a reply to:
I share your fears, and yes, even the arts are being assaulted by AI - there are image generation AI, there are AI that can write a spy thriller, and
much, much more, nascent on the horizon. What does that leave for us to do? Perhaps the pursuit of pure knowledge in the sciences, discussions of
philosophy & religion, meditative & martial arts, the pursuit of perfection in the sporting arena. If we all end up tethered to UBI income, because
automation & AI take care of the lesser tasks, then effectively we can pursue knowledge & skill for its own sake, reaching our true potential, not
shackled to a lesser task simply to earn a crust - it could be glorious, all of us skating over the surface of a practical world system which runs on
interlinked AI systems & automation - no more broken backs, no more troubled minds.
We could finally become
Homo Cogniscienti, thriving on the knowledge & skill that we can develop, as our wellspring of non-digital
creativity enjoys a renaissance. Perhaps the eternal quest will be to generate material which exceeds the grandeur of AI in some manner. Or
perhaps, analogue 'low-fi' human artistic endeavour of any sort will become infinitely more valuable precisely because it has come from the mind &
hand of a real human being, rather than a powerful computer system with no living soul. It is likely that no matter what, our architecure & built
environment will become more beautiful as both we're tasked with designing for the heights of the aesthetic, now that AI/automation does all the grunt
work (including basic aesthetics) for us.
After three years of pessimism, I have come to believe that we need to be sparking more conversations of this nature, in order that we have some
sort of solution to suggest in opposition to the dire predictions of the WEF/ WHO/ UN/ Bilderberg/ Club of Rome/ Tavistock elite, who have all bought
in to the grossly negative depopulation & control agenda, rather than choosing the side of LIFE, in all its wonder & fullness. They are selfish,
foolish people deluded by their fearful need to cling to their excessive wealth & privilege, believing there is no obligation upon them to share the
world with those who are already here with them, which defies logic. AI could solve all sorts of problems without resorting to depopulation & slavish
control of the lower classes. The elitists behind the depopulation & control agenda are, by all normal measures, evil in the truest sense. They
aren't willing to look at other possibilities, they just want to take an industrial meat cleaver to the human race, killing off the poor (there's no
need to sugar coat it) & carving up the remaining resources & territory with their equally evil neighbours, casting off the shackles of sharing what
they see before them, which they believe is solely in their rights to possess.
It boggles the mind, truly, that so many people (all of them rich & powerful to an insane degree) can share an equivalent ideology of depopulation &
control, the most base, selfish approach it is possible to make manifest, with not a one of them deeply concerned about the potential for the workings
of cosmic justice, either in this life or the next. You'd think that they weren't aware that humans have always subsisted on beliefs of such justice
being intrinsically constituent in the very nature of the universe itself, fathers & mothers passing on the lessons to their children, both in
scripture & in fairy tales, depending on their ages. But when the digital age comes along, these behemoths of the financial elite cast off these
lessons as though they were meaningless, even though our civilisation has done its utmost over the generations to establish police & criminal courts
whose entire purpose is to punish the evildoer & uphold justice for the oppressed. It's as if they believe that nobody in this world or the next has
the power to stop them in their tracks, to take away what they have stolen from others, or even that which until now, they had fairly earned - to
punish them for all the evils they have been a part of in this world.
Because it is clear that in scripture, the good who later decide to follow an evil path are judged as evil, despite whatever they had done before. It
is the final state of the soul that is measured, and by the grace of God there go we all. Those who presently follow what I loosely term 'the WEF
agenda' are in for a rude awakening.
But if you warn a wicked man and he does not turn from his wickedness and his wicked way, he will die in his iniquity, but you will have saved
yourself. Now if a righteous man turns from his righteousness and commits iniquity, and I put a stumbling block before him, he will die. If you
did not warn him, he will die in his sin, and the righteous acts he did will not be remembered. And I will hold you responsible for his blood.
But if you warn the righteous man not to sin, and he does not sin, he will indeed live because he heeded your warning, and you will have saved
Ezekiel 3:19-21
If they won't consent to exploring a new mode of living, a way which is fair & just for all mankind, an alternative & righteous path compared to the
one they are walking, if they persist on this path determined by their collaboration with the likes of Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Larry Fink & all the
unnamed & unknown tyrants, whose identities are simply hidden from the common people, they will come to a terrible end.
They seem to believe that because they can hide from a man, they can hide from the Creator, that some weird rules of black magic will save them from
the justice of
El Shaddai. Again, it will be a rude awakening. I pray that they will come to terms with the fact that they are in the wrong,
that there are other pathways open to humanity at this stage. Their wealth & power emplaces them as potential leaders of humanity, and
they therefore have greater responsibilities than the common man before the throne of the Almighty. The Book of Revelation is prophetic, and
therefore it is a warning & not set in stone - there is a possibility that the path we walk will be different. I hope they come to make the decision
to walk that other path, because the one they are on leads solely to destruction.