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Why certain politicians, government employees and celebrities suddenly turn on Trump!?

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posted on Apr, 18 2023 @ 05:01 PM

originally posted by: putnam6
Not gonna lie I'd like everybody who gives a damn about politics to take the quiz below and be honest and expand the questions on issues they especially concern you. I know lots of you are everything is black or white, but if you click other you see expanded choices beyond just yes or no.

Plus it covers all elections, Im woefully ignorant of the candidates in my new district

First, go around I identify with 2 guys I know very little about, and perhaps Im not as libertarian as I thought

Might be interesting just to see where everybody actually stands. and perhaps foster intelligent discourse

You post this in my thread! I reply to you asking you and mods if your post is on topic, bc according to me it seems very off topic. Either you took away my reply labelling it as "off topic" or you told a mod to take it away. What is going on in this forum these days? Sad

posted on Apr, 18 2023 @ 05:03 PM
I think it was the jabs. The forced vaccinations rewired our DNA and with it the way we think. Celebrities and actors are most susceptible to this reprogramming.

I'll see what kind of bitchute links I can dig up to support this theory.

posted on Apr, 18 2023 @ 05:39 PM

originally posted by: Mahogany
I think it was the jabs. The forced vaccinations rewired our DNA and with it the way we think. Celebrities and actors are most susceptible to this reprogramming.

I'll see what kind of bitchute links I can dig up to support this theory.

According to bitchute tea made from pine needles can combat the spike proteins that do all the damage and turn you into a magnet.

posted on Apr, 18 2023 @ 05:40 PM
a reply to: Crowdpsychology

It is on topic.

If we all posted our results and trump isn’t showing up in line with our policies, I see that as raw data.

So if his policy is slipping, and he’s abrasive as ever, that’s the answer.

Why should I trade off my world view just because some guy ruffles the feathers of my opponents?

posted on Apr, 18 2023 @ 10:32 PM
a reply to: Crowdpsychology

I haven't seen you around before so let me say welcome! and looking forward to any future write ups.

Sound analysis and eloquently expressed.

posted on Apr, 18 2023 @ 10:59 PM
a reply to: Crowdpsychology

LOL, are you serious?

I can assure 3 things Crowdpsychology

Ive messaged a mod only once since Ive joined ATS circa 2005. It wasn't about you and it wasn't about removing anything, hell it was a positive happy request. Hell my friend I was blissfully ignorant of you till today.

Secondly, I take this message board stuff infinitely less seriously and important than you do.

Lastly, if you go back and read the whole thread, you will see 4-5 much more esteemed, educated, and illustrious ATSers than myself mentioned other potential candidates for the 2024 election in this same thread, thusly I made the now
the thoroughly regrettable decision to post about other candidates as well in your Trump being railroaded by the left, even those who used to adore him thread.

I honestly, sincerely, and humbly apologize to you and the other participants in this thread, and certainly the mods as well. Also regrettably It is too late for me to remove my ghastly offensive post, hopefully, others here will read it and learn from my mistakes.

Unfortunately, my transgressions are becoming an issue I have had 20-plus disciplinary MOD messages since January. Mostly we moved your thread, and quite a few off-topic posts were removed messages, and a warning or 2 sprinkled in as well.

Faced with those hard facts and serious infractions, I am filing articles of impeachment against myself, thus possibly saving ATS from the embarrassment my post has surely brought upon you all. In addition to the articles of impeachment Im also installing 3 off-topic post banners as a sobering reminder to not post in one of your threads ever again, I will meekly ask if it's okay if I can still read them? with the full understanding though you may grant me this request now, you can revoke this privilege at any future time at your complete discretion.

I thoroughly hope this will be sufficient to end this matter, and I leave this thread now to grow into the magnificent and mighty beacon of journalistic freedom, truth, and justice it so completely is, its biting honesty and enlightening conclusions deserve a Pulitzer nomination if not the award outright. Sad indeed...


Humbly submitted April 18th, 2023

posted on Apr, 20 2023 @ 10:37 AM
a reply to: 19Bones79

Thank you! I have been a member for many years as you can see in my old threads and comments. But I haven't been posting or commenting since then. Been thinking about making a thread about this for a while now, and now was the time. Appreciate your reply. Cheers

posted on May, 23 2023 @ 05:01 PM
a reply to: putnam6

I'm wrong for solely targeting you when it comes to my "off topic" remark. And for that I apologise. But I stand firm on the fact that discussing 2024 presidential candidates and attaching big pictures showing candidates is no where close to being relevant inline with what my thread is about. And I think you would agree with me on this. If other members and you want to discuss this matter, you should direct your replies to sed thread or start one yourself. Thank you for your honest reply

posted on May, 23 2023 @ 05:14 PM
a reply to: Crowdpsychology

Trump talked about other nations taking advantage of the USA for 20 years before running for President.

ALL Americans liked that kind of rhetoric.

After launching his candidacy in 2015, Trump began to talk about draining the CORRUPT SWAMP that included criminals, perverts, traitors, and others, in Media and Government and Business.

Since THE MAJORITY of top officials are NOT GOOD CLEAN WHOLESOME INDIVIDUALS, they turned on the man who was a threat to them. After he became President, the entire establishment held Trump face-down on the mat...and are still trying to do so today.

These elites don't realize that Americans always rally to those who seek to help the country, yet are persecuted for wanting to help everyday people.

We would rather Destroy all the elites than let them continue what they're doing. We'd prefer they stopped voluntarily, but if not, they will not be able to walk the streets without being afraid of not making it through the day. Millions of humans determined to get you cannot be held at bay for long.

posted on May, 24 2023 @ 11:03 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: Crowdpsychology

Trump talked about other nations taking advantage of the USA for 20 years before running for President.

ALL Americans liked that kind of rhetoric.

After launching his candidacy in 2015, Trump began to talk about draining the CORRUPT SWAMP that included criminals, perverts, traitors, and others, in Media and Government and Business.

Since THE MAJORITY of top officials are NOT GOOD CLEAN WHOLESOME INDIVIDUALS, they turned on the man who was a threat to them. After he became President, the entire establishment held Trump face-down on the mat...and are still trying to do so today.

These elites don't realize that Americans always rally to those who seek to help the country, yet are persecuted for wanting to help everyday people.

We would rather Destroy all the elites than let them continue what they're doing. We'd prefer they stopped voluntarily, but if not, they will not be able to walk the streets without being afraid of not making it through the day. Millions of humans determined to get you cannot be held at bay for long.

Well said! This is according to me also the main reason why so many famous and high ranked people suddenly changed their view and tone in regard to Donald Trump. Before Trump announced that he was running for President almost all the people who now hate him and spew false accusations against him, loved him, spent time with him, regularly visited his resorts and spoke good about him. This in itself is a big tell when it comes to the people who suddenly changed their view of Trump. The most outspoken people are the ones that hide the darkest secrets, secrets they are afraid Trump will shine a light on. Thanks for your insightful reply

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