a reply to:
eta preface this wasn't meant to be me on a high horse as i only have a hobby horse
the postures where already changing pre crimea.. the uk pivoted north in 2010 and started setting up alliances outside of nato and eu.. its sought
mutual defence pacts with fellow nato members.. and new economic alliances.
the bottom-line of that we could see (pre crimea) a europe of 3 blocks.. the northern alliance, uk/nordics/baltics, middle europe with germany and the
med union. with France trying to straddle all camps eg the CJEF with the uk
in a sense that added "tear here" lines to europe.. at the same time as the uk pivoted to Chinas for the *cough* golden age it also pivoted towards
japan to rekindle the anglo japanese alliance..
the shape of Nato had changed before crimea or brexit.. the problem i see is where these blocks go now.. the deindustrialisation of the EUs industrial
giant, it economic backstop and lender of last resort is a key worry.. it needs cheap energy and has left itself no wiggle room to be competitive..
in hindsight you can see Cameron's bid with Merkel to get a bwtter deal on immigration meant the threat they'd lose full access to the north sea gas
fields, feilds that'd help them break your reliance on russian gas in the new eu states.. with bluff called the uk votes and the conservatives lose..
into that void comes climate change/extinction rebellion types ensuring the only cheap source of energy is russian... useful idiots rather than putin
i still find it strange that even post crimea and brexit the eu fought the uk more than russia.. which is a big reason we are here, the eu could have
pivoted from russian gas back to north sea gas but that'd mean working with the uk.. it seems Russia was the better partner..
this is a catalogue of failures filled with sulks and hubris that leaves europe with a number of tear here lines and military blocks that are very
visible in the way they've responded to the russian invasion of ukraine.. but as those blocks work together on common threats its easy to see what an
emerging active nato block could look like
this leaves the eu proper moving from being a challenge to the us and china to being in thrall of one or the other to survive.
north sea gas is still there..but then so are the climate protestorsm it befuddles the mind its such a easy win, no one needs to starve, be cold,
print trillions or deindustrialise.. it just takes courage to work with an ally and deal with the climate nutters.. since when did working with an
ally mean one party as to be humiliated..
edit on 10-3-2023 by nickyw because: (no reason given)