posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 08:25 PM
You all should read "Boiling A Frog" by Christopher Brookmyre. He's a Scottish writer, so even if you manage to find the book, you might find it
difficult to follow, due to the colloquial dialect, but it is themed around the boiling a frog metaphor.
As for stripping away liberties, this method was hinted at in George Orwell's "Nineteen Eighty Four"...the chocolate ration is decreased one day,
and is not annouced widely, then it is increased again, to a lower amount than before. The party publicise this in propaganda, and the people are
happy, because they think the are getting a
better deal
This could easily happen for real, as people are seldom ever so vigilant as to notice small changes in law, or standard of living