a reply to:
It seems that evil only exist in the perception of images. Not within the images in themselves.
Right, so I'm going to ask you to stand on one side of the fence or another with a basic question that negates everything you have just posted as
being pure nonsense, and in fact quite an 'evil' perspective in & of itself:
If a 55 year old paedophile kidnapped seven small children of both sexes over the course of twenty years, raping, torturing & then killing them after
they became too broken to 'enjoy' any more, would you try to claim to the parents of those poor children that their deaths were entirely morally
neutral, because due to the atom's construction, everything is an image, nothing actually matters, there is no such thing as an objective
The answer, I believe, is: "Of course not - that's evil, obscene & absurd!"
What you have failed to take into account is the human nervous system, which is an acquired bodily system we are born with, which we cannot negate or
obfuscate - interconnected, electrified/CHI-driven neurons & nerve fibres that map our consciousness into a physical world which is tainted by the
second law of thermodynamics (the Fall - the mythic yet self-evident corruption of what was once pristine & perfect, in a paradisical state, prior to
the emergence of humans in this world..) The nervous system demands that pain be a reality, to protect us from events that would be destructive if we
had no means to recognise a spectrum of potential harms being inflicted by the source of the destructive action.
Regardless therefore, of whether Reality per se happens to be a simulation (& personally I am of the opinion that it might be), the truth of the
matter is that our nervous system generates pain in response to bodily trauma of any type. Our minds, so delicately interwoven with the complex
material processes which govern our physical wellbeing in a human body, can be traumatised to such an extent by physical pain, and the fear of it, and
the after-effects of it, that the mind of even a mentally strong adult can be fractured almost beyond repair. MK-Ultra was a systematic attempt to
ensure that the process of fracturing someone's mind for purely militaristic or perverse purposes could be controlled down to the N'th degree.
Going back to my original question, after all that I have said, how would you speak with the parents of the murdered children, remembering that they
were tortured before death over long periods of time for the sexual gratification of the killer? What would you say in defence of your 'atoms are
images hence there is no objective morality (& by extension, no need to adopt formal rules of morality when dealing with the sexual conduct of
perverts towards little children), in the knowledge that this perversion & degeneracy is so extreme in this case that the pervert kills the child
while engaged in the outworkings of his fantasy...?
This is the same question I pose to anyone who comes around shouting that there is no such thing as objective morality, that good & evil are just
subjective definitions useful for the changeable purposes of Mankind, whether things are good or bad depends entirely on nothing whatsoever.
Because these lunatics genuinely believe that there is no such thing as an objectively evil action. You yourself are claiming a similar
version of that same ridiculous assertion, by saying that the structure of atoms prove that all bodies & entities in the known universe are nothing
but images, and therefore, there is no way that real suffering is occurring - your apparent logic, by which you appear to assert emphatically that no
suffering is occurring, is entirely flawed.
What you're describing was actually utilised as a heretical Gnostic doctrine regarding Christ's death on the Cross.
They also claimed Godhood falsely, as you did just now.
They claimed, in the 1st century after Jesus' death, that Jesus wasn't fully constituted as a flesh & blood human, living fully within our world,
subject to the same physical laws that the rest of humanity are subject to. They claimed that He was similar to a ghost, that his apparent
corporeality was in fact not objectively corporeal at all; He had just 'gone through the motions' of death on the Cross, all the while not truly
suffering the agonising death which had been handed down to Him by the Jews in league with Roman authorites.
If He did not suffer objectively as a real human being, then the substitutionary sacrifice made for the purpose of redeeming Mankind was a sham, a
hollowed-out fiction in which He never suffered the agonising death of crucifixion, and therefore He did not actually accomplish the completion of a
real sacrifice, hence a wildly different interpretation of His life, ministry & death/ resurrection/ ascension allegedly needed to be constructed.
Of course, ultimately the most truthful doctrine won the day - we're all aware that 99% of churches worldwide teach that Jesus suffered & died for our
sins on the Cross, so that we can be offered the free gift of grace in which we are invited to partake in the Kingdom of Heaven's objectives &
enjoyments of all things good & holy, saved from suffering in this life & in the life to come, protected from demonic forces, able to meet with God
without fear of condemnation.
We are saved by a free gift of grace, so that none of us can boast that salvation came as the result of our own lawful & charitable efforts in this
world of decay & corruption.
None of us are immune from the effects of the mysterious incident recorded in the Book of Genesis - the 'Fall of Man' - we all suffer due to the fruit
of the poisonous tree, we all need God to enrapture us to Himself on the day of our departure from this life. Salvation therefore comes through grace
which is portioned out to us if we will accept & believe that Jesus died for our sins, so that we can be forgiven & released into total freedom one
fine day when we shuffle off this mortal coil.. That's it.
The Gospel of John describes our obligation in this regard in the simplest of terms, so that even a five year old could understand it & weigh it in
their heart to assess whether it seemed truthful, a good idea, or conversely something deceptive, not to be trusted. Obviously children will trust in
Jesus, the kind man who was also magically the God of the whole universe, who was born into the humblest of circumstances, in a manger - the God who
actually owns everything in Creation & truly loves all of His people, giving them good gifts throughout their lives.
The terms of John's Gospel are as follows:
..[T]hey inquired, “What must we do to perform the works of God?” Jesus replied, “The work of God is this: to believe in the One He has
John 6: 28-29
I must therefore refute in the strongest possible terms the assertion that there is no such thing as objective morality, "..because everything is just
images with no real pain or suffering involved in the picture at any stage" (para). Clearly this is a warped & incorrect perspective - your argument
is indefensible.
Incidentally, even if we live in a simulation, nobody can claim that our lives, suffering, loves, joyous occasions & peace as we pass from this life
to the next are not objectively real - in the sense that we all share these 'teleological' experiences & relationships together.