posted on Mar, 3 2023 @ 06:26 PM
They would have to gain my trust first. If they looked like hot blond human females, they could entice me if very friendly and they gained my trust.
I’ve had many dreams with different alien species some friendly, some very friendly and some that I attacked. I’ve also vaguely remember some
dreams where I have an alien girlfriend on a world with vastly different alien landscapes and alien cityscapes. Other dreams the intelligent aliens
were not humanoid. I would not want to stay there even though one intelligent octopus like species was friendly in my dream. Maybe a bit too
friendly. That was a very weird dream. If the food was horrible, I probably would not want to go.
Although I once had a weird waking dream except I knew I wasn’t in our star system and had to be dreaming because my waking dream had a red star and
very alien plants and creatures. I explored the waking dream for 30 minutes before getting noticed and hurried up back to bed and fortunately woke
back up in my bed. I was wondering if that could have been something like astral travel to another living body. It just seemed so real. Then when
I searched the Internet I found out red stars are more common than yellow stars. It might be fun to explore but I wouldn’t want to stay on many
alien worlds nor would I want to say goodbye to everyone and everything here on Earth permanently.
I will add it is possible to be enticed in certain circumstances I never expect to happen. If certain very enticing human looking alien females
show up in spaceships looking for me and offer me a lot better conditions than I ever will have here on Earth, I would be willing to go. I never
expect this to happen though. That had to be just pleasant dreams. Kind of like beer commercials. I might have seen a wild beer commercial before I
fell asleep years ago to have such dreams. Just to describe the beer commercials there would be a lot of hot human looking girls and no guys and they
want to party with you and they have lots of beer too. I didn’t drink too much beer in my dreams though. If this ever came true, thousands of
single guys would likely volunteer to leave with me. Live like a king and have tons of resources and hot alien females at your beck and call.
There was one downside to that last dream. The females didn’t understand censorship. I was the only human male they ever saw in my dream. Plus I
had to teach every female I met the same things over and over again in certain male female interactions. I escaped after a while. It was too much.
I dreamed they might build spaceships and come looking for me. That had to be a dream I thought. No way could that be real. Must have seen a beer
commercial before falling asleep.
As far as the gray type aliens, no way would I want to go with them except if I was planning an attack and had successfully gained control of one of
their ships. I dreamed their ships are operated via telepathy by a segment of the gray population I call navigators. I dreamed they have a hive like
civilization and breakdown among the ship crew. In my dream they abducted my astral body which seemed real onboard their ship. I neutralized many
grays in my dream and used mind control on many others and invaded their minds reading their thoughts. I hatched a plan to take over their very
large ship. However even reading their thoughts I had trouble attempting to translate alien hieroglyphs into English plus their navigators used the
controls using telepathy with the ship. How the ship understood navigation using telepathy I have no idea. I was having too much fun chasing and
terrorizing some of the grays. They had an emergency beam out device I ran through and woke up in bed. They sent me a message they would never take
me on board one of their ships again telepathically in my pseudo dream. I sent a message back if they bothered me again, I know where their home
planet and star system is and I could attack more than just one ship.
In my dream, I could destroy their alien civilization using mind control over several of the gray aliens. Read their thoughts and make them do things
to sabotage and destroy their home world plus many ships. Of course this had to be another dream. It is too outlandish and reminds me of a pc game
called Xcom ufo something. Only in that game could you mind control a certain number of aliens.
I will add I haven’t seen such beer commercials in many years. Probably canceled by recent culture changes in terms of what is acceptable. It is
all this woke cancel culture that would encourage me to leave Earth.
edit on 3/3/23 by orionthehunter because: (no reason given)