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Can We Just Be Sane And Start Firing Insane Teachers

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posted on Mar, 15 2023 @ 07:16 PM
What is the purpose of school? Seriously?

Math, English, Reading, Writing, Etc.

So, If I publicly went on social media and said that I shouldn't do my job duties and instead should be trying to recruit followers at work instead of doing my job, I am pretty damned sure that I would be fired...... So, how about we get rid of teachers who would rather play activist instead of educating students (you know, their job? Math, English, Reading, Science, etc.).

'F*** capitalism': Communist teacher brags about 'indoctrinating' students with 'Marxist literature,' says 'revolutions involve violence' ence

A self-described communist teacher from Maryland bragged on social media about "indoctrinating" her students with "Marxist literature" and called for a fight against capitalism.

Rebecca F. Rothstein, a teacher at North Bethesda Middle School in the Montgomery County School District, posted multiple controversial videos to her TikTok account – which has since been deactivated.

Rothstein, who stated that she is "proud as f*** to be liberal," insisted that educators should not prioritize teaching students math and science but instead provide lessons on anti-racism and "how to be kind.

She continued by stating that she is "f***ing angry" about "the patriarchy," "racism," and "police brutality."

Rothstein shared that she believes "boys should get vasectomies at birth, or when it is safe to do so" and then asked, "Why is preventing pregnancy just on the woman?"

In another TikTok video, she claimed that "all white people experience white privilege" and noted that being "silent on Palestine" is "rooted in white supremacy."

"I'm proud of my ability to recognize white privilege," Rothstein said. "White privilege is not about work ethic. White privilege is about the color of your skin."

Neither Rothstein nor Montgomery County School District replied to a request for comment, Fox News Digital reported.

A Maryland teacher, who described herself as "proud as f--- to be liberal" and bragged about "indoctrinating" her students, called for an urgent fight against capitalism while adding, "Revolutions involve violence."

The teacher, Rebeca F. Rothstein, works at North Bethesda Middle School in the Montgomery County School District and believes educators should use their classrooms to turn kids into anti-racist activists. She was an avid TikTok poster until Fox News Digital reached out about her comment on violent revolutions; her account was no longer active as of Monday.

"As a teacher I wish we could do more with our students like teach anti-racism and how to be kind people. Does anyone else feel like… we can skip the math, skip the science, like we'll do that next year. Maybe this year we focus on teaching our youth how to be anti-racist," she said on TikTok.

edit on 15-3-2023 by infolurker because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2023 @ 07:27 PM
For a split second, I wondered if she was part of the reason why so many of the kids in Baltimore graduate without knowing any math. She sounds like part of that problem, but while it's close, it's not quite the same neighborhood.

posted on Mar, 15 2023 @ 07:34 PM
The agenda is to dumb down the populous, not just in USA but the globe. They do not want intelligent people.

They want sheep.

90% of adults today, cannot do basic arithmetic without their IPhones/Galaxy’s. FACT.

posted on Mar, 15 2023 @ 07:48 PM

posted on Mar, 15 2023 @ 07:50 PM
I fear that just about all the participants and graduates of our educational system share identical viewpoints.

fire every teacher and the replacements would be ideologically similar.

support private / church schools. hire teachers from Bible colleges maybe.

get on your school board and try to participate in the hiring process, and try to weed out the (worst) ideologues.

posted on Mar, 15 2023 @ 07:56 PM
When people aren't educated, they think basic barter is socialism.

The Socialism account on Twitter was busy trying to convince everyone that if one neighbor fixes the other neighbor's door and she bakes him a cake ... why, that's SOCIALISM! Isn't it wonderful how nice and sharing it is?

But that's basic barter and capitalism - the free exchange of goods and services without needing the medium of exchange because the lady needed the guy's carpenter skills and he needed her cake presumably.

posted on Mar, 15 2023 @ 07:58 PM
I feel that as long as teachers are not allowed to actually teach but rather are forced to promote a certain government sponsored ideology then there can be no way to even be on the same playing field.

The field is not the same, the arguments are not the same, the facts are not the same and the reality is not the same.

Sad but true.

posted on Mar, 15 2023 @ 08:00 PM
a reply to: infolurker

Teachers Union, Department of Education won't allow it.

They have an agenda.

It must be fulfilled!

posted on Mar, 15 2023 @ 09:28 PM
a reply to: infolurker

A Sane person would fire the person Hiring the Insane Teachers first to stop the arrival of "backup".

posted on Mar, 15 2023 @ 10:17 PM

originally posted by: nerbot
a reply to: infolurker

A Sane person would fire the person Hiring the Insane Teachers first to stop the arrival of "backup".

Fire the people educating the insane teachers and credentialing them over others so that there are sane alternatives?

posted on Mar, 15 2023 @ 10:44 PM
Common core + critical race theory + math is racist + some schools have entire grades that can't pass a remedial math class + revisionist history + drag queens + book porn in elementary schools + constant bullying + indoctrination + extremely unhealthy foods and bugs + vaccinating children without consent + wokeism + pronouns + LGBTQIP + Grooming + Child Trafficking Risk + Pedos

Schools are amazing !

posted on Mar, 15 2023 @ 11:04 PM

originally posted by: 38181
The agenda is to dumb down the populous, not just in USA but the globe. They do not want intelligent people.

They want sheep.

90% of adults today, cannot do basic arithmetic without their IPhones/Galaxy’s. FACT.

I do math in my head. Give the money to where I get less change. When I was in the states ( some years ago ) the person at the register had to call for management to give me back my change. It's been that way for a very long time.
Those of us that were educated in the 50's and early 60s are the lucky ones.

posted on Mar, 15 2023 @ 11:07 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen

is that teacher in china teaching english conversation ?

posted on Mar, 16 2023 @ 08:45 AM
It's pretty bad. I took a look at my son's math, he's in first grade, and they want all of them to add using the weirdest, most illogical and roundabout ways. They don't add like we used to in grade school, they don't carry the 1, they aren't using any logic or truth. I was so confused, I showed him the correct way to do math and he told me his teacher is going to be mad at him. I said too bad, you're doing it the correct way. His scores have dropped because I would rather him perform correct math, but school would rather him take the stupid route and do math incorrectly. It's really bad, I work in a public school and the kids are pretty much just dancing to youtube videos and don't know even simple vocabulary. There are plenty of 5th graders who can't read but are going into middle school anyway and going to eventually grow up and vote. I hope to escape some day....

a reply to: infolurker

edit on 16-3-2023 by rebsmarie because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-3-2023 by rebsmarie because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-3-2023 by rebsmarie because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2023 @ 09:02 AM

originally posted by: rebsmarie
It's pretty bad. I took a look at my son's math, he's in first grade, and they want all of them to add using the weirdest, most illogical and roundabout ways. They don't add like we used to in grade school, they don't carry the 1, they aren't using any logic or truth. I was so confused, I showed him the correct way to do math and he told me his teacher is going to be mad at him. I said too bad, you're doing it the correct way. His scores have dropped because I would rather him perform correct math, but school would rather him take the stupid route and do math incorrectly. It's really bad, I work in a public school and the kids are pretty much just dancing to youtube videos and don't know even simple vocabulary. There are plenty of 5th graders who can't read but are going into middle school anyway and going to eventually grow up and vote. I hope to escape some day....

a reply to: infolurker

You hit on the half the cure to the problems in the public schools. Good parenting and parent involvement in their child’s education .

Most parents have never looked at a single book their child brings home from school, and has never gone over their homework.

Too many parents don’t provide their children with learning and discipline at home, then they want to blame the teacher for the mess their children turn out to be.

It is not easy in this new social environment. I watch my family, friends, and neighbors struggle with trying to keep their children on the right track. All I can do is pray and be thankful that I have no young children in this day and age.

posted on Mar, 16 2023 @ 09:13 AM

edit on 16-3-2023 by rebsmarie because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2023 @ 09:14 AM
He shouldnt be in public school, he should be home schooled but unfortunately I can't stay home, I have to work to pay off my mortgage. Good people in bad situations. I do the best I can, my husband too. Children need a mom and they need a dad, and they need discipline, you are absolutely right. I am not here to be my child's friend or to have fun. Too many adults having fun and being their child's friend. That's not how it's supposed to work!! My husband made a great point, he said our children should probably dislike us. Adults are too concerned with 'having fun' and 'being liked'. I could go on forever and ever about children, but I am not alone in being exhausted and seeing how bad the parent/children relationship is. We are exhausted over here in the schools to say the least! I have parents TRULY BELIEVE it is our job to do everything for their child. A parent goes 'well if you can't do it how do you expect me to do it'. I live in South Dakota in a small town, and even here the cancer is spreading. I am a speech therapist assistant and my kids don't care. None of them care. Because their parents dont care. I'm dealing more with behaviors than actual learning. It is WORSE than people imagine. Kids are not okay. And they are going to vote for my well being here soon enough

a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

posted on Mar, 16 2023 @ 09:29 AM
a reply to: infolurker

I've grown to hate most teachers these days, not just for their political leanings, but because they love to promote non-bullying but have turned a blind eye to unpopular students being bullied by popular students so many times which has led to so many suicides, attempted suicides, etc., they've had walk-outs, strikes, and many other things that lead a normal person to believe they care nothing about the kids in which they chose "professional" careers to teach and mentor.

I shouldn't be surprised at all, but I'm almost shocked to see that we've gotten to the point where these unprofessional idiots are stupid enough to brag about promoting ideocracy on social media and brag about brainwashing their students. I mean, how damn dumb can you really be??? On top of that, I've argued with them on social media before and half of them have piss poor grammar and structure.

posted on Mar, 16 2023 @ 09:33 AM
YES this whole non-bullying crap is ridiculous. And to be fair, this country was so concerned with 'children left behind', well I'm here to tell you, the only children left behind are the smart, bright, talented children while everyone caters and kisses the feet of the unintelligent, mean spirited, awful children. I go home most days venting to my husband about how the teachers wear pajamas and jeans expecting children to take them seriously. I continue to dress like a lady and be professional. I cannot wait to get out of this disgusting perverted atmosphere.

a reply to: LSU2018

posted on Mar, 16 2023 @ 09:44 AM
school has always been this way. don't let it get in the way of your education

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