Hello ATS Writing Community and Visitors.
Earlier on, Maxmars, myself and others notable members had a light-hearted discussion about the next Contest theme. This took place in the
post-contest "green room" of the last contest:
I'm sworn to secrecy regarding the next contest theme, so instead of revealing real clues, I gave an example of a storyline that wouldn't fit the
Well, the end result was that even the most absurd keywords stimulated creativity in a way I hadn't expected. In fact, I realised that many stories
could be created from those few clues and still somehow fit the yet undisclosed theme.
So, I'm just spitballing an idea for an occasional short story contest that doesn't start with a theme, but rather a set of keywords. They could
include a person, animal, object, particular setting - location or time wise, tagline, etc.
For the story to be eligible, it has to contain all the elements... the genre is up to the writer.
I'm not knocking the current format. I'm perfectly happy with how the contests are organised and theme-based. I wouldn't want that to end. This
alternate format could be an occasional thing, like when we did the 100 word limit one, that attracted a lot of participants.
Maybe it would attract those that normally shy away because they think the theme is too specific, even if I don't recall a story being rejected for
being off topic, no matter how distant, theme-wise. Having a blueprint or brief may make it easier for people to share their ideas, notwithstanding
how oblique it is.
The downside is that we risk many stories being very similar... Would it get boring, especially for the readers, I don't know? What I do know is that
the spectrum of the ATS Writing Community is massive. I'm more inclined to trust in their creativity to make the stories compelling, entertaining and
Finally, not having a defined theme would require a special acronym to add to each story title. My first thought was:
DIY/mm/yy = Do It Yourself/month/year
Ok, I'd be interested to know how many members, especially non-writers, would be more inclined to submit stories if they had a brief overview / clues
/ blueprint to get you started.
Thanks for reading and any feedback you'd like to afford us.
edit on 17/5/2023 by Encia22 because: (no reason given)