a reply to:
No, it is not wrong. It is the primary sequence of creation. It is present in all things
You are talking about the Apostles creed, which is
the sequence of 12 oppositions/apostles. Meaning, it is that which looks outwards,
well as the opposition of, that which it looks outwards upon
The Nicene creed is just the primary
sequence of 7 spectrums. That which looks outwards, alone
They are "almost" identical, except the Apostles creed takes "other people/things" (the opposition/apostle) into consideration, when listing the
dimensions/spectrums of perspective (almost, because the Church tried to replace "the perceiver" with the Church, in the Nicene Creed)
This is why they refer to it as "Communion with Saints". It is your interaction with those/that which is around you
1, is inside, centre or nucleus. Biology. Genesis. Father
2, is outside, sphere or torus. Geometry. Exodus. Son
3, is that which is in between. Where inside and outside meet. Leviticus. Holy Spirit. The leavening, The "Image"
4, The primary sequence. Numbers. Symbols/Numbers
5, The secondary law. Deuteronomy. Language/Words
This is not just some made-up sequence. The symbols and numbers we use very literally mean these things. Which is why they are drawn they way they
A symbol that is shorthand for the radius within a torus/sphere. With the arrow on top pointing to centre. The nucleus. The "Un". Described in
A symbol that is shorthand for the outside of the torus/sphere. A "golden ratio" curve opening to a line, representing the outside of a circle.
Described in Exodus
A symbol that is shorthand the meeting of inwards and outwards curvature, within a sphere. Symbolising that which comes in between. The "Image".
Described in Leviticus. The leavening. To find balance
Within the teachings of the Eleusinian mysteries, we are taught these principles as:
Kore, taken from Demeter, by Hades. To return to Demeter later in equal measures, as Persephone
Core, taken from dimension, by radius. To return to diameter later in equalisation, as perception
Kore = Core
Hades = Radius
Demeter = Dimension/Diameter (depending on whether you are speaking of it internally, or externally)
Persephone = Perception
These number symbols and their meanings, are exactly the same in the Om symbol. As well as in every other religion
Because they are the primary 3 dimensions/spectrums that are required for "Self reflection", which we refer to as "Conscious"
When we align these three phonetically to words with accurately aligned meaning, they become:
These phonetics are not by coincident. They are very intentional alignment within creation and our ability to understand 'ourselves and source'
4. Central forces pushing inwards
5. Central forces pushing outwards
So we have:
1, The inside
1, The "Father"
2, The outside
2, The "Son"
3, The in between
3, The "Holy Spirit"
4, The inwards forces which hold things together
4, That which is crucified/crossed/focused and "buried"
Note: See how the symbol for the number 4, literally shows a "cross" central point of gravity, with a quarter pulling inwards to
5, The outwards forces, which meets the inwards forces, to find balance
5, Descended inwards to hell, to rise again (meet them) on the "3rd" day.
Note: "3rd day" meaning the "in between" (3) finding balance within a sphere of influence, such as the Earth. Hence why they use "day".
Denoting a internal balance of day/night
6, Perception, that which is within (Subjective)
6, Descended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty
7, Perceiver, specific to a particular person, object or thing
7, Who will come again to judge the living and the dead
8, Perception, specific to a particular place, time or fluid concept
8, I believe in the Holy Spirit
9, Perception, specific to that which is outside
9, The holy catholic Church, the communion of saints
10, Perception, as the connection or bridge, specific to that which is outside
10, The forgiveness of sins
11, Perception, as the connection or bridge, specific to that which is within
11, The resurrection of the body
12, Self perception, self reflection, with the world as your reflection (Objective)
12, And the life everlasting. Amen
This sequence does not just align religions and mythologies. It aligns everything within creation
It is the exact same sequence used in biology and geometry, for the manifestation of a nuclear "Torus"
Biblical Torah = Torus, the geometric shape
Biblical El'ohim = Equilibrium, balance from which opposing forces come to create a sphere of influence
This is the same process of phase manifestation that is used in what is referred to as the 7 days of creation
But it do not actually tell of the creation of the Universe itself, as most people believe it to
It simply tells how our particular sphere of influence (Torus/Torah) came to manifest equilibrium (El'ohim), within, and relative to a parent
(macrocosm) equilibria
The idea of understanding the common perspective roots of these sequences, is that it links you back to the very source of your own creation
You find you no longer feel any need to seek something such as "God". Regardless of who or what it is
Because you understand the process and sequence by which every sphere of influence came into influence, and therefore you are one with the source of
its creation
Because regardless of whether it is the largest and oldest, or the smallest and youngest, they all came into being the same way, through the exact
same sequence
If you understand the sequence. You understand creation
You do not need to
Believe. You do not need
You do not need to
Define what God is
Because you
know it and understand it
As you
know and understand yourself
It is something that is impossible to explain, until you have come to the understanding yourself, through experience
Except to say, that those who care about who or what "God" is, are actually as far from understanding the nature of their own creation as anyone can
Personal belief, is not the same as knowing
Those who know, need not believe
The simplest way to put it in perspective is to say, that the most seeking God, do not understand themselves yet
So what hope do they have of understanding anything else? Especially God
What is worse, is that most within religion, are not aware that they are in a type of initiation process where they are supposed to understand
themselves "inwardly" first, so that they can find peace with the things they want to know about their "outward" existence, and "God"
The Church itself, does not understand the processes they are selling to people within belief and faith
If they do not understand it, then what chance do their followers have of finding it through them?
For most of them, who are not prepared to ask questions beyond what their Church offer, or compare and correlate it to other mythologies and wisdom,
sadly, it amounts to nothing more than blind, leading the blind
You can show them these things point blank, and somehow, they are blind to them
Even though it does not contradict belief in one original source of creation. They somehow cannot see