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MSN news alien mothership !!why the ridiculous news stories.

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posted on Apr, 8 2023 @ 11:20 PM
It seems that every day more ridiculous news headline hits the front of controlled news agencies. We know they are controlled therefore the news which is not really news, has a reason for it, it is worldwide and tends to act as a diversion. But a diversion from what? what is the big thing that the listener's concentration is being diverted from? What would an uncontrolled fourth estate have on its front pages, if we were back in the day? Would the majority of the population really give a dam about guys with beards that think that they are women? but couched and presented in a certain way, the old dame of the Pantomime era starts to become something dangerous, like grooming "The Children". The children are getting shot at school...." The Children"it is all for the children or at least it should be if we were in a sane world which thankfully most of us still are. So logically there has to be an agenda going on here to divert from the real issue. I think this guy nails it, the plummeting sperm counts in the male population is known and not a new thing, as Graphene oxide in the face masks, and plastic pollution but now we are in the collapse phase of the depopulation scenario, and the distraction is to stop the mass of the people from going on the streets until the time comes when there isn't the will left or the physical presence left to stop what's happening. It is "Depopulation" This vid is well worth a look if you need convincing that we are now in the end

posted on Apr, 9 2023 @ 12:34 AM
a reply to: anonentity

So they're after the defilement of our "Precious Bodily Essence!"

Got it.

Thank you, Dr. Strangelove

posted on Apr, 9 2023 @ 12:35 AM
a reply to: anonentity

My dad (97 this year) has commented several times recently about the Mothership, UFOs and alien headlines. As you have suggested, there is a purpose. One thing we have discussed is that it may be a cover for something that they believe will likely happen soon. Like the disappearance of millions of people worldwide. They can say that there was an alien abduction, when really its something else.

Western societies and their news has gone over the edge in the last couple years. They are absolutely nuts. Actually they are evil, and pushing an evil agenda

posted on Apr, 9 2023 @ 01:43 AM
a reply to: visitedbythem

It will be a real bitch fight between religion and science and MSN ... Was it God? Was it the vax? Was it aliens?

posted on Apr, 9 2023 @ 03:41 AM
How many genders do the aliens have?

That's really what this is all about.


posted on Apr, 9 2023 @ 03:56 AM
It should be very obvious that waves of fear tactics are being used on the general populace to keep us feeling insecure and for purposes of distraction and control.

It has always been around and before the internet, it was accomplished using articles distributed in major newspapers and magazines. It is absolutely nothing new.

Who is doing it is probably a list you could not read in one sitting, as well as the reasons for it. They are political, dis-informational, and targets just about every facet of peoples lives and beliefs.

Media is the delivery system. The most ridiculous, and obviously the cheapest, are articles on sites like BitChute, YouTube and thousands of smaller wannabee sites.

Social media is obviously a biggie as well as every venue on MSM. Even television commercials have been infected with fear mongering.... the list goes on and covers just about everything you see and read.

The most important advice to combat this is a profound and personal realization that these are all tactics designed to modify our behavior and many have malicious intent as well as origins.

We need to recognize it for what it is and actively tune it out and ignore it, instead of constantly talking about it and getting upset, because that is exactly the goal of this control tactic.

The over used description of "Going Viral" should be eradicated from our vocabularies.

People need to recognize how easily we are manipulated and learn to put a mental block, a FILTER if you will, on any media presentation that attempts to manipulate your state of mind.

It is a tall order and it will take practice, but is increasingly necessary every day that we are alive.

posted on Apr, 9 2023 @ 04:08 AM
Advertisement, and the media is exactly that today, advertising ideas.. often works through fear or convenience.

I vividly remember all the new ads, quarter anualy, about the newest and best washing powder, dish washer tabs and what not in the 2000s. At some point the advertisement people probably noticed how cringe it is to come up with better stuff every quarter year and assigning dimensions to their products.

Like, I make it up now, Calgonyte^9. Nine different ways it's better. I don't often watch TV at home and when I do it's netflix or other stuff. But I noticed, today these ads aim more towards preservance of dignity.

Like that one ad, where that woman is singled out because her dress isn't as colorful. Oh if she only had known about Calgonyte^9, her social struggles would not be present!

posted on Apr, 9 2023 @ 04:14 AM
a reply to: anonentity

This vid is well worth a look if you need convincing that we are now in the end game

There's already too much of that nonsense give me the Alien Motherships.

Wait ! , what if Aliens are Trans ?

posted on Apr, 9 2023 @ 11:12 AM
a reply to: anonentity

All part of the AI psyops. 5th gen warfare.

posted on Apr, 9 2023 @ 03:09 PM

originally posted by: GENERAL EYES
How many genders do the aliens have?

That's really what this is all about.


The Alpha is behind the Sun?

We know how this ends for those who are delusional verses those who were logical. Many of us have warned that not properly teaching History leads to repeating it. Clearly spending time on things biological and not focus on studies that properly grow a child's mind, has prove to be a dead end that hurts society. This is science. Those forcing the changes and encouraging child mutilation are creating a dead end on purpose. They are not "smarter" than us they are merely diabolical just like so many throughout history that the 1st two Amendments creates a safety net. The same safety net the media and Marxist goons are pushing on to end for us today. Tyrant await the failure to be diligent. Aliens or not here comes the climax to our movie.

posted on Apr, 9 2023 @ 03:20 PM
a reply to: GENERAL EYES

As I recall from reading a short story Playboy aliens have 6 genders and takes a combination of 3 to have sex. Also it is difficult to get three of the 6 to get along long enough for sex.

Lots of problems

posted on Apr, 9 2023 @ 08:42 PM
Why is the mothership headline ridiculous?

I agree it’s clickbait-y, but I don’t think the conclusion is irrational by any means.

We’re seeing what appear to be multiple drone-like objects sometimes in formation that look to only be gathering information.

If they are from off-world, it is pretty rational to think that they were all brought here or near here by a larger vessel that they are reporting back to.

Doesn’t have to be a “mothership” as Hollywood portrays them either, think of it more like a relay station back to wherever they are actually based - they pull into a solar system with potential life, drops some drones, and chills until they return with all the info.

posted on Apr, 9 2023 @ 09:26 PM
a reply to: Framesend

If the universe is infinite, there is obviously enough space to go around. So who would be interested in a planet way out on the rim of the Galaxy? The Solar system that we live in does not appear to have any lifeforms at all besides Earth. As for intelligent life. that's another discussion and matter. Our bodies depend on terrestrial microbes to live, and it is evolved for the specific gasses and radiation levels here and here alone.I don't doubt that in an infinite Universe, the maths will eventually have to fall that the probability of a duplicate like Earth existing somewhere, that's the nature of infinity. But finding them or it would be problematic. The stark reality is that if the flying saucers exist they are most likely terrestrial and operated by another branch of humanity or another evolved life form. Or even a lifeform that has evolved to survive the recurrent ice ages which is the norm for this planet. Its BS.

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