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Is the Migrant Crackdown in Florida a Land Grab

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posted on May, 15 2023 @ 09:27 AM
This isn’t my own topic I saw it on tik tok but wanted to expand.

The conservatives in power in Florida know that getting rid of illegal labor will have an effect.
What will that effect be?

Business owners/Farms will have to A. Find other labor B. Go out of business/sell land/farms.
One of these options is very alluring to the rich that love to grab more land.

Wash, rinse, repeat… man, how many times have we’ve seen this? Maybe they will do it just long enough until people crack and say there has to be looser regulations etc, then usher “legal” migrants back in to work.

Little backstory on Florida. When I lived there I knew I wouldn’t be able to live there forever. I literally made a point to visit a new place every single week. The places I visited weren’t the mainstream touristy places. I talked to a lot of farm owners. These were the native Floridians that had been there for generations and generations. Many of them 100+ years same farm, same family….
Some of these farms are huge and put a damper on growth plans. Florida doesn’t have enough non swamp land to build on…
These farms are in prime location and these families aren’t budging… Visit any of these places and it’s like that animation UP. You’ll see a pristine farm smack in the middle of aggressive new development…

Yes I’ve always thought illegal immigrants were being used as pawns, but now I see this topic isn’t about jobs, this is probably about land…

edit on 15-5-2023 by JAGStorm because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2023 @ 09:47 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Migrant farm hands have been in a decline for at least the last five years while automation has been increasing like every other industry.

An example of the growing farm automation

Maybe it's part of a land grab but but it could also be the tightening of control over the food supply via trackable and accountable machines that ensure you use the correct branded seed and don't exceed the mandated allowable harvest numbers.

posted on May, 15 2023 @ 10:06 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Legal migrants are already allowed to work in Florida.

posted on May, 15 2023 @ 10:18 AM

originally posted by: watchitburn
a reply to: JAGStorm

Legal migrants are already allowed to work in Florida.

We aren’t talking about legal migrants. It’s obvious that whatever legal migrants there are, it isn’t enough.

It wasn’t enough for Margo Largo, it’s not enough for the crops, the building or thousands of other jobs illegal migrants do in Florida.

posted on May, 15 2023 @ 10:30 AM
a reply to: watchitburn

Well Floeida alone has around 800,000 undocumented immigrants. I don't know how many are children but I do know that is alot of work that will be difficult to get done without them.
So good luck Florida but I don't see any solutions being brought forward to address that issue. All I see is ways of removing them.
This will become a major problem here very soon. And yet people aren't asking the question of how can me mitigate this problem we will soon face?

posted on May, 15 2023 @ 10:37 AM
I think that we should train our young to produce food. In my mind a farmer and farm workers are essential and I think that they should start promoting this kind of work to kids in school more so kids aren't just stuck staring at phones or computers all day. I have always respected the farmers that raise food for society. Unless of course they pile chemicals on the food to make them more profit.

Now, why can't people picking oranges make a wage they can live on. The orange juice is sold to a lot of people making high wages working at jobs that are not nearly as hard as what those picking oranges are working.

In school, for the last four generations, working on a farm was considered degrading. Not prestigious at all. You do not need a college educaion to pick oranges or grapefruit or plant veggies or take care of livestock. It is not racism that is the big issue in this country, it is far worse. It is entitlement when a person feels they are better than others because of their job or their income. I know older rich people who do not act entitled. They do not consider themselves superior to others. This is more of a middle class issue than anything, people get well off and they start thinking they are better than others. They even attack the rich people calling them bad. WE are all equal in this country, and I do know there are some rich people that are jerks, but it is only half of them...the problem is in the middle to upper class.

From observing for decades I see this happening where each generation generates more kids that are entitled. Some of the lower middle class want their kids to do better which is all right in my book, but spoiling the kids or pushing them to do things they do not need to do is not right either.

When I was young, I liked working at a gas station pumping gas for a year, and working in the kitchen of a big boy was fun, so was working for the county patching roads with a crew of other young people and a few older experienced people to teach us how to do it. I worked many different jobs and when I left those jobs the employer always told me I was welcome to come back if I wanted to. They liked that I learned fast and I worked well and got along with the others. These days kids are forced by society to take sides on wonder we got so many kids on antidepressants and stress meds. Can't the kids just enjoy their life and learn to just go work and produce things and learn to appreciate that they are supporting themselves.

We have a lot of problems in our society and the fact that farmers need to have immigrants do their work is disturbing to me. But then again, I was a farm boy, so nobody should pay attention to me, they should get hooked on the new age policy of fighting to get a good job and being stuck in it when they find out that they really do not even like the job.

posted on May, 15 2023 @ 10:40 AM
Is the Migrant Crackdown in Florida a Land Grab

Technology has changed alot of it.

Work from home has also changed it.

Seasonal labor/migrants aren't needed.

posted on May, 15 2023 @ 10:56 AM
Interesting hypothesis.

I eluded to something similar during the BLM rioting, that one of the reasons they were allowed to escalate to the levels they did was part of a massive real-estate grab. Devalue the areas and then some investment firm comes flying in to scoop up swaths of land for a literal steal.

Unfortunately I haven't done any followup on it to see what happened to property in the areas affected.

posted on May, 15 2023 @ 10:58 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

The fact that your system relies on illegal migrants, proves that it's broken.

How did they get you guys (and gals) to believe this is necessary?

It isn't...

posted on May, 15 2023 @ 11:02 AM
Everything Im reading about the citrus crop in Florida is related to hurricane damage as much as anything else. One would think it would apply to other Florida crops as well.

The link seems to bare this out, as citrus production was lower in 2021, and with what occurred in 2022, they probably don't need as many migrants anyway.

Read elsewhere in 2021 Florida relied as always on 150,000-200,000 seasonal farmworkers, but with the widespread hurricane damage across the state in October not as many were needed the year.

Throw in OJ exports have been declining for 10 years, it's easy to see why DeSantis wants to lower the available workers, the surplus isn't needed orida-Agricultural-Export-Report.pdf

Obviously, there are other factors too but, it isn't gonna collapse Florida's agricultural output. FWIW it also means the remaining workers will likely get a better wage since there are fewer migrants clamoring for jobs.

My basic understanding is when this happens these migrant workers go to farms in south Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina

To that end, the forecast for Georgia's Agriculture in 2023, looks bright enough that it could handle atleast some of Florida's migrant workforce

posted on May, 15 2023 @ 11:05 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

The Floridians from Cuba have plenty to say about this, as family and friends still on that island are starved. Currently, no fuel there means no school, such as it is under Satanic Regime.

My fav TikTok I saw over the weekend is from an admitted criminal with a neon vest on. He says in Spanish, "Desantis made it illegal for us without papers to work. I'd like to see these White people work in the fields to grow their own food and build their own skyscrapers without us!"

Um, they failed to do that within their own plots of dirt south of the Continental United States.

Having lived in Florida for decades, I can tell you that Cubans can bless others with their survive and thrive skills.
Everyone else that ignores and abhors the Founding Documents of the united States has brought the country low.
Weird, because for all the nonsensical "pride in blood and land of their ancestors", they are now NPCs for the NWO in the USA.

#MuhEminentDomain ... #WhiteGenocide ... #Apocalypse2Nine

posted on May, 15 2023 @ 11:07 AM
a reply to: neo96

Technology has Changed a lot of things Today . Manual Labor Jobs in the Agricultural Field are being replaced at an Accelerated pace with " Smart "Machines that are Actually More Cost Effective than Human Labor . The Need is Not there Anymore .

posted on May, 15 2023 @ 11:20 AM
a reply to: Zanti Misfit

The same people that want open borders are the SAME people that want to ban ALL farming and Livestock production to save the planet.

Then what will millions of illegals start doing ?

Burning,looting,murdering,rinse and repeat.

posted on May, 15 2023 @ 11:25 AM
a reply to: neo96

True . Unskilled Labor will go the Way of the Dinosaurs . People Need a Purpose in Life , Technology Does Not Provide that .........(

posted on May, 15 2023 @ 11:26 AM
Go back 100 or so years, what were farms for? Farms were fairly small then, a farm fed the family and any extra was sold so the farmer had a little money for "luxuries", well what little luxuries were then. Farms then were run by the family, father, sons etc.. Then some "entrepreneur" thought "if I buy more land and get others to work it I would have an easy life". Not withstanding large or huge farms cannot be run by a family alone and then the greed sets in. IE. The farmer "if I can get away with paying a pittance for a farm worker I can make more money for myself". Now, tell me that that aint so?

If Florida wants to do something about it. If these huge farms cannot survive then make them sell small parcels (enough for a small farm) with the legal proviso that the land is for farming use only for a set period. But they wont do that will they because the large farms owner (who don.t give a f''' about feeding anybody) WILL sell to developers for top dollar.

posted on May, 15 2023 @ 12:34 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

We have a migrant worker system in the US. People come from Mexico to work and have green cards to allow this. Cracking down on illegals should not have a huge impact. Some, yes, but certainly not all.
Americans used to do farm work. Why can't they now?

posted on May, 15 2023 @ 12:37 PM
a reply to: TXRabbit

CHAZ er Seattle is suffering from gentrification. So you may be onto something.

posted on May, 15 2023 @ 12:40 PM

originally posted by: CoyoteAngels
Americans used to do farm work. Why can't they now?

Because people don't want to pay more for things, this is how places like Walmart and Amazon can sell produce for cheap. If people wanted to pay more their business model would collapse but American's want price, convenience and abundance.

posted on May, 15 2023 @ 12:56 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm

originally posted by: watchitburn
a reply to: JAGStorm

Legal migrants are already allowed to work in Florida.

We aren’t talking about legal migrants. It’s obvious that whatever legal migrants there are, it isn’t enough.

It wasn’t enough for Margo Largo, it’s not enough for the crops, the building or thousands of other jobs illegal migrants do in Florida.


posted on May, 15 2023 @ 12:58 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse

Now, why can't people picking oranges make a wage they can live on. The orange juice is sold to a lot of people making high wages working at jobs that are not nearly as hard as what those picking oranges are working.

Can earn very well, just that it is physical labor.
People HATE physical labor. I do to don't get me wrong but I do it.
I know people who own orange groves.
I was able to live the life and help translate.
I worked on a orange picking commune..
It was called a commune because we all lived together at
one site went everywhere Walmart and all together..
TWO HUGE SCHOOL BUS of us pickers (you can imagine the looks we got)
be there for 5 month season.
Paid $10 an hour Plus we got points per orange field bin
A full fruit pickers bag will weigh 75-90 pounds and
it takes 10-12 bags to fill a field bin.
Each field bin weighs about 900 pounds!!
Four of ya's picked a Field bin together we could fill up to about 5 a day
in 10 hours (depending on your crew).
$50 extra per field bin split four ways..
The first 45% of your hours goes toward your food,
lodging, transportation.
Kept the other 55% and ALL the points for field bin picked.
IT is a great job.
The migrant workers I do not know how many were totally legal or illegal
I hope they were legal. They send the money back to their wife and kid
in Mexico and go back home after the 5 month season spends 2 months home
goes back and does another 5 moths its fun!!
They are dying to get these jobs.. ALL
this mess about land grabs and Florida being
in trouble is hog wash Florida will be just fine.
A lot of these oranges were juicing oranges.
I worked in the actual orange juice factory also.
They only paid minimum wage at the juice factory which was
$8.25 at the time in FL. I made more on the commune
and it was way more fun!! Young bachelor saving money
or young married family great job just hard work.
edit on 15-5-2023 by starfoxxx because: (no reason given)

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