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Federal Prosecutor Admits DC Police Officers Acted as Agent Provocateurs During Jan. 6 Riot

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posted on Mar, 28 2023 @ 01:11 AM

originally posted by: ElectricUniverse
a reply to: SecrettoSociety

BTW, we have PROOF that Capitol Police, Pelosi, Democrat leaders in charge KNEW that there were at least 226 far leftists dressed in MAGA gear with orders to incite and cause violence. One of those leftists was caught because he is a well known far left violent rioter , John Sullivan...

This is from emails between Capitol Police officers BEFORE January 6th 2021...

We even have the records from John Sullivan's Discord account in which the far leftists talk about having MAGA gear on, and John Sullivan even took a picture on January 6th 2021 with his MAGA gear on, but didn't put it on once he went to the Capitol because he is well known...

John Sullivan called for his 226+ FAR LEFTISTS DRESSED IN MAGA GEAR to bring weapons with them. Sullivan took a knife and offered the knife throughout the riot.

This is John Sullivan (apologies, it is not Sullivan this is one of his agent provocateurs.) in another riot in which he was involved in a shooting in Utah as he was protesting pro-BLM.

Here is one of the real photos of Sullivan with firearm on another riot in Utah where he was involved in a shooting AND THE JUDGE KNEW IT and still he only got house arrest apart from, $1,000 dollars he had to pay for breaking a window at Capitol,and the confiscation of the money he made with the death of Ashil Babbit.

There were white cops in gas masks destroying property In Minneapolis during the stupid George Floyd riots .
What is your point , that your enemies will mimic you to get you in trouble ?
Both Republicans & Democrats have their followers who pose as the opposite to cause problems for each other.
If you want to muscle in on the Pepsi guy’s customer , you as a Coke distributor would pose as a Pepsi distributor & cause issues on your enemies turff .
You don’t think that right wing nuts would dress up like Antifa & BLM supporters to raise hell , thus creating problems for Antifa or BLM your secret enemies ? You know they do !
You are mad , because Democrat politicians are lying & imo they are lying , but the Republicans lie just as much . Turn off Tucker & Maddow , because they are both tools . Listen to Chris Hedges & Hitchens.
edit on 28-3-2023 by SecrettoSociety because: J

posted on Mar, 28 2023 @ 06:24 AM

You don’t think that right wing nuts would dress up like Antifa & BLM supporters to raise hell , thus creating problems for Antifa or BLM your secret enemies ? You know they do !

a reply to: SecrettoSociety

I don't think that is happening, antifa and blm raise hell all by themselves. Nobody is pretending to be antifa or blm.

posted on Mar, 28 2023 @ 12:16 PM

originally posted by: fringeofthefringe

You don’t think that right wing nuts would dress up like Antifa & BLM supporters to raise hell , thus creating problems for Antifa or BLM your secret enemies ? You know they do !

a reply to: SecrettoSociety

I don't think that is happening, antifa and blm raise hell all by themselves. Nobody is pretending to be antifa or blm.

Oh ok lol lol . You are entitled to opinions , but not facts .
So you are saying the MAGA/ QAnon / Proud Boys don’t raise hell ? What was J6 then ? Smashing down barricades , smashing doors in , breaking windows out , climbing walls & then occupying internal rooms via force against police officers ?? Yes sir that sure seems peaceful .

posted on Mar, 28 2023 @ 12:32 PM

So you are saying the MAGA/ QAnon / Proud Boys don’t raise hell ?

a reply to: SecrettoSociety

I just said that people do not dress up like antifa or blm to instigate violence or vandalism. As we have seen those two groups do not need any help.

posted on Mar, 28 2023 @ 12:38 PM

originally posted by: fringeofthefringe

You don’t think that right wing nuts would dress up like Antifa & BLM supporters to raise hell , thus creating problems for Antifa or BLM your secret enemies ? You know they do !

a reply to: SecrettoSociety

I don't think that is happening, antifa and blm raise hell all by themselves. Nobody is pretending to be antifa or blm.

Well, this is just one example that occurred in 2020. Boogaloo Boi pretending to be with BLM/Antifa.

Video shot that night shows a person later identified as Hunter firing 13 rounds from a semiautomatic assault-style rifle on the 3rd precinct police station while people believed to be looters were inside. He then high-fived another person and shouted, “Justice for Floyd!” according to the complaint.

Later, he privately messaged Steven Carrillo, another alleged “Boogaloo Boi” in California, urging him to “go for police buildings”, according to the federal criminal complaint.

“I did better, lol,” Carrillo allegedly replied.

Hours before Carrillo sent that message, according to the complaint, federal prosecutors say Carrillo had driven to Oakland with an accomplice, and, as protesters were demonstrating blocks away, shot two officers guarding a federal courthouse in downtown Oakland, killing one, David Patrick Underwood.


There was also the "umbrella man" from Minneapolis on video breaking windows of an Auto Zone. Police report on the search warrant he is tied to a White Supremacist group.


Just to add some context to your post.

I can find you the info on another group, maybe Proud Boys in Portland, arrested and charged as he was going to set up small explosives as if he were antifa.
edit on 28-3-2023 by frogs453 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2023 @ 02:27 PM

Well, this is just one example that occurred in 2020. Boogaloo Boi pretending to be with BLM/Antifa.

a reply to: frogs453

Thanks for the information, those two groups, The Boogaloo bois and a wite supremacy group are not the MAGA group. I was saying that the MAGA did not infiltrate antifa.
However you did bring up some examples of antifa being infiltrated so good job. At least as an antifa and blm supporter you can see how frustrating it was for MAGA, Trump supporters to see antifa infiltrate the MAGA protests on Jan 6th. And we can probably both agree the FBI should not be instigating violence like they did on Jan 6th as well.
Ultimately, whomever caused violence, vandalism and destruction should be held accountable and the George Floyd riots did not include any MAGA but antifa and blm were very much leading the way from Minneapolis to Philadelphia to the church in DC. I still think antifa and blm are bad and MAGA is a very good group.

posted on Mar, 28 2023 @ 02:31 PM

originally posted by: fringeofthefringe

So you are saying the MAGA/ QAnon / Proud Boys don’t raise hell ?

a reply to: SecrettoSociety

I just said that people do not dress up like antifa or blm to instigate violence or vandalism. As we have seen those two groups do not need any help.

If you hate BLM or LBGQT protests , it is unimaginable to you that right wing nuts would not put a BLM shirt on , mask & torch a storefront to get blacks in trouble ?
Deception, sappers , counterintelligence, disguise & gaslighting are all part of radical groups on both sides.
How many members here on ATS pose as radical right wing nuts to gather information for alphabet agencies ? But in your world that is impossible , because people who are radical are mono in their agendas ?
It is people like you here on ATS that rant on about false flags non-stop . Reality is not a buffet for your choosing . Reality is du jour .

posted on Mar, 28 2023 @ 03:01 PM
a reply to: SecrettoSociety
I never said hate.
I'm not right wing.
MAGA, Trump supporters are not right wing.
I did see how some far right extremists had infiltratored antifa but MAGA, Trump supporters did not.
That was what I said. I don't hate, I either strongly disagree, think others are wrong or think some ideology are destructive. These are opinions and I vote based on them. I am not an activist or protester. I have opinions and I vote.
edit on 28-3-2023 by fringeofthefringe because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2023 @ 03:51 PM

originally posted by: ElectricUniverse

originally posted by: iamthevirus
a reply to: buddha

That's a touchy subject...

The crowd was unarmed, Ashli was unarmed and non-threatening.

That noob gave no commands or warnings.

And when this ahole, who should not be holding a firearm legally, was interviewed even after he knew Ashli Babbit was NO THREAT he stated he would have murdered her again... And for this DEMOCRATS/RINOS gave him a medal...

If this had happened to a VIOLENT FAR LEFT CRIMINAL the DEMOCRAT LEADERS and RINOS would have fired this POS, would have disarmed him and never be allowed to have a firearm, and would be prosecuted and indicted for murder...

What can ya say, when it comes to DC man it's on...

Shoot us again we ain't dead yet!
Wake the Sleeping Giant Wake the Beast.

posted on Mar, 28 2023 @ 04:19 PM

originally posted by: ElectricUniverse

And Trump's final post from 3:14 PM just before he was banned.

posted on Mar, 28 2023 @ 04:26 PM
a reply to: frogs453

You realize The Boogaloo Movement is a COINTELPRO infiltrated creation 😁

So perfect too 😁

So are your other examples 😁

edit on Mar-28-2023 by xuenchen because: COINTELPRO is refined not ended 😁

posted on Mar, 28 2023 @ 04:46 PM
a reply to: fringeofthefringe

You would think though that as we saw those arrested who infiltrated the 2020 protests, yet from all the court cases for J6 we see that they were true Patriots from what they have said. Doesn't seem to be any infiltrators. I mean we know Sullivan, but by fall of 20 the protest community was warning people to stay away from him as he's a grifter with a Proud Boy brother who's friends with Rudy Guiliani and he's facing 6 charges for the 6th which is good. Guessing when he goes to trial he'll get a similar sentence as others.

I mean personally am I mad at any infiltration from either side or the feds? No, I mean that kind of thing has been occurring since the 60s from what I've read. I think it's pretty naive to not think a protest will be infiltrated, and any subversive group will have rats and informants. I also think it's bs that any individual claims that someone else "made" them commit a crime is an excuse. I've even heard on ATS that the cops riled them up by using crowd disbursement methods so it was the cops fault. Although ATS didn't make those same claims in 2020.

Anyway. No excuse. Personal responsibility and all that. I will always support peaceful protesting, but never support rioting and excuses of "They made me do it", "I thought it was OK" "Or I got caught up". None of those work when burning a building, breaking windows, breaking into a building or entering one broken into, or assaulting cops. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes I suppose.
edit on 28-3-2023 by frogs453 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2023 @ 05:12 PM
Deception , disguise , sappers , counterintelligence & gaslighting are all part of attacking those you don’t like . Some here on ATS think it only goes one way ie.
Ray Epps .
Proud Boys , Bugaloo boys , QAnon & MAGA crowds are filled with racist terrorists.
Peace & yes more examples of right wing nuts posing as left extremists is helpful. Or start a new thread about about right wing extremists posing as left wing nuts .

posted on Mar, 28 2023 @ 05:23 PM

originally posted by: fringeofthefringe
a reply to: SecrettoSociety
I never said hate.
I'm not right wing.
MAGA, Trump supporters are not right wing.
I did see how some far right extremists had infiltratored antifa but MAGA, Trump supporters did not.
That was what I said. I don't hate, I either strongly disagree, think others are wrong or think some ideology are destructive. These are opinions and I vote based on them. I am not an activist or protester. I have opinions and I vote.
” If you “ was used in general towards right wing groups & not you in particular.

posted on Mar, 28 2023 @ 05:29 PM

originally posted by: frogs453
a reply to: fringeofthefringe

You would think though that as we saw those arrested who infiltrated the 2020 protests, yet from all the court cases for J6 we see that they were true Patriots from what they have said. Doesn't seem to be any infiltrators. I mean we know Sullivan, but by fall of 20 the protest community was warning people to stay away from him as he's a grifter with a Proud Boy brother who's friends with Rudy Guiliani and he's facing 6 charges for the 6th which is good. Guessing when he goes to trial he'll get a similar sentence as others.

I mean personally am I mad at any infiltration from either side or the feds? No, I mean that kind of thing has been occurring since the 60s from what I've read. I think it's pretty naive to not think a protest will be infiltrated, and any subversive group will have rats and informants. I also think it's bs that any individual claims that someone else "made" them commit a crime is an excuse. I've even heard on ATS that the cops riled them up by using crowd disbursement methods so it was the cops fault. Although ATS didn't make those same claims in 2020.

Anyway. No excuse. Personal responsibility and all that. I will always support peaceful protesting, but never support rioting and excuses of "They made me do it", "I thought it was OK" "Or I got caught up". None of those work when burning a building, breaking windows, breaking into a building or entering one broken into, or assaulting cops. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes I suppose.
200% correct , I made the same point in different post about being asked or encouraged to do illegal things . No judge ever convicted a man for encouraging someone to deal drugs . Personal accountability is all that matters .
You could tell me 22 million times to break the law & Im not going to .

posted on Mar, 28 2023 @ 05:49 PM
a reply to: SecrettoSociety

Exactly. I mean some sort of scenario where my daughter is kidnapped and I have to rob a bank, but that's movie type stuff.

People don't do anything they don't want to. And I've followed these Breach Cases, besides a few very young people, or kids brought by parents, these were not young people. Many middle aged. If you don't know better by now, there's not much hope for you. But, I mean these people bought into the lies about ballots in rivers, bamboo in the ballots and the super secret satellite vote changing thing too. So, guess maybe they could be told to commit a crime and they would.

posted on Mar, 28 2023 @ 06:45 PM

originally posted by: frogs453
a reply to: SecrettoSociety

Exactly. I mean some sort of scenario where my daughter is kidnapped and I have to rob a bank, but that's movie type stuff.

People don't do anything they don't want to. And I've followed these Breach Cases, besides a few very young people, or kids brought by parents, these were not young people. Many middle aged. If you don't know better by now, there's not much hope for you. But, I mean these people bought into the lies about ballots in rivers, bamboo in the ballots and the super secret satellite vote changing thing too. So, guess maybe they could be told to commit a crime and they would.
No doubt. My parents are MAGA early boomers & the stuff they believe is just as crazy as the trans-woman sports stuff . Radical is Radical

posted on Mar, 28 2023 @ 07:35 PM

Anyway. No excuse. Personal responsibility and all that. I will always support peaceful protesting, but never support rioting and excuses of "They made me do it", "I thought it was OK" "Or I got caught up".

a reply to: frogs453
I stated ......

Ultimately, whomever caused violence, vandalism and destruction should be held accountable

We have found a mountain to stand on together, maybe a however, personal responsibility is the common bond we have. Even though we both acknowledge there may have been infiltrators and instigators, ultimately he or she is responsible for there own actions.
That does, in no way shape or form negate the illegal and unlawful actions of people who have, through lies and deceptive actions, initiated the bad behavior, baiting many into illicit and abhorrent actions. The FBI and Boogaloo Boi & others shouldn't get a pass. They should be held accountable for their actions as well.
I am with the MAGA ,Trump supporters ultimately however I defend those whose disagreeable actions were within the boundaries of the law. Legal protesting is a hallmark to our political system wether I agree or not. Once looting and violence ensue we all lose.
I don't know but I believe if you are raising young boys and girls you would want to preserve our way of life in the United States of America. Why wouldn't you?

I have no idea why my post is italicized, wtf.
edit on 28-3-2023 by fringeofthefringe because: (no reason given)

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