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Who Was Seth Rich? (And Why You Should Know, If You Don't)

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posted on Jun, 18 2023 @ 11:26 AM

originally posted by: Mrs Darko

Well, it would make sense if the bar DID close at 3am, but he had another engagement with an unknown actor between 3-4:15 ; Also, why 2 ppl? You don't need 2 ppl to shoot a gun, so the only reason why 2 ppl would arrive would be that one is the 'decider' and the other - with the gun - is the 'enforcer', so I think it was someone high up with one of his minions, making sure he didn't try to run right away.

He also would not typically have a gun in DC since it would be illegal there to do so. The gun was an old untraceable .38 that had no fingerprints of his on it though he was holding it when they found the body. I have also thought that a friend of Bill's finally seeing his good friend become President which should be like the happiest time of his life go off and kill himself 6 months into the presidency.

posted on Oct, 17 2023 @ 08:38 PM
a reply to: Mrs Darko

The foia request was denied on national security grounds and treason. Why would a simple robbery implicate national security or treason? It wouldnt....

Seth Rich's communications with Wikileaks, Assange and others cant be disclosed because they implicate National Security and Treason.

Applicable laws in this case (foia request):

[Treason - Disclosure of classified information
18 USC 798]

[National Security
50 USC 3024(i) Protection of Intelligence sources
and methods]

[From the NSA response bottom of the page:]

Undeniable proof.

posted on Oct, 18 2023 @ 11:11 AM
a reply to: maluminse

I recently re-watched the Shadowgate documentary and in it, one of the whistleblowers mentions being in contact with getting the DNC data from the site that Seth Rich was told to post it to.

I remember that this information was towards the end of the documentary, and at least in the second half, so I figured I could find the minute mark and share it along with the video.

The problem is that, I've tried to watch the video on 4 or 5 sites, but it will not play.

Has the Shadowgate documentary been scrubbed?

Are forces within the US government abusing national security privileges with regards to Seth Rich, the 2020 election, and J6, and if so, is there any remedy?

posted on Oct, 18 2023 @ 02:10 PM
a reply to: maluminse

From the NSA response bottom of the page:] Undeniable proof.

This FIOA letter is already 5 years old, but is still worth reading.

15 documents (32 pages) were found relating to this FIOA request however, they remain classified as TOP SECRET and SECRET and no portion of this information is reasonably segregable.

The documents are classified because their disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause exceptionally grave or serious damage to national security.

Gee, I wonder why?

edit on 18-10-2023 by IndieA because: spelling

posted on Oct, 18 2023 @ 02:40 PM
Okay, the Shadowgate documentary is still up, my web browser was the problem.

Here's a copy of it:

Shadowgate Documentary

The discussion about Seth Rich starts at the 104:50 minute mark.

The entire documentary is worth watching.

posted on Oct, 18 2023 @ 03:04 PM
a reply to: infolurker

Dont know, but the ABC Reporter that made a huge deal out of smearing republicans with ridicule over Pizzagate was busted with CP just last week.

Methinks they were protesting too much.

posted on Feb, 9 2024 @ 03:35 PM
Thank you for posting this up Mrs Darko! Amazing work - and fantastic links!

I've been picking up details when I can about The Franklin School, anything outside of what I've learned through other researchers. I started with the Dalton school when I was looking into Xstein stuff, and that led me to the Franklin School. Whitney Webb and a few other journalists also covered a decent amount of this neo-Octopus and did some really great work.

There was a journalist on the Shawn Ryan show that covered Xstein also and near the end spoke about the school. Now I can't find that interview on the channel so I can to link it to you... weird.

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