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Why it is LIKELY we are being visited by many ET species, and on a very regular basis.

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posted on Mar, 5 2023 @ 02:32 AM
This is a short argument, but I think it is potent.

Based on the many scientific journals, editorials and videos I have read or watched; science believes there are not many intelligent species in the galaxy on the same level of development.

Any intelligent species who would be able to detect us would likely not be close to us in their technological journey as a species. They would likely be thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions, hundreds of millions, or even billions of years in advance to us.

So here we are. An early developing intelligent species that will soon roam the waters of space.

The route we are taking to this level of technological maturity must be vastly different than any species before us. There are so many factors that affect our technological advancement that it must be very interesting to observe.

Matters like our cultures, governments, religions, morals, body makeup, geography, and just pure luck – may lead us to different discoveries that may even surprise other much more advanced species.
Some examples for us that would surprise: We have no idea how the pyramids were made.
Some examples for them: Maybe they have never seen a video game, the way we use the internet, cell phones, nuclear families and how that affects a culture for good/bad, how we use our planets resources. Maybe crude oil is only an Earth thing? Maybe our art and culture are new in some ways. Maybe the way we conduct war is as interesting as it is repelling? Maybe their sense of hearing is different than ours, and our music at this barometric pressure is highly appealing to them.

We are on the burgeoning cusp of becoming a space faring species. Soon we will be a part of the larger community of species that roam the galaxy.

Are these ET species grabby? Will we be grabby? Are we already claimed by another species, or group of species governing this part of the galaxy?

There are so many reasons we should be studied that it really boggles the mind. When the 'supposed genius' Neil DeGrasse Tyson exclaims how uninteresting we would be to another intelligent species, just boggles my mind how dumb and blinded by popular opinion some of our scientists can be. You need look no further for reasons why we are being visited on a regular basis than turning inward and asking yourself some basic questions if we were in their positions. And since we are currently so aggressive and protective, you can imagine how we would employ our intelligence agencies to devour as much information covertly as possible in preparation for that upcoming showdown once that species shows they are capable. So that no matter how that showdown goes we have the upper hand.
Especially if multiple other species are doing the exact same thing. We will become a new player on the scene.
Who will we side with? Who needs us, or our resources? Are there factions in the galaxy, or in our region? Would we become voting members of a galaxal government? Are there species that would entice us to their side - that with correct information of motives we would NEVER side with them, but get duped anyways?

Even if we are not an interesting species as some arrogant scientists believe, we will be an important player in the region. And if politics or posturing are a part of current galaxal government, there are plans being formulated – some good I’m sure, and some diabolical.

Just wanted to throw that argument out there.

posted on Mar, 5 2023 @ 02:49 AM
I've always said that any alien species would think, act and have a view of nature totally different than us. Like your video game observation, I've held the belief that they would view our entertainment different. Like that documentary series, Star Trek that details our space travels. Or that disaster documentary, Space 1999. Maybe they'd thing the gig is up after seeing the UFO series. Or maybe after seeing the movie Battleship, they'd think twice about invading.
edit on 5-3-2023 by billxam because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2023 @ 02:54 AM
a reply to: billxam

Yes. Or what about Heavy Metal Music.

Maybe the first exposure we get from an Alien Species are the devil sign as an Alien head bangs to a Metallica song.

Lol. I need to lay off the alcohol.

posted on Mar, 5 2023 @ 03:05 AM
a reply to: FingerMan

If we were, you wouldn't need to write a long convincing essay about why we were to convince people that we were because you believe that we were and want others to think that we were.

That's why I skimmed over it. It's just as likely that we are the most advanced civilization in the universe at the present time, or that we are the only civilization in the universe at this time.

To argue about the probability of any of these scenarios is a waste of time and only reflects on the hopes and dreams of the people discussing it.

I don't always rain on parades, well I usually do but when I do it's because.. oh hell, I ran out of words and verbal gymnastics to sound cool.

posted on Mar, 5 2023 @ 03:24 AM
a reply to: FingerMan

you can imagine how we would employ our intelligence agencies to devour as much information covertly as possible in preparation for that upcoming showdown once that species shows they are capable. So that no matter how that showdown goes we have the upper hand.

Those with access to the information will have the upper hand, as for the general population at large will have a lot of catching up to. When Disclosure Day happens, will the public ignorance be further taken advantage of? Might get some facts, but might also have to sift through some misinfo as waring forces struggle in the background?

With the way the corporate media has gone with issues like JFK, 9/11 and now covid, any claims from this crowd that they are under attack might be warranted? This is probably unlikely as I do get the impression that global governance is on some alien agendas as it does make it easier to control the humans for them.
edit on 5-3-2023 by kwakakev because: grammer

posted on Mar, 5 2023 @ 04:31 AM
There are plenty of unsolved cases. But ufology has never been able to produce a smoking gun. The evidence doesn't stack up to prove that we are being visited by any ET species, and on a very regular basis, let alone many.

That's why the argument has to remain on a superficial level. Because when we get into specifics, there are no cases that can stand up to scrutiny. None of them are undisputed proof of alien visitation. They all rely on one or more of the following.

1) Appeals to authority such as Jimmy Carter saw a UFO, or our heroic pilots would know an alien spacecraft if they saw one.

2) Assertions by Inference - "the Universe is so large that other civilizations far more advanced must exist out there!"

3) Appeals to Popular Opinion - "Most Americans now believe UFOs are alien spacecraft''

4) Unfalsifiable & Conspiratorial Narrative - "The government knows what's going on. But won't reveal the truth" or "beings operate on a frequency beyond our senses and sensors".

5) Sheer Volume - There are so many sightings that at least some of them must be the result of alien visitation.

6) Shifting the Burden of Proof - In UFO cases this is claiming "it has never been debunked, so it must be aliens unless proven otherwise.".

edit on 5/3/2023 by mirageman because: ...

posted on Mar, 5 2023 @ 04:59 AM
Yes, they've been popping up on my Twitter feeds lately.

Like this one for example in Montreal Canada

Presumably, prepping us for a soft Disclosure Contact

always reminding us to "Be Not Afraid"

posted on Mar, 5 2023 @ 05:41 AM
our visitors want to see how us ants are doing. Seriously though, they probably want to see if we can get out of the many messes we create.

posted on Mar, 5 2023 @ 06:09 AM
a reply to: FingerMan

We are on the burgeoning cusp of becoming a space faring species. Soon we will be a part of the larger community of species that roam the galaxy.

Last I checked, we humans were designed to live off of oxygen and we tend to die without it.

If you're talking about life after death in a spirit world, that's another story, but I don't think we would fall into the category of "species" at that point because we won't be breeding.

edit on 5-3-2023 by Deetermined because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2023 @ 06:29 AM
a reply to: FingerMan

I see that as some reasons why any possible Alien visitors might want to visit us, not reasons to make it likely they do.

posted on Mar, 5 2023 @ 06:50 AM
I always find it mystifying that anyone could believe that we are all alone in a huge universe, billions of years old, and apparently unending.
Especially being that 'meteorites' possibly paved the way for life here at a point in our ancient past, and they are all over the universe, spreading those building blocks.
After seeing a very large craft in our skies I know that we are being visited. These aliens are not using fossil fuels for travel, they are using another method of which we are still unaware.
And they are visiting us for the same reason we travel to the moon and Mars - out of curiosity and because they are advanced technologically and are able to do so.

posted on Mar, 5 2023 @ 07:04 AM
Why it is LIKELY we are being visited by many ET species, and on a very regular basis?

I apologize if I'm assuming too much about your question.

The things that stand out to me in the question are:

1) Likely (as in "of course" it is happening,)
2) many ET species (we have yet to truly identify if "species" is necessarily the proper perspective,)
3) visiting (implicit is that they 'travelled' to "get here.")

1) This is a difficult prospect for me, because I have some reservations about this phenomenon. Which is not to say that I don't accept it as a possibility; but that I require a real hefty number of answers about such "visits" before I can't suggest that I support it as a 'common' thing.

We have all seen the gamut of 'reasons' presented by all manner of testimonials, from those insisting it is a sublime 'uplifting' effort, to those dark suggestions about human status as 'slave stock' or a 'food source.' In any body of material that varies so widely, it is almost impossible to nail down the "why" of the visit accounts... and not everyone has had the same experience, some reporting hell, others heaven.

How likely is it that ET visitation is repeatedly prompted manifesting one or the other 'reason' randomly? So, when you speak of the likelihood of visitation, is it all "one" kind of visit, or the entire mixed bag of possibilities taken all together?

2) How many ET species are there. Are we really sure that Aliens are speciated the way earth life forms are? That's a pretty big assumption... You see for me; I am constantly torn by the idea that aliens reported are never manifest personalities. They seem to be anecdotally described almost as 'vaguely' humanoid, and not sporting a personal 'style' of character, even between them when in groups. Like they are archetypal caricatures... you can never tell one from the other... they may as well be "robots" from one mold.

This description could simply be due to the inability of a human observer to relate to their presence... which could be understandable, given what do we really know about an alien psyche? Perhaps they are automaton-like, hive-mind dronish, or even operating without thinking at all. How would we know?

3) If we are to 'go there' we have to acknowledge that these visitations may be extradimensional in nature. So, the very concept of "travelling" may be a foundational misunderstanding. The concept of distance and time may not be as we commonly consider it from a three-dimensional perspective. Again, how could we know? How can we rule out that the aliens who allegedly claimed to have "Come from Venus" are actually meaning exactly that? There are several significant proponents of the idea that aliens might even come "from Earth." If they "live" here, are they really "visiting?"

Just my train of thought on this question... not criticizing at all.

posted on Mar, 5 2023 @ 07:40 AM
a reply to: FingerMan

Earth is off limits.

There is a big Biologically Contaminated beacon that keeps everyone away.

posted on Mar, 5 2023 @ 07:53 AM

originally posted by: FingerMan
a reply to: billxam

Yes. Or what about Heavy Metal Music.

Maybe the first exposure we get from an Alien Species are the devil sign as an Alien head bangs to a Metallica song.

Lol. I need to lay off the alcohol.

I can see that happening. If the knowledge of math is necessary for space travel then music would appeal to such a mathematical alien. Think Close Encounters with the ending where they make first contact using music. Head banging heavy metal could be quite popular with ETS all over the universe, how would we know?

posted on Mar, 5 2023 @ 08:59 AM
Just the topic that made me finally dive into and join ATS WBW after a few years of lurking


The galactic federation and the ancient reptilian contingent have made the Earth hands off for now, except for observers and experimenters

but we are also regularly visited by rebellious and chemically addles alien juveniles, basically air racing in the atmosphere thus the crashes and encounters. They make alien TiK Toc holograms with themselves dancing with the planet, city, and our society in the background or some make images showing their next meal.

around here somewhere Ive got a list of Russian secrets aliens races that have visited or currently visiting. and pdfs of all the species and the Dulce base attack the one Phil Schnieder allegedly stumbled upon LOL. Not to mention aliens are up to where their teats would be in the Ukraian war.
edit on 5-3-2023 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2023 @ 09:49 AM
Years ago I asked a computer whiz what the next big thing could possibly be -
After all, we had the laser beam, computers, cell phones, internet - what was left to be the next step beyond that?
He replied that the only thing it could be was the robot.
And I wonder if many of the creatures coming here in their flying machines are actually just that, some form of robot.

posted on Mar, 5 2023 @ 09:49 AM
By the time we figure out deep space exploration, we'd probably have our own 'greys' that we've created. mechanical hybrid organisms that we pilot remotely from earth. No need to send fragile bodies into deep space. We wouldn't even live long enough for most journeys.

edit on 5-3-2023 by EmmanuelGoldstein because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2023 @ 10:10 AM
a reply to: FingerMan

Here's a single thought to dunk your thread....we are not being visited at all.

They are here, always were here, always comes n go from here, and's not more frequent at all: there are reports everyday around the world.

Are we so sci-fi influenced we don't realize they don't need "lights" to "drive" their "ships", aren't here to enable us, eat us or procreate?

We are just babies in the cosmos. If anything, we are just realizing things...and the UFOs, UAPs...are coming n going from here.

There's the logic.
edit on 03232431America/ChicagoSun, 05 Mar 2023 10:11:24 -060011202300000024 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2023 @ 10:18 AM

originally posted by: EmmanuelGoldstein
By the time we figure out deep space exploration, we'd probably have our own 'greys' that we've created. mechanical hybrid organisms that we pilot remotely from earth. No need to send fragile bodies into deep space. We wouldn't even live long enough for most journeys.

But the flying vehicle I saw moved so rapidly that it could probably land on our moon in a matter of seconds.
These things have a totally different form of 'travel', wherein gravity does not affect them, they are anti-gravity devices.
One day we will have the technology.

posted on Mar, 5 2023 @ 10:21 AM

originally posted by: EmmanuelGoldstein
By the time we figure out deep space exploration, we'd probably have our own 'greys' that we've created. mechanical hybrid organisms that we pilot remotely from earth. No need to send fragile bodies into deep space. We wouldn't even live long enough for most journeys.

That’s a good point…….

If that’s the case, then we landing on other planets using hybrids cyborgs etc……and other alien races are landing on our planet as hybrids, cyborgs etc……… one is sending out true representation of themselves (ourselves).

So what we see as grays, as possibly hybrids, cyborgs, etc are not the same beings of what they actually look like that sent them.

edit on 5-3-2023 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

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