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Very Weird Dream Visit From Dad

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posted on May, 12 2023 @ 01:09 PM
Last night I had a dream that just stirred every emotion.

I’m a big time gardener and my dad gave me $500 for flowers. (Interesting amount) What was weird was I was by a garden and it was already planted and totally blooming. My dad (always shows up in my dreams/visitations where he is about 30yrs old) was in the middle of the “field/yard” and then my brother was behind him. That part was great.

Then my dad warns me sternly, don’t let my brother know.

I guess know about the flowers, money (my blooming life?) something else? I woke up completely startled by it.
My brother and I are very close. I would say that my brother has had some jealousy issues in the past, which quite frankly are ridiculous as he is
A very wealthy person. However I know some things aren’t able to be bought… happiness, peace, a good relationship, etc….

Why would my dad be gifting me and why the warning? Anyone have any insights?

posted on May, 12 2023 @ 01:29 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Could it be your dad doesn't want your brother to know he visits you in your dreams and not your brother to avoid jealousy?

Giving one child a gift and not the other shows favoritism-which we're not ever supposed to admit. There are usually tell-tail signs, though-like dream visits.

posted on May, 12 2023 @ 01:33 PM

originally posted by: nugget1
a reply to: JAGStorm

Could it be your dad doesn't want your brother to know he visits you in your dreams and not your brother to avoid jealousy?

Giving one child a gift and not the other shows favoritism-which we're not ever supposed to admit. There are usually tell-tail signs, though-like dream visits.

He has visited my brother, and he was also the same age and had the same hair/hairstyle..

posted on May, 12 2023 @ 01:35 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
Last night I had a dream that just stirred every emotion.

I’m a big time gardener and my dad gave me $500 for flowers. (Interesting amount) What was weird was I was by a garden and it was already planted and totally blooming. My dad (always shows up in my dreams/visitations where he is about 30yrs old) was in the middle of the “field/yard” and then my brother was behind him. That part was great.

Then my dad warns me sternly, don’t let my brother know.

I guess know about the flowers, money (my blooming life?) something else? I woke up completely startled by it.
My brother and I are very close. I would say that my brother has had some jealousy issues in the past, which quite frankly are ridiculous as he is
A very wealthy person. However I know some things aren’t able to be bought… happiness, peace, a good relationship, etc….

Why would my dad be gifting me and why the warning? Anyone have any insights?

I love thinking about dreams and what they could mean , or at least I used to . Nowadays I tend to think it's just random and meaningless , subconcious thoughts etc.
It might depend on how vivid everything in the dream was . Were you lucid?
Flowers are symbolic of something , possibly. If you look it up online, different sites will give different meanings.

posted on May, 12 2023 @ 01:40 PM
a reply to: ancientlight

I love thinking about dreams and what they could mean , or at least I used to . Nowadays I tend to think it's just random and meaningless , subconcious thoughts etc. It might depend on how vivid everything in the dream was . Were you lucid? Flowers are symbolic of something , possibly. If you look it up online, different sites will give different meanings.

I dream often and know it could just be my subconscious working things out, but this felt like a visitation, and warning.
My dad was very protective of me, so this rattles me a bit.

posted on May, 12 2023 @ 03:35 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm

originally posted by: nugget1
a reply to: JAGStorm

Could it be your dad doesn't want your brother to know he visits you in your dreams and not your brother to avoid jealousy?

Giving one child a gift and not the other shows favoritism-which we're not ever supposed to admit. There are usually tell-tail signs, though-like dream visits.

He has visited my brother, and he was also the same age and had the same hair/hairstyle..

Maybe the clues can help you figure it out. Money; how you spend it/what you spend it on. Sense of warning and 'don't tell your brother'.

Would he disapprove of you spending lavishly on what might be considered a luxury?

Money/warning/brother/spending a large sum on luxury items/don't tell. That's all I've got.

posted on May, 12 2023 @ 05:09 PM

originally posted by: nugget1

originally posted by: JAGStorm

originally posted by: nugget1
a reply to: JAGStorm

Could it be your dad doesn't want your brother to know he visits you in your dreams and not your brother to avoid jealousy?

Giving one child a gift and not the other shows favoritism-which we're not ever supposed to admit. There are usually tell-tail signs, though-like dream visits.

He has visited my brother, and he was also the same age and had the same hair/hairstyle..

Maybe the clues can help you figure it out. Money; how you spend it/what you spend it on. Sense of warning and 'don't tell your brother'.

Would he disapprove of you spending lavishly on what might be considered a luxury?

Money/warning/brother/spending a large sum on luxury items/don't tell. That's all I've got.

Not really. My brother is a lot more impulsive than I am with money, I’m pretty responsible.
We both live in luxury so that wouldn’t be it.

posted on May, 12 2023 @ 06:27 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Is the garden /field/ yard a familiar spot to you?
What about the flowers ;do you recognize the type?

Perhaps you will inherit some land from a relative,
and have to pay some taxes. Maybe sometime this summer?

Why would my dad be gifting me and why the warning?

What I find curious is that he is warning you with your
brother right behind him. I hope it doesn't mean that
your brother will be "following in dad's afterlife footsteps " soon,
if you kow what I mean.

edit on 12-5-2023 by RavenSpeaks because: add more

posted on May, 12 2023 @ 08:12 PM
a reply to: RavenSpeaks

What I find curious is that he is warning you with your brother right behind him. I hope it doesn't mean that your brother will be "following in dad's afterlife footsteps " soon, if you kow what I mean.

Oh Lord I hope not, he does have some serious medical issues.

The garden was and wasn’t familiar. The flowers were all sorts, not one particular type.
We were outside.

posted on May, 12 2023 @ 08:15 PM
Mine was from Gweneth Paltrow

posted on May, 12 2023 @ 09:14 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Evenin' J. They say everyone on the other side appears 30 yrs old....and something to watch for in an old-country saying: Dream of the Dead, hear from the Living". So keep an eye out!

Im glad you found joy in your visit. I miss my father a whole bunch. Now Im his age when he passed.

God bless ya....

posted on May, 13 2023 @ 12:19 AM
Makes sense as our emotional and spiritual maturity is completed by that age around 30’sh . I had a significant life threatening medical issue and have been actually gone for about 6 hrs. While I do not remember most of my dream like state for lock of better term the visions I had where of people from the same age group. No expert on this and I have not admitted to anyone near me about it for the fear of being ridiculed or considered insane or a fraud. My opinion, is that our energy body transmuted into an alternate energy field where we continue as a form of shaped energy of our mature true self that remains at the same level even when the physical body ages. Hard to explain since I have no frame of reference for this.

posted on May, 13 2023 @ 04:44 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm
Sorry to hear your brother has health issues.

If you get a chance to talk to your brother, listen carefully
to what he says. Sometimes people will drop hints in
their conversations when their time is near.

For example, I was out in my yard and overheard my
neighbor talking to his grandson. The grandson asked
him how he was doing. He said : "Oh, I'm done for"
The grandson said: "Don't talk like that grampa"
Two weeks later , grampa was gone.

Another example is my cousin was getting married
and they wanted to buy my grandmother a new pair
of shoes for the occasion. But my grandmother told
them :" Don't bother I won't be needing them."
Grandma died the day before my cousin's wedding.

posted on May, 13 2023 @ 09:59 PM
As with all dreams, YOU are ultimately the only one to decide what it means, because the dream events / symbols have a unique meaning to you that would have a different meaning to ME if I had the same dream...

originally posted by: JAGStorm
I’m a big time gardener and my dad gave me $500 for flowers. (Interesting amount) What was weird was I was by a garden and it was already planted and totally blooming. My dad (always shows up in my dreams/visitations where he is about 30yrs old) was in the middle of the “field/yard” and then my brother was behind him. That part was great.

Then my dad warns me sternly, don’t let my brother know.

Him giving you money for something you already did, could simply be his way of showing his support. As to the amount; what does $500 mean to you?

Showing up as 30 yrs old suggests more of a visitation dream, as opposed to something from only your unconscious.

"...don’t let my brother know" could be as simple as saying it's it's none of his business, or could mean the $500 gift is just between you and me. If the latter, the amount [$500] most probably has some deeper significance.

posted on May, 17 2023 @ 07:55 AM

Then my dad warns me sternly, don’t let my brother know
a reply to: JAGStorm

I cant help you on this one and many web sites on dreams of ones deceased father seem to be all over the place. I had two dad dreams in the past two weeks. In one he was pissed at my brother and I. Then last week he spoke to me in a dream and said in a nice way that J _ _ you have too much on your plate and you need to drop one of your projects. He even mentioned one by name but I didn't recognize it and woke up.

Dad passed in May 2020 right during the Covid-19 launch. He began appearing in my dreams in 2023. All are just routine, everyday living events when I was younger.

edit on 04 13 2023 by Waterglass because: typos

posted on May, 17 2023 @ 08:30 AM
a reply to: Waterglass

Dad passed in May 2020 right during the Covid-19 launch. He began appearing in my dreams in 2023. All are just routine, everyday living events when I was younger.

The weird thing is my mom and dad passed a month from each other and I’ve only had a few messages from my mom but I’ve had numerous messages from my dad. In life I was probably closer to my mom.

My brother also got a message from my dad and not my mom.

posted on May, 17 2023 @ 09:22 AM
a reply to: Waterglass

Sadly, I can remember only a couple of dreams in which my parents made an appearance.


posted on May, 17 2023 @ 10:42 AM
I submit the dream-visit is telling you to look deeper than the obvious $500 flower & garden-section allocation-of-Flower growth...

Your Father as a 30 y.o. Avatar, the $500 being a very modest sum, even the generational health issue are probably not the 'secret' being addressed here-&-now...

for example the recent Ky Derby...i structure my bets on past incidents/finishes and Derby #149 felt like a box 3-5-8 ex/quinella/trifecta bet...
the reality was a 8-3-14 (win-place-show finish) so i won a $303. exacta of 8-3//No Quinella paid-out// No trifecta
BUT if i had replaced the 5 in my 3-5-8 box-bet with the equally favorite 14 (which reduces to 5) i would have hit another bet at $903. for that Derby trifecta.... i was guilty of being Lazy in not 'seeing' the 14 as a 5 alternative in my box betting model
edit on th31168433837217462023 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 17 2023 @ 05:45 PM
JAG, I’m sorry the dream brought you all the feels.

Maybe the message was more cheeky, like when a parent buys us a treat just for us (and does the same for the others)

posted on Jun, 26 2023 @ 11:26 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

my dad gave me $500 for flowers. (Interesting amount) What was weird was I was by a garden and it was already planted and totally blooming.

Maybe this is spiritual in nature? Since the garden is already planted and blooming. It could indicate a shift from what you have already in the garden to something completely different.

Gardens/fields often represent the heart. Maybe you'll be receiving resources to plant something completely different than what has already bloomed in your life. Something unexpected and costly.

Your brother is behind your father in the field. Perhaps you when you receive this gift, you'll need to keep it secret until at least the garden is planted and blooming, to prevent him undermining your intentions?

Consider the possibility that your father might represent God.

May I ask, are you a believer in Jesus Christ?

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