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Bayer 'Sterilisation Of The Inferior'.

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posted on Mar, 5 2023 @ 09:48 AM
Some curious (and disturbing) claims made in this book about Bayer and the survival of a young woman in the Auschwitz death camp.

Apparently Bayer (part of IG Farben) were conducting lethal vaccine projects in Auschwitz and the German representatives of the company were secretly members of the S.S. and had built 'a large underground unit of spies'.

Here is the section regarding 'sterilisation of the inferior'.


• "There was a geopolitical reason for these experiments. If they could sterilise all non German people still alive after their victorious war there would be no danger of new generations of inferior peoples. At the same time the living populations would be able to serve as labourers for about thirty years. After that time the German surplus population would need all the space in these countries, and the inferiors would perish without descendants."

Book / Video

More background info here (including how Bayer had Nazi NSDAP leadership until the 1970s) but thought this statement given by Nuremberg's General Telford Taylor was a pretty powerful one.

• "These IG Farben criminals, not the lunatic Nazi fanatics, are the main war criminals. If the guilt of these criminals is not brought to light and if they are not punished, they will represent a much greater threat to the future peace of the world than Hitler if he were still alive.”

General Telford Taylor.

Anyway may (or may not) have relevance to contemporary issues involving population collapse or claims of miscarriage, menstrual problems etc. due to enforced, experimental mRNA injections but worth noting that the third largest mRNA profiteer is Bayer.

There's also this pretty disturbing article describing how Bayer intentionally infected people with HIV.

On the conspiracy front it also looks like Bayer now controls over one quarter of the world's food supply and are now planning to inject mRNA into livestock (video is well worth a watch).

posted on Mar, 5 2023 @ 10:41 AM
All companies make money harming people in someway. Even Netflix can turn brains into jello.

posted on Mar, 5 2023 @ 11:00 AM
a reply to: mikell

Yeah probably nothing to worry about mate.

posted on Mar, 5 2023 @ 01:01 PM

originally posted by: karl 12
a reply to: mikell

Yeah probably nothing to worry about mate.

No, not off you don't mind living under universal apartheid and being used as a labor slave.

posted on Mar, 5 2023 @ 04:13 PM
Bayer has a long and evil history since their founding in 1899.
They created weapons and chemicals for WWI, and developed the gas (Zyklon B) used in concentration camps WWII.
They recommended heroin for children with colds until 1912.
There is a LOT of information on the evils perpetrated by the Bayer company throughout their long and sordid history.

Bayer merged with Monsanto in 2016; I'm sure they're 'too big to fail' and far too useful to ever be held accountable for any crimes against humanity.

posted on Mar, 5 2023 @ 07:39 PM

originally posted by: karl 12

On the conspiracy front it also looks like Bayer now controls over one quarter of the world's food supply and are now planning to inject mRNA into livestock (video is well worth a watch).

I can't help but think that injecting 'vaccines' in food is pointless and most likely a tactic they use to try to put people of eating meat ( & bugs
instead )

posted on Mar, 9 2023 @ 02:01 PM
a reply to: incoserv

Yes an extremely facetious post.

a reply to: nugget1

Great post there Nugget and hats off to you.

Have been hearing about this 'conpany' for years but their crimes certainly do seem to add up.

As for funding they were the biggest donors to Hitler and the second biggest shareholders of Rockefeller Standard Oil (see link in first post).

posted on Jun, 14 2023 @ 02:51 PM
Pfizer documents..

Pfizer-BioNTech (Bayer) vaccines target reproductive cycle of women?

Dr. Naomi Wolf: Pfizer’s Depopulation Agenda, As Evidenced By Its Own Documents

Dr. Naomi Wolf has uncovered hard evidence within Pfizer documents that the company has intentionally designed its mRNA shots to target the reproductive cycle of women in their child-bearing years. This puts intense depopulation pressure on entire societies. There are many other effects such as myocarditis, paralysis, stroke, blood clots, up to and including death.⁃ TN Editor

Article - excerpts:

What self-sustaining quality are they targeting most? Our ability to reproduce, attested Dr. Wolf.

“One thing people have been able to do for thousands of years is to have sex and have babies without any intervention or help from anyone else. It’s a tremendous way that the human race is self-reliant — that it can survive catastrophe. Well, the Tech Bros. and probably China want to take that away from us. This is clear in the Pfizer documents.”

“There’s a section of the Pfizer documents in which Pfizer breaks down the adverse events and concludes that women sustain 72% of them,” she continued. “And of those — and these are Pfizer’s words — 16% are quote-unquote “reproductive disorders” compared to 0.49% for men. So they’re very focused on reproduction, on female reproduction.”

“It’s my belief that they were trying to disrupt especially female reproduction,” Dr. Wolf determined. “And the question is, how do I know that? And the answer is from the structure of what they looked at. Again, I’m a literary critic, but this is a mystery novel in which the question is, how do we stop women from having healthy babies? That’s the story of the Pfizer documents.”

“And as a woman, this is one of the most painful things to see. And I’m Jewish. And my grandmother lost nine brothers and sisters to the Holocaust. So I don’t say this lightly, but this chart is a Mengele-type of chart. It’s Mengele science.”

“Why is it Mengele science?” she asked. “Because they break down 20 different horrible things that can happen to women’s menstruation.”

Here’s a fraction of the 20-something different ways Pfizer admits the mRNA jab can dysregulate or affect women’s reproductive health:

• Heavy menstrual bleeding – 27,685 cases

• Menstrual disorder (pain, heavy bleeding, or absence of menstruation) – 22,145 cases

• Menstruation irregular (irregular cycle lengths) – 15,083 cases

• Menstruation delayed – 13,989 cases

• Dysmennorhea (pain during menstruation) – 13,904 cases

• Intermenstrual bleeding (bleeding in between periods) – 12,424 cases

• Amenorrhea (absence of period) – 11,363 cases

• Polymenorrhea (multiple periods) – 9,546 cases

• Vaginal hemorrhage (excessive bleeding of the female reproductive system) – 4,699 cases.

• Oligomenorrhea (infrequent menstrual periods) – 3,437 cases..

posted on Sep, 29 2023 @ 03:07 PM
Unprecedented extraordinarily high menstrual problems linked to enforced mRNA injections:

Sourced by Anonentity

Unexpected vaginal bleeding and COVID-19 vaccination in nonmenstruating women.

Altered bleeding pattern after COVID-19 vaccination has been frequently addressed among menstruating women Menstrual abnormalities after COVID-19 vaccines: A systematic review.

A total of 78, 138 vaccinated women (14 studies). 39, 759 (52.05%) had some form of a menstrual problem after vaccination. 22nd September 2023 The Norwegian Institute of Public Health Association between COVID-19 vaccination and vaginal bleeding, among nonmenstruating women is not well studied.

Menorrhagia, increased bleeding during period Metrorrhagia, Irregular bleeds / between menstrual periods. Polymenorrhea, less than 21 day cycles, therefore more frequent periods Several cohorts followed throughout the pandemic

Systematic data collection of self-reporting. Percentages of unexpected vaginal bleeding (During a period of 8 to 9 months) 50% happened within 28 days of vaccination. 7,725 postmenopausal women, 3.3% 7,148 perimenopausal women, 14.1% 7,052 premenopausal women, 13.1% In postmenopausal women The risk of unexpected vaginal bleeding, in the 4 weeks after vaccination, was increased two to threefold, compared to a prevaccination period.

11.1% and 37.5% experienced menstrual symptoms In nonmenstruating perimenopausal and premenopausal women Risk of unexpected (breakthrough) vaginal bleeding after vaccination Increased three to fivefold In premenopausal women Spikevax was associated with at 32% increased risk as compared to Comirnaty.

More detail Reports since December 2020, menstrual disturbances at frequencies not seen in previous vaccination campaigns Such events were not addressed in the preceding clinical vaccine trials European Medicines Agency Recently updated product information of the mRNA vaccines, to include heavy menstrual bleeding as a potential side effect. PMB can be a symptom of endometrial carcinoma and precancerous lesions Women with PMB should be referred for specialized gynecological examination.

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