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Lesbians Threatened by Gender Ideology

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posted on Apr, 12 2023 @ 07:46 PM
Wow. Now this is interesting as I had never considered the traditional gay perspective on this trans crazy, specifically the women in the LGBT community. Here is a good story about it. They resent "men" claiming to be lesbians and that half the lesbians on their dating app are guys. Then they get called transphobes for not dating the guys..... LOL

Link< br />
“It’s just another way to get lesbians to want to be with men”/b]

“It’s very sad to see women in general being erased … I see a lot of screenshots of pictures from lesbian dating apps, and, like, every other swipe is a man.”

Conversations among lesbians about only wanting to date biological women have been dubbed “transphobic” and “abusive” by activists and media. Lesbian dating apps now boast “inclusion” of “queer,” “non-binary, gender-fluid and transgender people” — broadening the pool of users from homosexual women to people who don’t “identify” as women, or people who are not women at all.

“The denial of biological sex … erases homosexuality, as same-sex attraction is meaningless without the distinction between the sexes,” wrote biologists Colin M. Wright and Emma N. Hilton in an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal, titled “The Dangerous Denial of Sex.”

Jaimee said that she views the push to integrate biological males into women’s spaces, and by extension lesbians’ spaces, as a fresh effort to convince homosexual women that they are misguided, and can be persuaded to be with men — reminiscent of the premise of conversion therapies.

“It’s like, we already went through this once before as lesbians,” Jaimee told Breitbart. “For the longest time we were told that we’re just going through a phase, or we haven’t found the right man, and it’s like, no, we genuinely do not want a man in a romantic or sexual way.”

“And now, we have to, we have this whole new hill to climb to make that point, again,” she continued. “Just the the notion that a man can be lesbian, like, a biological man can be a lesbian, it just it makes me cringe, it makes me uncomfortable. And it’s just another way to try to get lesbians to somehow want to be with men, and that will never happen. That’s never been the case, and it never will be.”

posted on Apr, 12 2023 @ 07:48 PM
a reply to: infolurker

Isnt it widely known that many of the LGs want nothing to do with the rest of it?

Or am I the one that is misinformed?

posted on Apr, 12 2023 @ 07:53 PM
a reply to: JinMI

What is LGs?

posted on Apr, 12 2023 @ 07:55 PM
a reply to: infolurker


posted on Apr, 12 2023 @ 07:56 PM
A lot of gay people can't stand the trans community.... especially lesbians. I recall seeing articles and vlogs about this a few years ago.

posted on Apr, 12 2023 @ 07:57 PM
a reply to: Edumakated

I liked the closing:

“All they see coming from our community is this disgusting attack on kids,” Jaimee said. “And I really wish that people in our community, like … the LGBTQ+ media, like Advocate, and Pink News, and all of them, I really wish they could understand that what we’re doing [by denouncing trans activism] is helping our community more than anything else.”

“It’s not about equality, it’s about supremacy, you know, this trans movement is militant,” Jaimee said of the escalating demands and outsized cultural influence of trans activists, as they take more cultural space than gays ever pursued.

“The patriarchy is back, and it’s disguised as a woman, and it’s scary.”

posted on Apr, 12 2023 @ 08:08 PM
a reply to: infolurker

Conversations among lesbians about only wanting to date biological women have been dubbed “transphobic” and “abusive” by activists and media.

This just keeps getting better and better. Popcorn and 3D glasses at the ready.

posted on Apr, 12 2023 @ 08:18 PM
We just need to come up with more labels and segregate ourselves more.

You can have a biological woman who feels like a woman and is attracted to biological women. We can call these people Lesbians.

You can have a biological woman who feels like a woman and is attracted to biological men. We can call these people Cisbians.

You can have a biological woman who feels like a man and is attracted to biological women. We can call these people Translesbians.

You can have a biological woman who feels like a man and is attracted to biological men. We can call these people Femaletransgays.

You can have a biological man who feels like a woman and is attracted to biological women. We can call these people Transbians.

You can have a biological man who feels like a woman and is attracted to biological men. We can call these people Maletransgays.

You can have biological man who feels like a man and is attracted to biological women. We can call these people Cismalebians.

You can have biological man who feels like a man and is attracted to biological men. We cab call these people Gaysbians.

You can have a biological man who feels like a woman and a man and is attracted to biological women. We can call these people Malebibians.

You can have a biological man who feels like a woman and a man and is attracted to biological men. We can call these people Bigays.

You can have biological woman who feels like a man and a woman and is attracted to biological women. We can call these people Bibians.

You can have biological woman who feels like a man and a woman and is attracted to biological men. We cab call these people Cisbibians.

The labels could use some work; but you get the idea. And each group can have their own government approved dating app.

edit on 12-4-2023 by dandandat2 because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-4-2023 by dandandat2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2023 @ 08:23 PM
a reply to: infolurker
Here! Bisexual, I feel attracted to both gender not only sexually but also love. I know it's not natural and it's complicated but I am who I am! I am not pushing it on anyone.

Was registered on an adult page to meet people and eventually found a partner there. Due to some skills of mine, [snipped], I got hundreds of messages a week from all over Europe.

I would love to share some screenshots from the messages I got but the account is gone already. Men in dresses registered as lesbian women! Dozens! And the platform did not care at all. None of the guys in the dresses that literally harassed me for saying "no" got kicked, not that I ever noticed.

It's often the same, they write some more or less creative copied text. At first, I was so kind to decline, after a few of these nutcases, I just blocked them from the get go. Because as soon as you interact, they either try to talk you into it, or flat out, right away, begin to throw around insults how I am a traitor to the case and should not be so uptight and #.

So vile, aggressive and entitled. The platform did nothing against these, the men that send [snipped] unasked (I said no unasked pictures in my profile), were gone in a matter of minutes. I guess the ones running the platform are/were afraid of the backlash they would face, should they ban one of these psychotic humans.

edit on Thu Apr 13 2023 by DontTreadOnMe because: T&C

posted on Apr, 12 2023 @ 08:32 PM
I just dropped a $100 donation to Gays Against Groomers and bought my wife a $30 tank top.
This crap has to end.

posted on Apr, 12 2023 @ 10:45 PM
a reply to: infolurker

Wait till you realise that a vast-majority of transvestites are actually homophobic.

Rather than admit they like d!cks, they pretend they're not men in order to absolve their perceived sin of homosexual behavior. I couldn't believe the mental gymnastics required to be so deluded, but alas, it's true.

"Look, I'm not gay, i wear a skirt while i get buggered".
edit on 12/4/23 by Grenade because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2023 @ 11:06 PM
a reply to: Grenade

From the sound of this story it appears it is the other way around. Hetrosexual dudes slap on a wig and a dress and call themselves "Lesbians".

Then, when girls turn them down, instead of just being the normal beta chump, they now have the power to scream "Transphobia" and turn the tables on the women who don't want them.

At least, that is how I read it.

Why just be a below average dude when you can be a protected class, celebrated, and put in the power seat?
edit on 12-4-2023 by infolurker because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2023 @ 01:00 AM
a reply to: infolurker

I'd say reactionary gay and lesbians. They aren't sexually attracted by the same sex just repulsed by the opposite... Hence the whine about unsolicitedly being shown that your sexual orientation is trauma based and not love when they surprisingly feel attracted to a trans...

I guess it's the main issue with most, it's a slap in your face when one realizes that his sexual attraction couldn't be more superficial and that one is in the first instance solely attracted by the superficiality.

Some actually think that is love...

posted on Apr, 13 2023 @ 01:18 AM
The alphabet problem.

Lesbians and gays are same sex attracted. Trans are all over the place.

Trans supporters believe that sticking on a dress and some make-up makes you a woman, so it follows that if they are attracted to another woman then it must be lesbianism, irrespective of the fact "new" woman has a hairy back and his "meat and two veg". Thus, it's transphobic if a "real" lesbian does not want to meet/date/bed the "new" women because irrespective of the fact they are a man, they are a woman too.

Such a broken logic trap.

Now, what the "new" woman wants is a heterosexual relationship with a lesbian, or another woman. It's crazy. Lesbians are - by their nature - attracted to other lesbian women and not men dressed as women.

I do think much of this is fetishism and men playing games of control to abuse women, whether they know it or not. Many need counselling and mental health support for their autogynephilia, but what they get is encouragement from their peers, politicians and thick celebrities.

posted on Apr, 13 2023 @ 08:13 AM

originally posted by: dandandat2
We just need to come up with more labels and segregate ourselves more.

You can have a biological woman who feels like a woman and is attracted to biological women. We can call these people Lesbians.

You can have a biological woman who feels like a woman and is attracted to biological men. We can call these people Cisbians.

You can have a biological woman who feels like a man and is attracted to biological women. We can call these people Translesbians.

You can have a biological woman who feels like a man and is attracted to biological men. We can call these people Femaletransgays.

You can have a biological man who feels like a woman and is attracted to biological women. We can call these people Transbians.

You can have a biological man who feels like a woman and is attracted to biological men. We can call these people Maletransgays.

You can have biological man who feels like a man and is attracted to biological women. We can call these people Cismalebians.

You can have biological man who feels like a man and is attracted to biological men. We cab call these people Gaysbians.

You can have a biological man who feels like a woman and a man and is attracted to biological women. We can call these people Malebibians.

You can have a biological man who feels like a woman and a man and is attracted to biological men. We can call these people Bigays.

You can have biological woman who feels like a man and a woman and is attracted to biological women. We can call these people Bibians.

You can have biological woman who feels like a man and a woman and is attracted to biological men. We cab call these people Cisbibians.

The labels could use some work; but you get the idea. And each group can have their own government approved dating app.

memorize this or you're transphobic, sexist, supremacist, climate denier

posted on Apr, 13 2023 @ 08:51 AM
a reply to: dandandat2

You missed the...

You can have biological man who feels like a baby girl and thus wears a nappy and is completely porn-addled, and is attracted to anyone who will play out their perverted fantasies. We can call these people sick and in need of professional help.

posted on Apr, 13 2023 @ 11:54 AM
a reply to: infolurker

I have been bringing this up for a while now. Trans and homosexuality are incompatible.

One absolutely depends on physical biological reality of the sexes. The other demands you believe all that is purely in your head, not body/biology dependent.

posted on Apr, 13 2023 @ 10:40 PM
There used to be a line, and if you crossed it you went into an asylum.
Before that, I imagine you just didn't come home from a communal resource gathering trip.

Society used to deal with the problematic members quietly and privately, but now it seems we're forced to worship them at a huge scale.

If you represent less than a percent of the population you can shut up and go vote like the rest of us.
If your opinion on policy is bad for the overall society, it should be marginalized and ultimately forgotten.
That's why we have votes.

If you live in a place where the majority of people have congregated to either skew or otherwise cheat, that's why we have a republic. Our had.

"If you can keep it. "

Not looking good....


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