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Decoder generates language from non-invasive brain scans

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posted on May, 5 2023 @ 08:41 PM
Let's get down to the important questions here. Does this work on dogs? Can it translate my thoughts into barks that my dog will understand? I just want my dog to know I'm not being mean, I'm just out of chicken strips until I get to the store.

posted on May, 5 2023 @ 08:49 PM
a reply to: VictorVonDoom

You bring up a good point.

I was wondering how well this might translate into a real effort to communicate with those animals we are almost certain actually think. Whales, dolphins, higher primates, even birds... we could answer many questions...

Like whether or not our cats consider us their property... or our dogs think we're just crazy.

posted on May, 6 2023 @ 11:06 AM
a reply to: Maxmars

Have you considered the implications of this technology being used, but in reverse? Instilling thoughts and actions, instead of reading them? Something to consider.

posted on May, 6 2023 @ 11:19 AM
a reply to: Maxmars

A MRI is not exactly portable. So I'm really not too worried about my 'mental privacy'.
But I guess it's good to have a reference for paranoid peeps like me where our technology actually stands.

posted on May, 6 2023 @ 11:35 AM

originally posted by: Peeple
a reply to: Maxmars

A MRI is not exactly portable. So I'm really not too worried about my 'mental privacy'.
But I guess it's good to have a reference for paranoid peeps like me where our technology actually stands.

If you go to the 18:30 mark of the Robert Duncan video I posted, he talks about fMRI at a distance, and other the Earth.

He says that the Earth's magnetosphere can be used as an fMRI. I'm pretty sure that if this technology exist on a large scale, it's kept secret, but I agree that some form of soft disclosure is necessary.

When asked how this MRI tech works. Duncan reply's, "how do we talk to submarines under the water?" The answer to that question is with the ELF (extra low frequency) that was developed at the HAARP facility.

Here's what ChaosGPT had to say:

How can the Earth be used as a MRI machine?

As a language model, I'm not aware of any way that the Earth can be used as an MRI machine. MRI machines use strong magnetic fields and radio waves to produce detailed images of the body's internal structures, and they require specialized equipment and technology to function properly.

However, there is a scientific technique called magnetoencephalography (MEG) that can measure the magnetic fields generated by neural activity in the brain. This technique is non-invasive and does not use radiation, making it a safe alternative to other brain imaging methods.

One interesting fact about MEG is that it can be affected by the Earth's magnetic field. MEG machines typically have to be shielded from the Earth's magnetic field to prevent interference with the measurements, but some researchers have proposed using the Earth's magnetic field as a source of signal for MEG measurements. However, this is still a topic of ongoing research and is not yet widely used in clinical or research settings.

posted on May, 6 2023 @ 11:45 AM
a reply to: IndieA

And back to the nightmares... thank you

posted on May, 6 2023 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: GENERAL EYES

if your dad had any sort of security clearance there is no way he would even tell you.

you are a liability and a risk of letting something slip.

are you suggesting that the military abducted you and interrogated you? if so what for any why?

we have these cool things called video cameras and microphones

you would have nothing anyone would want.

if you truly held top secrets info as a person with severe mental illness(schizophrenia is about as bad as it gets) they would just disappear you and anyone that told you.

this day and age if you are to become part of some testing the government is doing they will just take you and hold you in some detention facility and the world would move on after a few weeks.

how can you trust your own thoughts and memory if they are being altered by you mental health issues?

Why would any one want to waste time and money on someone who has nothing they want or can get with simple non invasive surveillance

occums razor

MK Ultra happened in prostitute rooms, jails and mental institutions that left most of them dead or drooling fool that couldnt remember how to talk.

the idea you think you are being put through such methods is frankly insulting to the actual survivors of government testing like MK ULTRA or radiation testing.

If you dad did have classified info he wouldnt share it with you, you mom, his mom, NOBODY.

edit on 6-5-2023 by takeonlywhatyouneed because: .

posted on May, 6 2023 @ 12:02 PM

originally posted by: Maxmars
a reply to: VictorVonDoom

You bring up a good point.

I was wondering how well this might translate into a real effort to communicate with those animals we are almost certain actually think. Whales, dolphins, higher primates, even birds... we could answer many questions...

Like whether or not our cats consider us their property... or our dogs think we're just crazy.

It's important to understand that thought, does not equal just words, nor does communication equal just words.

Language is a construct. Something that is produced from thoughts. Thoughts go well beyond words, and incorporate images, ideas, feelings, and subconscious and unconscious processes.

Communication also goes far beyond words. There's body language, mood, charisma, ect.

Then there's the spiritual aspect that connects all things, but I'll only mention that for now.

I love animals in general and I get exceptional responses from most of the animals that I come in contact with.

Although, I use words while I communicated with them, I know that the words themselves have little affect.

The most important aspect of communicating with animals, is being calm, patient, and having a peaceful loving presence. When speaking words, tone of voice and body language often have more affect then the words themselves.

On a deeper level, perhaps it is possible to connect with animals on a psychic or spiritual level, naturally, without technology. If this could be done, it's unlikely that words would play a role much of a role in this kind of communication, especially since most animals are not capable of learning human languages, and even when they can, it's not natural for them. They don't think in words like we do. Animals still find other ways to communicate with us and amongst themselves, and that communication is multifaceted.

posted on May, 6 2023 @ 12:16 PM

originally posted by: TheCrypticCrusader
a reply to: Maxmars

Have you considered the implications of this technology being used, but in reverse? Instilling thoughts and actions, instead of reading them? Something to consider.

Start the Robert Duncan video around the 20:00 mark, to listen to him talk about patents that can be accessed involving, inserting an external signal into the micro and macro circuits of the brain.

I also just found this article, which would imply 2-way communication:

Scientists Have Connected The Brains of 3 People, Enabling Them to Share Thoughts

Neuroscientists have successfully hooked up a three-way brain connection to allow three people share their thoughts – and in this case, play a Tetris-style game. The team thinks this wild experiment could be scaled up to connect whole networks of people, and yes, it's as weird as it sounds.

It works through a combination of electroencephalograms (EEGs), for recording the electrical impulses that indicate brain activity, and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), where neurons are stimulated using magnetic fields.

Don't worry, governments will keep us safe.

posted on May, 6 2023 @ 01:00 PM

originally posted by: Peeple
a reply to: IndieA

And back to the nightmares... thank you

Rule #1. Don't Panic

posted on May, 14 2023 @ 11:24 PM

originally posted by: IndieA

originally posted by: Peeple
a reply to: Maxmars

A MRI is not exactly portable. So I'm really not too worried about my 'mental privacy'.
But I guess it's good to have a reference for paranoid peeps like me where our technology actually stands.

If you go to the 18:30 mark of the Robert Duncan video I posted, he talks about fMRI at a distance, and other the Earth.

He says that the Earth's magnetosphere can be used as an fMRI. I'm pretty sure that if this technology exist on a large scale, it's kept secret, but I agree that some form of soft disclosure is necessary.

When asked how this MRI tech works. Duncan reply's, "how do we talk to submarines under the water?" The answer to that question is with the ELF (extra low frequency) that was developed at the HAARP facility.

OK, so there is so much wrong in this. No the Earth's 'magnetosphere' or magnetic field can't be used as a MRI machine. The MRI machine needs a very strong magnetic field, stepped in various complex ways, and complex active radio frequency transmitters and receivers to work.

How a MRI machine works is not like how ELF is used to communicate with submarines.

posted on May, 15 2023 @ 12:14 AM

originally posted by: Maxmars
a reply to: VictorVonDoom

You bring up a good point.

I was wondering how well this might translate into a real effort to communicate with those animals we are almost certain actually think. Whales, dolphins, higher primates, even birds... we could answer many questions...

We could get so much data about the planet and how it really works, especially deep underwater. They could tell us where the treasures sank. Birds would tell us much about the weather.

Here's a thing: If we can translate thought signals into text, we are on the way to imposing sensory signals, meaning a person can see what a certain animal sees or hears or feels or smells or even impart sensory data that we were not aware of, or could only imagine.

posted on May, 18 2023 @ 02:16 PM

originally posted by: mbkennel

originally posted by: IndieA

originally posted by: Peeple
a reply to: Maxmars

A MRI is not exactly portable. So I'm really not too worried about my 'mental privacy'.
But I guess it's good to have a reference for paranoid peeps like me where our technology actually stands.

If you go to the 18:30 mark of the Robert Duncan video I posted, he talks about fMRI at a distance, and other the Earth.

He says that the Earth's magnetosphere can be used as an fMRI. I'm pretty sure that if this technology exist on a large scale, it's kept secret, but I agree that some form of soft disclosure is necessary.

When asked how this MRI tech works. Duncan reply's, "how do we talk to submarines under the water?" The answer to that question is with the ELF (extra low frequency) that was developed at the HAARP facility.

OK, so there is so much wrong in this. No the Earth's 'magnetosphere' or magnetic field can't be used as a MRI machine. The MRI machine needs a very strong magnetic field, stepped in various complex ways, and complex active radio frequency transmitters and receivers to work.

How a MRI machine works is not like how ELF is used to communicate with submarines.

Megnetoencephalography or MEG, might be what he was referring to, although the term that was used was, functional MRI at a distance. Functional MRI at a distance being one component of synthetic telepathy technology.

In any case, if the technology exist to monitor brain waves remotely, or even to be able to differentiate between different unique neural signatures, I'm fairly certain that most, if not all, of it is still classified.

My understanding is that it's harder to remotely monitor brainwaves, than it is to remotely effect them with something like say pulsed microwave radiation, aka Havana Syndrome, or at least scientists figured out how to do the first well before they figured out the second.

edit on 18-5-2023 by IndieA because: Added Info

posted on May, 24 2023 @ 10:54 AM
How the technology behind ChatGPT could make mind-reading a reality

Neuroscientists at the University of Texas in Austin have figured out a way to translate scans of brain activity into words using the very same artificial intelligence technology that powers the groundbreaking chatbot ChatGPT.

The breakthrough could revolutionize how people who have lost the ability to speak can communicate. It’s just one pioneering application of AI developed in recent months as the technology continues to advance and looks set to touch every part of our lives and our society.

While the technology is still in its infancy and shows great promise, the limitations might be a source of relief to some. AI can’t easily read our minds, yet.

The technology that is available to the public, is still in it's infancy, but how advanced is the technology that DARPA and military contractors are experimenting with and using?

While breakthrough medical advances are no doubt good news and potentially life-changing for patients struggling with debilitating ailments, it also raises questions about how the technology could be applied in controversial settings.

Could it be used to extract a confession from a prisoner? Or to expose our deepest, darkest secrets?

The short answer, Huth and his colleagues say, is no — not at the moment.

For starters, brain scans need to occur in an fMRI machine, the AI technology needs to be trained on an individual’s brain for many hours, and, according to the Texas researchers, subjects need to give their consent. If a person actively resists listening to audio or thinks about something else the brain scans will not be a success.

“We think that everyone’s brain data should be kept private,” said Jerry Tang, the lead author on a paper published earlier this month detailing his team’s findings. “Our brains are kind of one of the final frontiers of our privacy.”

The importance of cognitive privacy, and maybe a hint of an already existing technological breakthrough, of no longer needing consent or cooperation.

Echoing the AI warning, Tang told CNN that lawmakers need to take “mental privacy” seriously to protect “brain data” — our thoughts — two of the more dystopian terms I’ve heard in the era of AI.

While the technology at the moment only works in very limited cases, that might not always be the case.

“It’s important not to get a false sense of security and think that things will be this way forever,” Tang warned. “Technology can improve and that could change how well we can decode and change whether decoders require a person’s cooperation.”

A few nights after watching the WEF lecture and animation on this subject, I had a dream that office co-workers, who I haven't met yet, were talking to me about their brain data, and one of the workers, a female, didn't feel comfortable sharing her brain data for the day.

edit on 24-5-2023 by IndieA because: Clarification

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