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Family of girl who died due to the Pfizer vaccine to receive the highest compensation so far

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posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 05:16 PM
link ne%20Medigen/320

Link doesn't seem to work but type Medigen and you will be able to see the article.

Before the arrival of the Pfizer 'vaccine' in Taiwan they used the Medigen 'vaccine' that contains recombinant spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 and was authorised for emergency use without its phase3 clinical trial completed. Something similar happened with the Pfizer's and Moderna's trials that were squeezed in a little more than a year.

The results of this emergency authorisation for Medigen can be easily predicted.

Taiwan’s Medigen COVID-19 vaccine inoculation started on August 23, and President Tsai Ing-wen led to receive the first jab in Taiwan. But six people died after vaccination in the first five days of the inoculation. According to the statistics assembled by the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC), the vaccination rate of Medigen coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine of the week was declining day by day. It determined that Medigen adverse events, and the scheduled arrival of BNT vaccine at the end of the month affect the willingness of people to get Medigen vaccination.

I don't think that the people in Taiwan are that naive or stupid to have seen the serious adverse reactions from their own vaccine and then decided to wait to replace it with Pfizer's junk.

edit on 27-2-2023 by Asmodeus3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 06:01 PM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

I can only imagine the amount of red tape, bitching, demanding, time lost, work lost, lives lost just to get to this point.

The system is made to work against you. Besides... This is such a write off. We're paying for this, no one else. Not to mention, the fact that they even put a price, such a small price on life just goes to show how little they care about ours.

It's just a $ to them and with the vax, they've already made many, many, many, ......many lives worth and still come out far ahead.

...and many

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 06:07 PM

originally posted by: Timber13
a reply to: Asmodeus3

I can only imagine the amount of red tape, bitching, demanding, time lost, work lost, lives lost just to get to this point.

The system is made to work against you. Besides... This is such a write off. We're paying for this, no one else. Not to mention, the fact that they even put a price, such a small price on life just goes to show how little they care about ours.

It's just a $ to them and with the vax, they've already made many, many, many, ......many lives worth and still come out far ahead.

...and many

That's why there should be independent investigations, legal enquiries, and consequent indictments. The criminal enterprises must be brought to justice together with their cronies in Government and in the Media.

They may have put a price but the price they will pay in the end is much higher. If you know what I mean.
edit on 27-2-2023 by Asmodeus3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 06:25 PM
a reply to: Asmodeus3


When we give the government the ability to police itself, we've already lost the war.

That's why this is so much worse. We're letting the people responsible for this mess continue to control it under the guise that they'll do what's best. I fear they believe the "best" is without "us".

I'm sure life would be so much better, controllable even, with say millions and millions less people walking around, taking up their precious resources. Because someone thought once that they could own the land - we've been taxed by them ever since.

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 05:37 AM

originally posted by: Timber13
a reply to: Asmodeus3


When we give the government the ability to police itself, we've already lost the war.

That's why this is so much worse. We're letting the people responsible for this mess continue to control it under the guise that they'll do what's best. I fear they believe the "best" is without "us".

I'm sure life would be so much better, controllable even, with say millions and millions less people walking around, taking up their precious resources. Because someone thought once that they could own the land - we've been taxed by them ever since.

Yes, it is called self-regulation and it shows how a society fails to provide the necessary measures to hold everyone accountable.

Do you know what do we call this system of governance where a particular group of people are unaccountable and the laws don't apply to them...

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 02:44 PM

Local governments report 28 deaths after AstraZeneca jabs in Taiwan

And to be fair is not only the Pfizer 'vaccines' that have caused harms and deaths. As we have seen the Astrazeneca vaccines that have been withdrawn from most countries that have used them.

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 02:58 PM
Absolute pennies to these corporations.

If they made corporate fines & penalties a percentage of gross income they'd probably straighten out pretty quick.

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 03:58 PM

originally posted by: Ohanka
Absolute pennies to these corporations.

If they made corporate fines & penalties a percentage of gross income they'd probably straighten out pretty quick.

For the good of society they must be dismantled as they don't serve the public interest. They are involved in several scandals and they have a criminal history having paid billions and billions of dollars in criminal fines.

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