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Debunking the Aryan Race “Myth” and Separating Fact from Fiction

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posted on Apr, 25 2023 @ 10:51 PM
I've run across a fascinating article which I hope you all will find interesting.

We've all witnessed the monumental abuse the social engineers of the NAZI regime inflicted on the previously innocent swastika. And the almost insistently ignorant idea which people collectively acquiesce to, when NAZIs usurped and used the swastika as a symbol of tortuously applied racial hatred...

Even to this day, knowing as we do, with full and direct evidence to the contrary, many confuse the Buddhist symbol for the NAZI emblem, never mind the native American tribal use of the similar symbol, in no way associated with NAZI 'values' or anything even remotely akin to racial supremacy. Even modern NAZIs wont stop using it, ostensibly knowing that it was never theirs to begin with, and it never symbolized what they 'decided' to say it did.

This article is about analogous misrepresentation of the NAZI regime which persists in common understanding: Aryans, or the Aryan 'race.'

Almost every NAZI trope in the dialogues we experience in media include some passing reference to the "superior Aryan race... yada yada." Things like "We Aryans are superior, and destined to rule over all..." etc. However ... focused study and our historical understanding of the Aryans indicates that once again, the NAZIs found a social engineering use for something and basely corrupted it. (I wonder if they had won their goal, if this part of human history would have been 'erased' for their convenience... or perhaps it would have been made criminal to talk about it... some people do seem to "go there.")

It demonstrates the tremendous power that arises when pseudo-scientific propaganda becomes amplified and adopted for ideological agendas.

Freelancer Kerry Sullivan penned this excellent article for Ancient Debunking the Aryan Race “Myth” and Separating Fact from Fiction

I highly recommend the submission as extremely informative about exactly who the Aryan appear to have been in ancient history... (hint: NEITHER Norse nor Germanic people.)

While historically educational, it also prods the mind towards a realization about how much of the world's history has been "used" to further agendas and ideologies that they actually have nothing to do with. While I know this was not the author's intent it remains a valuable set of data to include in discussion of the topics here and elsewhere.

Today, the word "Aryan" has become synonymous with all sorts of negative connotations, including theories of racial superiority and white supremacy . This association has led to a widespread misunderstanding of the term's origins and meaning, and resulting baseless concepts related to a supposed Aryan race have been coopted and misused by racist ideologies .

Only in the late 19th early 20th centuries did Aryan become equated with Germanic or Nordic peoples. Prior to this corruption, Aryan referred to an archaic language whose speakers are thought to have spread and influenced languages throughout the Indian subcontinent.

Over time, and largely due to Nazi ideology , Aryans have become associated with racial hierarchies that consider white-skinned, blonde and blue-eyed peoples as superior. This served as a very useful propaganda tool for couching racist sentiments in seemingly scientific or historic, yet completely false, realities.

The Nazi regime's misappropriation of the term “ Aryan” resulted in a legacy of hatred, discrimination, and persecution that continues to impact society today. To counteract the harmful misconceptions that have been propagated in the name of the "Aryan" label, it is essential to understand its true meaning and historical context. Recognizing the origins of the term and how it has been misused in the past can help us move towards a more inclusive and equitable society that respects diversity and rejects racist ideologies .

[bold type by me for contextual emphasis.]

The manner in which the transmutation of the label came to pass is well explained here, but I found it noteworthy to include this excerpt.

To quickly put any Nazi suppositions to rest, the earliest known Aryans lived in prehistoric Iran. These people migrated to northern India sometime around 1,500 BC. Previous inhabitants of the Indian subcontinent called these newcomers ārya. The English term “Aryan” comes from this Sanskrit word. Interestingly, the term has a cognate in the Persian language, ērān. This word is the source of the name of the modern-day country known as Iran.

The author includes a roughly 20 minute video on the subject you might find informative and well-met:

Note from Maxmars: I have become sensitized to the fact that this article could be considered 'bad form' by the algorithm metrics of content evaluation. It contains multiple instances of words like swastika, NAZI, and Aryan... so it could be instantly flagged as a problem demonstrative of negative connotation. I can only say that if you were to submit it to any pro-NAZI or white supremacy site, they would find it equally troubling... I think that's ironic... or at least funny.

edit on 4/25/2023 by Maxmars because: EDIT TO ADD LINK

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 03:26 AM
Before the 20th century the Swastika was most famously used in Asia, but actually it's been used by Germanic people too for ar least 1500 years, probably much longer imo: link

The Sunwheel too. The Swastika seems to have been used by many different peoples of course. Ironically both liberals and Putinists and leftists want to cancel it these days.
edit on 26-4-2023 by Cutepants because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 03:39 AM
a reply to: Maxmars

Almost every NAZI trope in the dialogues we experience in media include some passing reference to the "superior Aryan race... yada yada."

"Aryan" was one aspect of the Nazi ideology regarding races, but they very much believed in the notion of a racial hierarchy at the apex of which were supposedly blond-haired, blue-eyed Germans.

Like all propaganda, it reduced complex realities to a bull-simple characterization.

But yes, I take your point. The original meaning of "Aryan peoples" had nothing to do with the Third Reich.

edit on 26-4-2023 by F2d5thCavv2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 05:10 AM
a reply to: Maxmars

Pretty wild how the Nazis, especially Himmler, set out to create a religion that revolved around race and people still fall for it. The SS was more than just a nasty paramilitary group it was an entire upper caste of people separate from the rest of the population.

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 05:37 AM
There certainly are different breeds of humankind.
They are as distinct as in any animal. Each with different characteistics.
If you deny this, you think a Chihuahua is exactly the same as a Rottwiler.

However you can't say one is better than the other, as each have evolved to be the fittest in their environment.

Not siding with the idea of Aryans being best, but if a perceived group has the qualities they imagined, then they wanted more of those by breeding.

We do this with animals since we started animal husbandry.

Again. I am not defending the Nazis, just bringing in some biology.
Humans are weird and nasty.

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 06:08 AM
a reply to: Maxmars

I can save all of us the whole problem of rewriting history. It is always going to be a Stars Upon Thars outcome.

Why don’t we just accept it all as myth. You can believe whatever you want and just concentrate on trying make what we do today worthy of making it into the books.

As far as I am concerned, all events retold will either be embellished to make one look better, or to make one look worse. Which is which will be determined by the one doing the telling.

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 07:23 AM
"What an odd thing to say." - M. Groening

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 07:46 AM
The Nazis didn't just take on Aryanism as a racial meme they knew where the Aryans came from and trying to justify themselves as Aryan they sent many many archaeological expeditions to the northern Middle East and Northern India and Tibet. I think more importantly they identified themselves with the Nordic races. Maybe they equated the Nordic peoples as the epitome, the final result of an Aryan race. In as so much as, as pointed out, the Aryans were supposed to originate from the Silk Road area. Do not take that as from the Silk road but the great swathe across the Northern Middle East across the top of India to China that the Silk Road went across.

The reason for the Nazis to concentrate on the Nordic races is because they ARE blonde and blue eyed and their mythology is stacked full of the ideals of what they wanted to become.

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 07:56 AM

originally posted by: Cutepants
Before the 20th century the Swastika was most famously used in Asia, but actually it's been used by Germanic people too for ar least 1500 years, probably much longer imo: link

The Sunwheel too. The Swastika seems to have been used by many different peoples of course. Ironically both liberals and Putinists and leftists want to cancel it these days.

The manji traces its origins back to ancient Sanskrit and has been used as a symbol in Japanese Buddhism since the first century. When facing left, it represents love and mercy. Facing right, it represents strength and intelligence.
edit on 26-4-2023 by TzarChasm because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 08:10 AM
a reply to: crayzeed

They were doubling down on European dominance around the globe. Making up stories about blond haired blue eyed people from Atlantis spreading around the globe teaching the lesser races how to civilize... I'm not even making that up, it sounds like a made up movie plot but it's true.

The leading nazis wanted to create a mythology centered around Europeans and created sub categories of aryan races, which conveniently left out probably half of the European population. And the top of the food chain were the blond haird blue eyed type, closests genetically to the Atlantian race of people.

I still remember learning about the expedition where they sent a bunch of anthropologists and such to see how far they could trace this lost uber race of Atlantis refugees to Tibet, and found nothing in common with what they were sure they'd find and just made up some BS conclusion that the white aryan genes were just simply bred out.

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 09:42 AM

originally posted by: Hecate666
There certainly are different breeds of humankind.
They are as distinct as in any animal. Each with different characteistics.
If you deny this, you think a Chihuahua is exactly the same as a Rottwiler.

However you can't say one is better than the other, as each have evolved to be the fittest in their environment.

Not siding with the idea of Aryans being best, but if a perceived group has the qualities they imagined, then they wanted more of those by breeding.

We do this with animals since we started animal husbandry.

Again. I am not defending the Nazis, just bringing in some biology.
Humans are weird and nasty.

I believe you are correct, and I am not defending what the Nazis did either. Members of my own family suffered through those times, and there was much more to it.
But my Dad traveled the world and always told me that was the greatest education - He said that each country has their own traditions, religions, policies and laws, and they do not want that to be changed, that it should be respected. Seems that problems occur with 'culture clash', border changes, different groups trying to take over or 'merge' with others.

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 09:47 AM
a reply to: Hecate666

just bringing in some biology.

My favorite bit on that topic was their attempt to recreate aurochs by breeding large cattle.

Ironically, the descendants of those cattle can be found today in the United Kingdom.


posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 11:39 AM
a reply to: crayzeed

I believe that's kind of how it went. They knew the Aryans came from around Northern India; in fact they are very similar facial structures as modern Caucasians , just darker skin tone. Then I think the Nazi's knew about the migration of the Aryans from the Indian subcontinent through central Asia towards Europe. As dumb as Nazi 'science' was, (TRUST THE SCIENCE!) I don't think they were under some misguidance that the original Aryans were Nordic.

posted on May, 1 2023 @ 06:06 PM

originally posted by: Maxmars
I highly recommend the submission as extremely informative about exactly who the Aryan appear to have been in ancient history... (hint: NEITHER Norse nor Germanic people.)

Only in the late 19th early 20th centuries did Aryan become equated with Germanic or Nordic peoples. Prior to this corruption, Aryan referred to an archaic language whose speakers are thought to have spread and influenced languages throughout the Indian subcontinent.

Proto-Indo-European is the root of most European and West Asian languages with the exception of Basque, Finnish and the closely related Estonian language, and Welsh.

The PBS show Nova had an episode which suggested the Aryans might have spread from their ancient homeland throughout Europe and West Asia during an outbreak of the Black Plague 5,500 years ago. Apparently they showed a greater resistance to the plague than the previous inhabitants of Europe and West Asia.

The Plague normally lives in various animals native to the mountains of West and Central Asia. Perhaps those Aryans got used to the plague living so near where it normally dwells.

It is quite possible that German or Norse people would have Aryan heritage.

Perhaps their epigenetics contain an ancient memory of a time when the Plague swept all Europe before them, enabling them to abandon the pastures of Iran and Kazakhstan and take over Europe.
edit on 1-5-2023 by Solvedit because: format

posted on Jul, 18 2023 @ 12:54 AM
a reply to: Maxmars

Yes, Hitler's Aryans were a total illusion. The fool believed in a lot of made up trash.

We all came from Africa in the beginning. Hitler's ancestor was a black dude and his fellow cousins Jewish. Race is insane. Don't even go there. It is aa big trouble maker with humans. We are all one race. It is called the HUMAN RACE. When we can get our heads around that, all of us, is when we will all be free of each other's discrimination and crazy anti-humanity.

“Until the philosophy which holds one race superior and another inferior is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned, everywhere is war. And until there are no longer first-class and second-class citizens of any nation, until the colour of a man's skin is of no more significance than the colour of his eyes. And until the basic human rights are equally guaranteed to all without regard to race, there is war. And until that day, the dream of lasting peace, world citizenship, rule of international morality, will remain but a fleeting illusion to be pursued, but never attained". (King Haile Selassie).

posted on Jul, 18 2023 @ 05:12 PM
a reply to: Maxmars

It's just a visual representation of a pyramid from a bird's eye view... Right turning it would be the eye of RA; Left turning the eye of RE.

If you look at what get called the big and little dipper or Ursa major and Minor which are the same thing? We can see the pole star which represents the apex of the world as traveling through space goes. The Ka is what the earth would be traveling through space or having exited the hole for it as seen in the great pyramid.

The male or RA part is the upward pointing meaning looking up towards the star and the female or RE pointing down or looking down from the star as the King and Queen chamber. Meaning focusing on a point of light in the right eye leads to the upper levels and with the left the lower levels.

It means one eye is sexed male and one eye is sexed female and so are the hands one as a giving hand and one as a receiving hand. The overall meaning is those two in one body are always in a divine union that cannot be separate but are in a constant duality of expression and the goal is that both become a balance...

To weigh one's heart with a feather means when you are expecting a male or female not self out there to perform either a man or woman's work when you can harness that from within and perform it yourself leaves you and the world in duality when you don't go the other way...

Meaning peace and self reliance results or mirrors the pyramid that turns both ways or forms the six pointed star. The two deaths mean: I have been to the furthest extent of either what is known as a man or woman in work and am now going the other way to perform the work of either man or woman that I haven't yet learned.

Meaning having traveled one and know all of that; I travel the other way to know all the work of that one and in the end complete... Where the argument of that is a man or woman's work or what is a man's or woman's work is mote.

Having completed one that is a death having completed the other is death having completed both? One is said to beyond death or the duality that takes place within oneself and others; When not having completed such a task.

When encountering such a thing as the duelist not complete and keeps going to that same extreme; Ignore the ignorance as it was their choice to keep going one way expecting a different outcome than an un-resolvable duality until they go the other way; Until then they will keep meeting with death.

It is said that the world already went the way of the matriarchy and has been going the other way as ideals go... The light of the world yet to come is obviously the world turning back to matriarchy as all the patriarchy has been doing is declare war and destroying the world instead of one of growth and peace.

She of course would see this if it were not the age of Kali or ignorant darkness that all of that duality is for her or benefits her when that is all one polar or mans... She is more just in the way of his inherent nihilism and her in that way keeps giving birth with those men only prolonging and slowing the process into death or extinction making all life suffer to it's greatest extent.

The gender dysphoria means life doesn't really know which way to go and that it is soon going to flip; When man lays with another man it augurs go the other way... As the world has had enough or gone too far as it's inferior males trying to dominate other males and they do so with all of the faults learned from women robbing them from their pleasure when with other women and instead of using what was beneficially learned from them and keep attacking other men with their delusional behavior.

Like a small drop in the ocean that one act of chaos not order; Ripples through the entire world that it and all on it are ready for death and extinction since more life cannot occur from such a physical union.

edit on 18-7-2023 by Crowfoot because: clarity

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