"...how can you rule out it was not Russia ?"
If Russia wanted to stop delivering gas/oil throughout these pipelines to Germany, they simply could have turned off the tap. Then Russia would even
have a pressure measure left, do what we want and you can have less expensive gas/oil than that overpriced LNG fracking BS from your "best friends and
partners", who fool you like nobody else on earth. Russia paid for the half of the pipeline and it was a money machine for Russia, no reason in sight
for Russia to blow up their money delivering machinery.
Next thing is, every time some new accusations by Hersh are provided, that ridiculous throwing of even more ridiculous smoke grenades starts in the
morally oh so good west and it´s propaganda machinery. Two days ago we could read that the germanic governor Scholz maybe even knew beforehand what
would happen but that he at least got some new instructions/orders while his last visit to the capital of the romanian empire, sorry USA, a few days
ago. I am pretty sure Russia and the USA have incriminating evidence against Scholz (Wirecard, CumEx, Warburg Bank etc, etc) so both sides can play
him like a matchbox car.
And after these new accusations, information presented by Hersh, which make much sense, suddenly there are now pictures of russian warships at the
explosion site or whatever BS they pull out of their backs now. Did take quite a while to find these radar or whatever pics, didn´t it? Common sense
says if there would be the tiniest hint of russian perpetration, the western propaganda MSM would have been full of: THE RUSSIANS DID IT" headlines
all around the clock and up until today, possibly followed by an attack on russia because of that act of terrorism against the European security of
supply. But nothing of that happened, only cheap smoke grenades were thrown around by the obvious perpetrator and it´s silly propaganda machinery.
The last cheap try to hide what they did was when the propaganda machinery here tried to tell us that a yacht with five or six Ukrainian whatevers did
it. That was so cheap and ridiculous that even the biggest fan of corrupt Bandera-Selenskyj couldn´t and didn´t believe that BS story presented by
the US to us here in Germany. Even Putin said that it´s ridiculous that a few Ukrainians did while having absolutely no reason to protect the Ukraine
at all.
But we should try to see both sides not as two hostile sides against ech other, all they do, no matter if China, Russia, Germany, USA etc, it somehow
all paves the path for the great transformation, everything that happens right now has the goal to create a NWO. The allegedly hostile sides are not
hostile towards each other, their "elites" are united and hostile towards their own population, towards the average earthlings, the peasants in their
game of global chess for only their profits but with peasants as victims.
No matter on "which side" you prescribe, if you decide for one of the alleged sides you support your own butcher as the sheep that you are. There is
no sides anymore, there is only top and bottom left. Top is that one rich and anti-human percent on top of the pyramid, the bottom are we, the
peasants. We have to choose if we want to go on with supporting our own butchers or if we peasants at the bottom of that BS system are able to unite,
to rise up against that silly one percent on top. If we stop to support them, if we simply step aside, that top of the pyramid will crash loudly to
the ground and shatter, bursting into a thousand little pieces of the bullsh!t that it is!!!
edit on 26 3 2023 by DerBeobachter because: (no reason given)