a reply to:
You are in the first stages of illuminated "initiation"
Many people in this forum have been through exactly what you are going through now. Some (such as myself, and seemingly, yourself), whether they like
it or not
You are in the "
who are they?" and "
what do they want?" stage
You are on the right path. You have the right mindset. You are even right about a few of the things you are saying. You are just yet to put it into
context, where you can understand the purpose of it all
It will come in time. Just keep doing what you are doing
You have a LONG WAY to go, from where you are now
I can give you the exact answer to these questions, but you will not listen yet, or like them, because you won't understand them ...
You have to go through what you are going through at the moment, and experience all the questions, confusion, anger and distrust, to come to the
answers yourself
In order to go through ego death, any people need first have their "defenses" ripped down
This is essentially what you are going through
Because when you do, you'll understand something very profound about
who and
what they are
Something that can only be understood, by questioning and opposing them
Something that can only be understood, by those who questioned and opposed
Something that those who accept them, or think they "know" them, will never gain an understanding on (this is a hint to understanding the answer to
the questions you are asking)
I can, however, give you some advice on how and what you should be questioning, that will help you
If you have any questions in particular, feel free to ask either in here, or by messaging me privately if you do not want to broadcast certain things
in public
I've been exactly where you are, around 11 years ago. All the way down to the Archons, Ascended Masters, etc
Firstly, you need to stop purporting to know things as "truth"
This makes you come across as no different to any religion in this world. Or any of those who seek to understand, by claiming to know things, which
(by their nature) cannot possibly be known in this world
There is no such thing as "truth" when it comes to the types of things you are offering here. And claiming them to be can be dangerous. This is
deterministic will. Something you will learn about and understand in years to come, is like trying to navigate a prison of your own creation
It is like giving "them" the tools, by which they can then persecute you
If you believe it, they will make it so
Because that is what you want. Understand?
It is difficult to grasp this concept at first, and will feel as though you are being attacked by the very fiber of your own creation
But it will only hurt for a while, while your brain is being re-wired to understand a higher line of reasoning and logic
Trust me on this ...
After years of suffering and opposing the "mental attacks", you will come out with a whole new understanding about this world
One that is near impossible to explain, unless you have experienced it
Except to say, that everything you are going through, will be worth it, when you come out the other side
There is no truth, other than self
There is only degree of understanding
And the path to being opened to greater understanding is painful. Because your brain literally needs to be re-wired
So keep strong
Alternatively, you can choose a religion and ask to be saved, so you do not have to go through the illumination process
But this is pointless. Because it is a type of evolutionary process for which we are in this world
The only "truth" you will ever know for certain in this world, is that you exist
Everything else is up for debate
Remember that personal belief, is not the same as knowing
Also, you are playing within effigy sync. But this does not make you an astral "expert" yet
You are yet to understand how the things you are seeing in the pre-effigian and post-effigian realms, sync to the waking effigy sync
Again, claiming to be something, or claiming it to be true, is deterministic will, which limits your ability to open up to greater understanding
If you think you know everything, you close yourself to greater understanding
Why would you be offered more knowledge, if you think you know everything, and do not ask questions?
You are still speaking in linear veil terms, which means you have a very long way to go towards understanding some things
With all due respect, you are only a beginner, within the context of things you are going through
By the sounds of it, only within your first years
All the best
If I can help in any way, or you have questions, feel free to ask here, or message me privately
One thing you I will leave you with, that you will understand in time ....
They are not your enemy
They only act that way, to bring out all the darkness and fear within you
It will hurt
It will hurt for a long time
But you will come out the other end
And you will be someone powerful, in a divine sense, compared to the majority of people in this world
Whether you can see it or not, you are being given a gift
Go through the pain you need to. Learn the things you need understand
Because it is worth it in the long run. I promise you