Much appreciated

posted on May, 27 2023 @ 12:54 AM
a reply to: mindpurge

There are times I feel I struggle with ptsd over being shunned by friends and family. The hatred from society as an unvaccinated person, made worse by knowing about the corruption behind the scenes here in canada and around the world, was beyond anything I could have imagined.

That said, Id take this over being vaccine damaged any day. I am resilient and will heal while those with physical damage may not. They were gullible and innocent and I hope they are compensated as they fell for it. I didnt and hold that close in my heart. From day one of the pandemic I was suspicious but never expected the backlash to be so vile, over a personal medical decision. It tested me, thats for sure. I havent come out stronger yet, just different.

posted on May, 27 2023 @ 01:55 AM
a reply to: mindpurge

lol. Vaxxies should get nothing. They are feeble minded and bowed down to the government or were motivated by the greed of keeping their job. Also very fundamental basic intelligence is missing when they are lining up to take a vaccine that was approved within a couple of months when normal vaccines take years and years to get approval. The Bible tells us about this. Basically these are the same people who will line up to take the mark of the beast because of their own greed and attachment to this fake world.

I take it back, vaxxies should get exactly what they are now getting. "Sudden mysterious deaths" from gardening or going for a walk or watching a scary movie. (Just some of the MSM headline explanations I've seen for the mass die off that's currently happening)

posted on May, 27 2023 @ 02:11 AM
Can’t say I was truly put out by the hype and my complete unsurprise at how government went about things padded any unsettlment I felt at how the general population reacted to what was demanded of them.

I don’t think I should be compensated, perhaps just left entirely out of the next one wouldn’t be too much to ask?

a reply to: mindpurge

edit on 27-5-2023 by Dalamax because: Meh

posted on May, 27 2023 @ 03:33 AM
a reply to: Dalamax

You'll do whatever the government says next time too lol.

posted on May, 27 2023 @ 04:10 AM

originally posted by: mindpurge


In my opinion, all of us are owed at the very least an apology for demonizing those that that said no, those who said yes and are damaged and most especially for the ruining of the best health care system in the world. But of course no apology will ever come from the mouths of those that lie to us about what is for our own good.

posted on May, 27 2023 @ 09:54 AM
Just like I didn’t this time around?

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t think your as malicious as you come across in text, it’s just that someone who posts like you do should probably make sure their addressing the right people in the right way.

(I didn’t take a clot shot)

Oh. You’ve only just arrived. Well then carry on my wayward son, a fool and his foolery.

a reply to: Ch1nch1lla

edit on 27-5-2023 by Dalamax because: 22nd of May? Like earlier this week 😆

posted on May, 27 2023 @ 12:12 PM
Personally, I think everyone in government and any hospitals or doctors that supported this covid fraud, should be charged, tried and if/when found guilty, executed. No sense in using taxpayer money to keep this human garbage alive and in jail. To keep the costs down as part of my civic duty, i will build the gallows, supply the rope and pull the lever a few hundred times anyway, for free. Then we can talk about compensation.

Cheers - Dave

posted on May, 27 2023 @ 12:15 PM
a reply to: mindpurge

There is and was a clear profit-driven anti-human bias employed by state and non-state actors to deliver this mass human population control technology globally, illegally, and for-profit as well as political and societal domination. This video is 20 minutes but lays this out clearly and naming names. This is a scientist laying this all out in front of the EU parliament.

posted on May, 27 2023 @ 01:50 PM
I would argue that both sides are owed, but it doesn't work that way.

They can't just pay out to everyone, their money comes from us.

Sure they can print more, but that takes away from everyone.

The concept of paying out for non physical or financial damage doesn't make sense.

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