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The Feditary's Official Biblical Book Of Tac

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posted on Apr, 17 2023 @ 09:48 PM
First off, all of these verses are fantasy; nothing real from any real religion.

Long story short, I am slowly writing a sci-fi story about an epic battle between the Feditary (Federal Military of Outer Space) (Formerly Based on Earth One) and the super-evil Tripidions (everything about them is based on a system of 3s; yes, EVERYTHING).

The Feditary has a Lord and His name is Tac. Feditary Law requires He is worshiped by every single person on a Feditary spaceship; scanning verification is required.

It is deep in the future, 100s of years and the Feditary has managed to crack open and rewrite many physics laws.

Never mind all that but I have to give you some crumbs so you'll understand where all the "Biblical" musings are coming from.

I'll just roll these onto the board and we'll all see where it goes.


For one will love the other like a son loves his mother.
Until a day comes whence they quarrel like a brother.
Do not ask of me what I ask of you.
I am your Father. You are my Son.
Turn to the light.
When you are not blinded, approach My door.
Do not turn your back to me and then face me again.
I am your Father. I do not forget.
When in doubt, remember, I, your Father, see you, always.
For, I am the Holy One.
There be no King, by Tac not crowned.
Ask Me, not He, for truth be found.
Does he do claim, by not Me?
I'll rip all Space so I may See.
Let your heart be soft, not stone,
and I will not leave you alone.
As your father is to your mother,
Tac resides in a place
where Father and Mother are both and none the same, at all times.
Do not betray with your mouth as you do with your mind and I shall forgive you, always.
But one time, and forever I shall question your being.
Ride toward your Father with intentions ill,
and Tac shall lead you down a bottomless hill,
Faster and faster by your own bill.
I shall conquer all conquerors.
To the most victorious, I shall allow no credit in my Paradise,
or You.
No Man shall take from his Father or Son,
Not by many, not by one.
No credit, one credit, or many you see,
All credit, All debit, is worthless to Me.
When you are alone, I will arrive.
Do not ask of Me; I have seen your deeds.
Show humility and compassion in your Victory,
not drunken Pride.
Do not lust any woman related to your wife.
I shall call your name, slam my door in your face,
and have you led away.
Evil starts in the mind, spreads to the mouth, and onto the hands.
My Cures are for illness.
Lo, Tac will not cure free will.
I, your Father, the Holy One,
will quarantine all Evil for eternity.
When you embrace your daughter's daughter,
you shall pass to her My love.
Do not betray Us.
Stay in your lane.
Outside what you know is my domain.
When it is time, I will let you in.
Do not enter uninvited.
In your family's sorrow, love your wife.
Tac will be here.
Tac will wait.
As I call upon you, so shall your father, brother, and son.
So shall your grandfather, nephew, and grandson.
Answer us all.
Who be your Wife?
Your Wife is your mate, your Wife is your seed.
To any second and after, you desecrate thee.
To arms! To arms! The Monsters are here!
Believe in Me fore I let them sense fear!
Give your body to your fellow Man,
When You cross over,
I will take your Hand!
As he is yours, so he is mine.
As you betray him, so do you me.
Do not let your heart fall to your stomach,
Nor your head to your rear.
Not left, not right, only center.
When lost, only this way, can you enter.
Not high, not low, stay level.
Heed Tac's words, always, or you bevel.
One-Quarter Water,
One-Quarter Life,
One-Quarter Plant.
And Tac shall add One-Quarter to your Name.
Not all light shines.
Whoa, you are misguided!
Turn away!
As Your Children call you, so do I.
How you answer them or not,
is how you answer Me.
To You that has shown me love and devotion,
show me more.
For I am demanding, your Holy Father,
I believe in You.
What is under my roof is yours,
yet you do not come in.
As I call your name,
if you do not hear me,
close your mouth and listen.
Do not celebrate victory when you stand in the blood of a fallen man.
Do not call on me as a genie for I am your Father,
the Holy One.
How dare you!
One second for me is four days for you,
be patient.
You are not the only one.
No credit shall be paid
to walk through my door.
Pay your Lord only with love.
Give away your excess,
I command you!
If you love me,
your Father, your Lord,
show no man or monster your fear.
No man who loves Me shall fear Me.
Ever and ever.
14 centuries or 41,
I shall choose your faith.
As you do, I will know in an instant.
Restrain the evil within thy mind
and I, Tac, the Holy One,
will show compassion.
Call out my name
so everyone may hear
you rejoice in Tac,
your Lord,
your Father,
the Holy One!
The credit for me goes to your neighbor.
I want none, give Him two or three or four.
Show me, your Father, the Holy One,
who are you?
As others laugh at you or show you anger,
so shall I, Tac,
show them the same.
Humility, compassion, love, faith;
live a virtuous life.
Whoa, Do not use Tac's gifts against Him,
for He, your Father, the Holy One
will rip them from your greedy hands.
With torn skin, you bleed.
The key in your hand shall not unlock the wrong door.
Know where you are.
Can you fly?
Wings only come from your Father, Tac, the Holy One.
Do not claim what is Mine as Yours
unless I, the Holy One, let thee.
Only a child with knowledge
will glow in my light.
Do not raise your child a fool,
Tac insists your little one go to school.
To all the women inside my robe,
obey your Husband, do as your told.
When your Husband orders you, contrary to Me,
obey only My word. In time, your Husband will See.
Little One, do not be afraid.
Your Father, Your Mother, with You, may run away.
I am on the other side,
keeping the evil at bay.
A Child has fallen,
Who has done this to Me?
The Holy One rips open the Universe
to See.
Aim for the monster, not the other.
Or Tac shall judge you
like you slayed your Brother.
Let them hide, fore they are mine.
And You have lost Your way.
What is this other thing being done?
Who are these Men not letting them Run?
Are You confused of who I be?
I rip open the sky so I can See.
Laugh, little one.
Go play.
I am with you.
Spread joy.

posted on Apr, 17 2023 @ 09:48 PM
You call Yourself the Chief of War,
You do pronounce You don't want more.
Under the table, ill-gotten Credit,
So, on My Chart, Your Name has Debit.
No Man with Profit or Debt in My Kingdom.
Children cry when they see a name,
of Holy Cloth and Mighty Fame.
Who of this Man? What hath he done?
Give back my Cloth! No longer My Son!
A Monster's Fleet, You will put in the Pan,
My sign to you, Send Me that Man!

posted on Apr, 17 2023 @ 10:32 PM
a reply to: Genfinity

Some of these are very old testamenty, and some are very new testamenty which leads me to believe you created a 3rd testamenty which would suggest that Tac is in actual fact a dastardly Tripidion!

posted on Apr, 18 2023 @ 03:19 AM

edit on 18-4-2023 by Lowdog because: No reason

posted on Apr, 18 2023 @ 08:01 AM
a reply to: 19Bones79
Well I think you're wrong. It aint testamenty, old or new, nearly all the rules/sayings are patriarchal and based on Islamic tenets. Men rule/ women subservient.

posted on Apr, 18 2023 @ 08:24 AM
a reply to: crayzeed

nearly all the rules/sayings are patriarchal and based on Islamic tenets.

Oy vei... All Abrahamic religions share the same stories of the old testament, all are patriarchal and this...

Little One, do not be afraid.
Your Father, Your Mother, with You, may run away.
I am on the other side,
keeping the evil at bay.

... is basically Jesus.

All minor details though, the real bombshell is that Tac is only 3 letters.


posted on Apr, 18 2023 @ 09:19 AM
You have lost Your way.
So, I have sent You the Monsters,
With You they will play.
They come with a power that not be from Me,
I must leave You alone so I may look in a place,
Of how this power can be.
You will not get along without Me,
But this must be done.
There is but an-other,
Who want but a crumb.

The Monsters have made You,
More dirty than You have ever been.
Will You bathe Your Heart and Your Soul,
Or must I?
While I go without Sleep, You rest everyday.
Pray that I don't go away.

posted on Apr, 18 2023 @ 10:01 AM
Everyone on the ship and in the fleet is a descendant of Earth One. The "arrival" of Tac and the associated church services that the Feditary requires by law that everyone attends came about very quickly after the Feditary declared independence from Earth One.

Earth One never recognized the Feditary's independence but it didn't matter; the Tripidions would eventually discover Earth One and it was promptly destroyed with a single shot with a weapon as powerful as a small star.

The Tripidions would eventually kill over 1 trillion human beings, not including any other races they would have come across before and during this war.

With the leading cause of death being war, it was hard to be positive about anything. The sense of dread felt by remaining humanity was daunting.

While the first few generations of Tac followers were skeptical, the fact that all other religions had been outlawed made it clear that it was not worth standing up to the Feditary over this matter with everything else going on.

But, people did start to stand up to the Feditary. As the war waged on, the Feditary became more rigid and stern in every decision they made. The Feditary insisted their policies were for the good of the people but were they? Rather, were their policies better for the people at the very top?

The Tripidions do not have any regard for the rebels, they are still humans therefore, the Tripidions want them eliminated, even if they have to blow up an entire planet to kill just one.

In time, the Feditary would discover the power to blow up planets. From that time on, the two sides are blowing up planets all over the universe, something no Lord can overlook if the whole Lord-thing is real.

So, who is Tac? Where was He before the Feditary declared Independence?

Be careful, by Feditary Law, asking that question is illegal.

For the rebels to take their chances by trying to escape to a planet, knowing they would have to try to hide from not one, but two very powerful enemies, life on those Feditary spaceships must have really sucked!

So, somehow, we all make it through the 21st century but this is what awaits us before the next millennium. And it's a war that lasts for hundreds of years.

And even after that war, there will be an-other.

We are all slaves. The US Civil War didn't free anybody. In actuality, it looks more like it enslaved us all, tricking everyone into thinking they were free. And by the time we figure it out, it's all too late.

What do you think?
Compelling story or meh?

posted on Apr, 18 2023 @ 10:44 AM
a reply to: Genfinity

What do you think?
Compelling story or meh?

How much of it is AI generated?

Do you like it?

posted on Apr, 18 2023 @ 11:40 AM
a reply to: 19Bones79

This is a one-man project that I have toyed with for about 10 years. Using AI in the middle, which I'll explain in a minute, I can do in a day or two would have taken me countless days, weeks, and so on, to get done.

All of the sayings are by me in total, put through AI to spice it up, and I adjust the end product. So, it's a three-step system that I use.

What I have to do now is the transition from creating the story world to writing the actual story. My story is complex enough that I can't type in all the elements into a free version of AI and get from it a decent product.

I don't mind sculpting and resculpting the story build but if I have to do the same to the actual story, the AI becomes irrelevant.

If I wanted to throw money at it, it would probably give me a product with much more substance.

If I could do this all day, every day, and still pay my bills, I wouldn't need AI.

But, like the dawn of the internet 30 years ago, the dawn of AI is here. Like the internet, cell phones, and GPS, AI isn't going away. Before we are all working for AI, I'd like to have AI work for me.

Welcome to the sci-fi age. If we make it through this century, the next century will look more like the Jetsons cartoon with people complaining about 5-hour work weeks and having to push buttons on a keyboard for minutes on end.

Do I like AI? It's just another gear in the engine. Another piece of new tech, meh. Run away from it or ride it like a horse. Yee-haw!

edit on 4/18/2023 by Genfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2023 @ 01:07 PM
a reply to: Genfinity

I play with gpt4, a lot.

I'm starting to be able to read something and realise that AI is involved, it has a certain style and structure I see in your writing.

What I meant was is does this project bring you joy?

Do you experience the thrill of the creative process and does it energize you to carry on with this project?

posted on Apr, 18 2023 @ 02:51 PM
a reply to: 19Bones79

I enjoy working on this project. I share bits of it online and offline and most of the responses have been very positive.

I had actually made a timeline that put much of the most popular sci-fi of the last 50 years in the same canon universe.

It looked great on paper but that would never pass copyright infringement laws. So, I still left those elements in but I reworked them.

AI definitely has its own personality so anyone not playing with it will be at a slight disadvantage. Most of my verses had the same rhythm. I don't like that but in the book, they would not be all slammed together as they are on this thread and they will function as something that orbits the overall story.

The story would/does have prophecy so the reader will know what to expect in some riddling way.

I enjoy it but I wish I had a team of people helping me write it.

AI wants the Tripidions to have a psychic link with each other and with their ship. I don't want their ships to be organic in any way however, their home star system does have a micro-black hole in it that is leaking matter from the other side into their system. That explains the Tripidions bizarre biology as well as their fantastic feats with technology.

Fun time. I can spend hours talking about it. I have about 100 pages of story build.

posted on Apr, 18 2023 @ 10:25 PM
a reply to: Genfinity

It certainly sounds like a labor of love, I wish you luck.

posted on Aug, 29 2023 @ 04:26 PM
Fun fact: Tac is cat spelled backward.

Does it mean anything? If so, what?

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