posted on Jul, 4 2023 @ 06:34 PM
I will tell a story that people can either believe or not believe, but the source is not one to make up stories. Without giving up too much
information, there is a reasonably well-known person in the orgone studies communty, who is now dead, named Trevor Constable. He wrote several pieces
including a book called The Cosmic Pulse of Life.
He was also a merchant marine and traveled for the same company as on of my relatives. He had several contraptions that were made of various tubes
and dimensions. Most had to be on a moving vessel to work (stuff had to flow through them) and had various functions. He had made several VHS videos
back in the day logging weather conditions etc while running them. He routinely was able to demonstrate rain during almost impossible natural
starting conditions in 15 mins to 1/3 hour. I believe he was even hired by various countries to help with drought. Anyway, a lot of his work is
pretty well-known in those circles.
The real interesting story though was the fog guns. There was a very practical and skeptical captain on the ship at the time, but had been on when
Trevor was on before. They encountered dense fog to where it was very dangerous to travel where they were. The captain without hesitation said, "Go
get Trevor's fog guns" as he had apparently left them on there. "All I know is they work", he said. What was described once they were installed was a
nearly knife-edged wall on either side of the front of the ship with clear sailing down the middle -- like a tunnel, but just a wall clear up to the
clear sky above.
There is more to this than meets the eye, and I can attest to the general cloud-busting phenomenon, but I also don't think it is good to mess with it
casually. The balance of things is best left without over-exploitation. That said, I now have a much better understanding of it all and it is pretty
small compared to a lot of what humans can achieve once they return to some more traditional ways and standards.