It is no secret that the people of this great nation are being taxed to death, and beyond. Most people would be willing to acknowledge the necessity
for taxes if there was something substantial to show for it. But is there anything to show for it that makes the tax burden worth while?
I was thinking about our current situation in Illinois, Cook County to be exact. We have some of the highest taxes in the country and some of the most
pitiable living conditions at the same time. We have taxes upon taxes, toll booths, lotteries, legalized pot, expensive permits for everything, and we
still close schools due to lack of funding, lose businesses to better tax incentives from other states, have outrageous crime statistics, and so on.
All that revenue seems to disappear in a puff of smoke with nothing to show for it but a smokers cough and second hand cancer.
One of the things that has always bothered me is the idea that we send billions of dollars to other nations, many of whom don't need assistance or
are enemies of the US, and we still fail to care for our own people. We have a huge homeless problem in this country, many of whom are veterans, and
we do little of consequence on their behalf. We have people right here in the USA living, and more and more frequently dying, of malnutrition and
exposure, ailments that are easily controlled with proper medication, substance abuse, violence, etc. And we are seemingly powerless to prevent it.
Yet we somehow have the unmitigated gall to tell the world we can solve their problems if they just listen to us.
I decided to do some investigation into our foreign policies with regards to tax payer dollars. What I found was upsetting to say the least.
There are currently 195 sovereign nations on this Earth. The US sends American tax dollars to 172 of them. That is 88.2%. In 2019 (the most current
year of full stats) the total was roughly 47 Billion dollars. This year the US is on track for more than 60 Billion. This does not include funds for
the war effort in the Ukraine which was 76.8 Billion between Jan '22 and Jan '23.
For fiscal year 2022 we sent more than 130 Billion US tax dollars to foreign nations.
Now that doesn't seem like much when compared to the total US budget. But consider this: that 130 Billion dollars was roughly 10% of our total
Federal deficit. We could slash 10% off the Federal deficit if we just stopped giving our money away! This problem compounds when you consider the
deficit is one of the primary considerations in gaging tax rates. This is the equivalent of the Army paying $137 for a "manually operated impact
enhancing device" (a hammer), then saying they need a bigger budget to buy bullets. The tax payer states the obvious, "If you didn't waste all that
money on hammers you could afford bullets." To which the Army replies, "Yes, but then we couldn't demand a bigger budget..."
As absurd as it seems, this concept is more common than you might think. For example, have you ever seen someone on food stamps buying $500 worth of
lobster tails and crab legs? I have. And it ticked me off big time. And what really gets me is that the only reason this is allowed to continue is
because our government knows we are powerless to stop them from collecting the taxes in the first place. If we can't or won't pay they can seize our
assets, our property, our homes, garnish our wages, or just put us in prison until we pay for a get-out-of-jail card.
Why plug up the holes in the bucket when you can just make more trips to the well?
This will not end well for the average American citizen.