what is more interesting is the prime ministers father in law owns the company infosys which operates the emergency system and they are in a 20
million tax dispute with the UK gov
how did his father in law get the contract I wonder
How they can get away with the fact that give out all these contracts to the likes of friends and family whilst keeping a straight face is quite
frankly beyond me.
whats more interesting is how did a hedge fund manager whose company was suspected involved in the 2008 financial crisis become chancellor of the
exchequer and now prime minister, and whose assets were shifted offshore into the cayman islands a notorious tax fraud haven before he took the role
Not a good look I will grant you but, in fairness, Infosys are a global leader. If you are going to have this sort of system then you would hope it
comes from the best available.
Having said that, would be interesting to know if it went to tender.