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Family of girl who died due to the Pfizer vaccine to receive the highest compensation so far

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posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 11:40 AM

Taipei, Feb 26

The family of a girl who fell into a coma and died after getting a second Pfizer-BNT (BNT) COVID-19 vaccine dose will receive NT$3.5 million (US$114,111) after she was named on the list of relief fund recipients who suffered adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccine shots unveiled by the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) on Sunday.

The girl, who was in the 5-11 age group, fell into a coma three days after receiving her second BNT vaccine dose, and was diagnosed with fulminant myocarditis after having an ultrasound scan before she died, spokesperson Lo Yi-chun said.

As a result, VICP awarded her family NT$3.5 million for her death plus NT$300,000 for funeral costs.

In addition to the girl's family, three Moderna recipients were awarded compensation ranging from NT$5,000 to NT$500,000, five AstraZeneca (AZ) recipients will receive amounts from NT$20,000 to NT$250,000, and one Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) recipient will get NT$300,000.

Another sad story of a young girl in Taiwan in the age group 5-11 who has died due to vaccine-induced myocarditis caused by the Pfizer vaccine. A very well known severe adverse reaction from the mRNA products of Pfizer and Moderna and an unnecessary risk taken to vaccinate a child who belongs to an age group that has miniscule risks from SARS-CoV-2 and much more to loose from injecting untested, experimental, and as proven potentially hazardous and lethal products.

The family of the girl is to receive the highest compensation paid for the death of a child which was caused by the mRNA product by Pfizer and amounts to about $114K US Dollars. Of course life doesn't have a price but at least the State has recognised that this is the most likely cause of her death.

Note that in the article there are attempts by the author to cast doubt on what has caused the death of the girl. The usual vaccine apologetics and denialism of reality but it's rather desperate at this point to try to defend the vaccines and the pharmaceuticals.

It is well known that almost in every case of myocarditis post vaccination the reason behind the development of the condition is the free spike protein from the vaccine and not any viral infection, including infection with SARS-COV-2. Something that vaccine apologists don't really know or don't want to know...

Here is the peer-reviewed publication from another thread I made sometime ago

The study shows that the immunological response elicited by the mRNA vaccine was very similar in those who developed post-vaccination myocarditis and others. In other words, myocarditis could not be associated with abnormal autoantibodies, viral infections other than SARS-CoV-2, or excessive production of antibodies elicited by the mRNA vaccine.

In vaccinated patients, infection with the virus was not likely to be a cause or contributing factor for myocarditis since anti-Nucleoprotein IgG was not found in these patients.

In contrast to controls, the finding of high levels of unbound full-length spike protein in myocarditis patients may point to the mechanism by which this condition arises. Similarly, MIS-C patients had circulating SARS-CoV-2 antigens.

The spike protein appears to evade immune antibodies found at normal levels in these patients, with adequate functional and neutralization capacity. The spike may damage the cardiac pericytes or endothelium, perhaps by reducing the expression of the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), reducing nitric oxide production in the endothelium, or activating inflammation via integrins, causing the endothelium to become abnormally permeable

In a few words, one of the major differences between those adolescents and young adults who developed myocarditis post vaccination and those who didn't develop the condition, was the presence or the absence of free spike antigens respectively in the blood of those individuals.

The above study is a bombshell and puts an end to the attempts made to blame everything else in the world but not these hazardous products.

edit on 27-2-2023 by Asmodeus3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 11:55 AM
I respect your effort on this subject Asmodeus! Keep up the good work. Heads will need to roll, and we can only do our best to make that happen.
edit on 27/2/23 by flice because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 12:14 PM
The money is coming from tax payer dollars not Pfizer as I understand.

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 12:16 PM
If the sheeple start filing lawsuits, they will bankrupt the national governments. Pfizer and the other laboratories are not liable in the case of adverse reactions, since their mRNA clot-shots got "emergency approval" from government agencies, such as the FDA. As the post above is saying, this will all be "paid" with taxpayer money. Perfect scam.

edit on 27-2-2023 by ltrz2025 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 12:28 PM

originally posted by: ltrz2025
If the sheeple start filing lawsuits, they will bankrupt the national governments. Pfizer and the other laboratories are not liable in the case of adverse reactions, since their mRNA clot-shots got "emergency approval" from government agencies, such as the FDA. As the post above is saying, this will all be "paid" with taxpayer money. Perfect scam.

It's about time legal indemnity and all other privileges come to an end.

In the State of Idaho they are thinking of criminalising the administration of mRNA vaccines.

I am sure if the legislators want they can make Pfizer, Moderna, and the rest of the saviours of humanity pay for the harms they have caused.
edit on 27-2-2023 by Asmodeus3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 12:29 PM

originally posted by: ltrz2025
If the sheeple start filing lawsuits, they will bankrupt the national governments. Pfizer and the other laboratories are not liable in the case of adverse reactions, since their mRNA clot-shots got "emergency approval" from government agencies, such as the FDA. As the post above is saying, this will all be "paid" with taxpayer money. Perfect scam.

Yep, and the government paid Big Harma with tax payer dollars. So no matter what happens the citizens are screwed and gov and pharma launder the money to themselves.

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 12:46 PM

originally posted by: flice
I respect your effort on this subject Asmodeus! Keep up the good work. Heads will need to roll, and we can only do our best to make that happen.

There is certainly a lot of pressure from the public. Take a look at Idaho. They are thinking of criminalising the administration of the mRNA Covid-19 products. Take a look at Florida as they too have issued a major health warning in relation to these products.

Take a look at the comments online. These are the most interesting ones as there seems to be massive doubts about everything the establishment has claimed so far.

I think if there is pressure from the public and a number of good lawyers, politicians, judges, and legislators, anything can happen.

It is believed that Pharmaceuticals are untouchable and above the laws. But that's not true.

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 12:52 PM

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: flice
I respect your effort on this subject Asmodeus! Keep up the good work. Heads will need to roll, and we can only do our best to make that happen.

There is certainly a lot of pressure from the public. Take a look at Idaho. They are thinking of criminalising the administration of the mRNA Covid-19 products. Take a look at Florida as they too have issued a major health warning in relation to these products.

Take a look at the comments online. These are the most interesting ones as there seems to be massive doubts about everything the establishment has claimed so far.

I think if there is pressure from the public and a number of good lawyers, politicians, judges, and legislators, anything can happen.

It is believed that Pharmaceuticals are untouchable and above the laws. But that's not true.

There's a county in FL that has banned the shots and is not going to send anymore money to the CDC. Check out coullier County FL and Karen Kingston. That deserves a thread of its own.

Lawsuits are coming hot and heavy.

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 01:06 PM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
The money is coming from tax payer dollars not Pfizer as I understand.

Yea, it should be Pfizer taking the hit on ALL of these.

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 01:28 PM

originally posted by: MykeNukem

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
The money is coming from tax payer dollars not Pfizer as I understand.

Yea, it should be Pfizer taking the hit on ALL of these.

Yes they should be indicted in the future. I think most of us agree on this with the possible exception of the vaccine apologists and defenders of the pharmaceuticals.

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 01:50 PM

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: ltrz2025
If the sheeple start filing lawsuits, they will bankrupt the national governments. Pfizer and the other laboratories are not liable in the case of adverse reactions, since their mRNA clot-shots got "emergency approval" from government agencies, such as the FDA. As the post above is saying, this will all be "paid" with taxpayer money. Perfect scam.

It's about time legal indemnity and all other privileges come to an end.

In the State of Idaho they are thinking of criminalising the administration of mRNA vaccines.

I am sure if the legislators want they can make Pfizer, Moderna, and the rest of the saviours of humanity pay for the harms they have caused.

Good for Idaho and I truly hope they pull it off. Even if they can't it shows that enough leadership and population are aware of what's happening, so that's hopeful.

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 01:52 PM

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: MykeNukem

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
The money is coming from tax payer dollars not Pfizer as I understand.

Yea, it should be Pfizer taking the hit on ALL of these.

Yes they should be indicted in the future. I think most of us agree on this with the possible exception of the vaccine apologists and defenders of the pharmaceuticals.

The pharmaceuticals should be on the hook but even if the government pays these claims out it will make people aware that it wasn't all "safe and effective" and now we're paying for it collectively.

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 01:55 PM

originally posted by: igloo

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: ltrz2025
If the sheeple start filing lawsuits, they will bankrupt the national governments. Pfizer and the other laboratories are not liable in the case of adverse reactions, since their mRNA clot-shots got "emergency approval" from government agencies, such as the FDA. As the post above is saying, this will all be "paid" with taxpayer money. Perfect scam.

It's about time legal indemnity and all other privileges come to an end.

In the State of Idaho they are thinking of criminalising the administration of mRNA vaccines.

I am sure if the legislators want they can make Pfizer, Moderna, and the rest of the saviours of humanity pay for the harms they have caused.

Good for Idaho and I truly hope they pull it off. Even if they can't it shows that enough leadership and population are aware of what's happening, so that's hopeful.

Likewise in Florida. They are trying to ban these products or make it difficult for people to get them through major health alerts. Of course they are not acting on their own accord only as there is plenty of support from the public and politicians, judges, and legislators.

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 01:58 PM

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: MykeNukem

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
The money is coming from tax payer dollars not Pfizer as I understand.

Yea, it should be Pfizer taking the hit on ALL of these.

Yes they should be indicted in the future. I think most of us agree on this with the possible exception of the vaccine apologists and defenders of the pharmaceuticals.

Too big to fail.

Compilation of Pfizer penalties

edit on 27-2-2023 by TzarChasm because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 02:08 PM

originally posted by: TzarChasm

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: MykeNukem

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
The money is coming from tax payer dollars not Pfizer as I understand.

Yea, it should be Pfizer taking the hit on ALL of these.

Yes they should be indicted in the future. I think most of us agree on this with the possible exception of the vaccine apologists and defenders of the pharmaceuticals.

Too big to fail.

Compilation of Pfizer penalties

I remember I made a thread sometime ago about the Pfizer scandals. It's on the medical issues and conspiracies:

Pfizer: Six scandals to remember

Nothing is too big to fail.

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 02:17 PM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Pfizer: Six scandals to remember

For convenient access

edit on 27-2-2023 by TzarChasm because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 02:43 PM

originally posted by: TzarChasm
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Pfizer: Six scandals to remember

For convenient access

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 02:48 PM
J&J,Pfizer stocks had being dropping for the past two months so far.
While the interests in the boosters are lowering.

That seems could be good news for those who refused to take the boosters.

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 02:52 PM

originally posted by: vNex92
J&J,Pfizer stocks had being dropping for the past two months so far.
While the interests in the boosters are lowering.

That seems could be good news for those who refused to take the boosters.

Have you taken your booster sir? Have you followed the science?

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 03:51 PM

originally posted by: igloo

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: MykeNukem

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
The money is coming from tax payer dollars not Pfizer as I understand.

Yea, it should be Pfizer taking the hit on ALL of these.

Yes they should be indicted in the future. I think most of us agree on this with the possible exception of the vaccine apologists and defenders of the pharmaceuticals.

The pharmaceuticals should be on the hook but even if the government pays these claims out it will make people aware that it wasn't all "safe and effective" and now we're paying for it collectively.

It's obvious that these products are not safe and effective and it's more than obvious that there are many more who have been injured and the authorities will never recognise these cases. There must proper legal enquiries and subsequent indictments as we are dealing with a major threat.

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