+1 more
posted on Mar, 5 2023 @ 02:32 AM
This is a short argument, but I think it is potent.
Based on the many scientific journals, editorials and videos I have read or watched; science believes there are not many intelligent species in the
galaxy on the same level of development.
Any intelligent species who would be able to detect us would likely not be close to us in their technological journey as a species. They would likely
be thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions, hundreds of millions, or even billions of years in advance to us.
So here we are. An early developing intelligent species that will soon roam the waters of space.
The route we are taking to this level of technological maturity must be vastly different than any species before us. There are so many factors that
affect our technological advancement that it must be very interesting to observe.
Matters like our cultures, governments, religions, morals, body makeup, geography, and just pure luck – may lead us to different discoveries that
may even surprise other much more advanced species.
Some examples for us that would surprise: We have no idea how the pyramids were made.
Some examples for them: Maybe they have never seen a video game, the way we use the internet, cell phones, nuclear families and how that affects a
culture for good/bad, how we use our planets resources. Maybe crude oil is only an Earth thing? Maybe our art and culture are new in some ways.
Maybe the way we conduct war is as interesting as it is repelling? Maybe their sense of hearing is different than ours, and our music at this
barometric pressure is highly appealing to them.
We are on the burgeoning cusp of becoming a space faring species. Soon we will be a part of the larger community of species that roam the galaxy.
Are these ET species grabby? Will we be grabby? Are we already claimed by another species, or group of species governing this part of the galaxy?
There are so many reasons we should be studied that it really boggles the mind. When the 'supposed genius' Neil DeGrasse Tyson exclaims how
uninteresting we would be to another intelligent species, just boggles my mind how dumb and blinded by popular opinion some of our scientists can be.
You need look no further for reasons why we are being visited on a regular basis than turning inward and asking yourself some basic questions if we
were in their positions. And since we are currently so aggressive and protective, you can imagine how we would employ our intelligence agencies to
devour as much information covertly as possible in preparation for that upcoming showdown once that species shows they are capable. So that no matter
how that showdown goes we have the upper hand.
Especially if multiple other species are doing the exact same thing. We will become a new player on the scene.
Who will we side with? Who needs us, or our resources? Are there factions in the galaxy, or in our region? Would we become voting members of a
galaxal government? Are there species that would entice us to their side - that with correct information of motives we would NEVER side with them,
but get duped anyways?
Even if we are not an interesting species as some arrogant scientists believe, we will be an important player in the region. And if politics or
posturing are a part of current galaxal government, there are plans being formulated – some good I’m sure, and some diabolical.
Just wanted to throw that argument out there.