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Police Find 2,000 Dead Cats Intended For Use In Traditional Medicine

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posted on Feb, 18 2023 @ 03:06 PM
A story for the pet lovers on a slow Saturday news day. Go find your cat or dog and love them because this could have been their fate if they were born in the wrong geographic location.

Where is my cat?

Vietnamese police have discovered around 2,000 dead cats intended for use in traditional medicine, state media said Friday. The bodies of the felines were found at a slaughterhouse in Dong Thap province in the Mekong Delta on Thursday, together with 480 live animals, according to the official provincial newspaper.

The cats were in cold storage and believed to be destined for northern Vietnam.

Some in Vietnam believe that extracts from cat bones can help cure conditions such as asthma and osteoporosis.

It is estimated that up to a million cats fall victim to the illegal wildlife trade every year in Vietnam, according to animal welfare organization Four Paws International.

Consumption of dogs and cats is legal in the country. Many restaurants serve the meat but need certificates to show the origin of the animals.

The slaughterhouse in Dong Thap failed to provide paperwork authorizing the killings and detailing traceability.

edit on 18-2-2023 by infolurker because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2023 @ 03:11 PM
I'd rather die of starvation than eat Smoosh.

posted on Feb, 18 2023 @ 03:29 PM
a reply to: infolurker

It was said to be a cat-astrophe…

But yea, those people can go straight to hell.

posted on Feb, 18 2023 @ 03:35 PM
a reply to: infolurker

swear for god, i use to drive a linen truck and made deliveries to restaurants. all the restaurants always had cats hanging around back looking for rats and eating out of the dumpsters except the asian ones.

edit on 18-2-2023 by BernnieJGato because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2023 @ 03:42 PM
Almost as bad as the people who experiment on Beagles and cut their vocal chords while their head is eaten by sandflies.

posted on Feb, 18 2023 @ 03:43 PM
a reply to: infolurker

You'd expect them to have a mouse problem but it seems different...

Our country has about 6 times less inhabitants and we butcher about 2 milion animals a day in cows, pigs and chicks alone.

...We aren't any better or even worse.
edit on 18-2-2023 by Daalder because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2023 @ 03:57 PM
a reply to: infolurker

Disgusting illiterate people, cant' really blame them for being so stupid and dumb but those poor cats and other animals killed needlessly because some idiot say's that something from them will cure despite proof showing that at best such traditional remedies in many cases are at best a placebo and at worst can even make the condition worse by poisoning people.

Of course some traditional medicines do work, homeopathic remedies are often very powerful and affective both in western and eastern medicines but they are almost exclusively of the herbal variety and distilled oil's not taken from cat's.

And remember that our own ancestors were just as dumb, stupid and illiterate, leaches anyone or worse mummin a powder that was believed just as this is to have curative property's but in fact was toxic and made from the ground up remains of Egyptian mummies, it was populate in Europe among the rich right up to the 1800's though it was actually an act of cannibalism to consume it.

Mentioning Egypt I would not mind dumping this nasty business man behind this because that is what the prick really is along with his gang of fellow cruel crook's right into ancient Egypt, once the Egyptians saw them mistreating a cat and since the Egyptians believed that cats acted as messengers between the spirit world and the living world they would have stoned these criminals to death.

There is at least one account from the Greek period of a massive crowd of angry Egyptians doing this to a man who kicked a cat.

posted on Feb, 18 2023 @ 04:06 PM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
Almost as bad as the people who experiment on Beagles and cut their vocal chords while their head is eaten by sandflies.

I know. Makes you wonder what kind of people do this research doesn't it? Kind of makes you want to put THIER head in a glass box with sandflies just for a couple of days so they can feel what they are doing to torture these dogs and maybe get some empathy.

Yeah, not the type I trust to have moral clarity on messing with viruses for sure.
edit on 18-2-2023 by infolurker because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2023 @ 04:10 PM
A cat does have proven medical effect.
Alive purring on your lap .... It lowers stress hormones, blood pressure and heart rate.
It stimulates the production of dopamines making you feel happy.

Maybe the Vietnamese should reconsider.

posted on Feb, 18 2023 @ 04:12 PM
a reply to: nugget1

That's adorable.

posted on Feb, 18 2023 @ 04:17 PM
Unlike Jack Daniels, cats have no medicinal value!

posted on Feb, 18 2023 @ 04:21 PM
a reply to: Daalder

Absolutely true, you can be so depressed you just want out then Mr or Miss tiddles jumps up paws you and demands some attention and no matter how much you want to feel bad you just can't.

Same also applies to dog's, petting them is both therapeutic and recuperative, lowers blood pressure and stress level's and has a calmative affect.

They are also helpful to special need's children.

Here is a list of country's were they still eat cat's and dog's, some of them are developed society's but traditions like this as evil and cruel as they be are hard to get rid of especially when someone actually believed in the superstitious nonsense spread by traditional quack's.
Actually the list of offending nations is far more extensive than the ones the BBC has shown and if I recall there was actually a nation next to Italy and parts of Northern Italy as well were they used to consume dog and cat meat.
Here is a better summary.

It is also a well known fact that during the second world war butchers would sometimes sell skinned cat's as rabbits in the UK, people were starving and there is always going to be a cruel sod somewhere that will happily kill someone's pet to make a quick profit.
edit on 18-2-2023 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2023 @ 04:46 PM

originally posted by: Daalder
a reply to: infolurker

You'd expect them to have a mouse problem but it seems different....

Not really, they eat those too, along with their slightly larger cousins, the rat. Big delicacy if I remember correctly.

posted on Feb, 18 2023 @ 08:36 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

A mistake on my part, leeches are not actually useless and have even along with maggots come back into use in some modern medicine.

While I got a bit angry about pet cats and dog's being killed I am also wrong to call these people stupid, they have there beliefs and I do mine and human life trumps my sensibility's on the matter.

In reality people will try anything if they are desperate enough and sadly that means this but remember that there is a dangerous trade in Human organ's in the world as well in which many innocent people are victims whose body parts and organs are more valuable to wicked people than they are.

Compared while angering this situation is not the worst that people have and shall do given the need and the desperation.

However I think we can all agree rhino horn which is basically the same stuff your finger nails are made of is not going to give a man more sexual vitality no matter how much he believes it and neither is an elephant's tusk and the type of fake medicine being exploited for profit by these underworld criminals in this case is the type that also probably kills more people than it saves because instead of seeking genuine medical help they go to the local quack witch doctor for his or her remedies that with the exception of the simple herbal ones likely do not even work.

Sadly however the great bulk of the worlds population does not have easy access to modern medicine and that is something that drives this evil practice.

posted on Feb, 18 2023 @ 09:37 PM
I can think of some traditional medicine for the kind of people who would...

... Anyway, it would cure all of their problems, everytime and forever.

posted on Feb, 18 2023 @ 10:09 PM

human life trumps my sensibility's on the matter.

Proves You have sensibilities. Difficult path.
My feelings on the matter are similar.

You know the example used when I learned what ethnocentric means? Clitorectamy. Like, don't hate its part of their ever.

On the Vietnamese diet, I have a tolerance, and a respect for any survivor of extreme poverty. But the mongering and breeding of domestics can be seen as off-putting, look at the beef industry and the various products and bi-products created from vaca or bovine medical uses..whats the difference in a jungle floor and a feed lot in Kansas? Im torn.

posted on Feb, 18 2023 @ 11:23 PM
a reply to: didntasktobeborned

What it really is, well we have got to know our cat's and dog's as part of our family, we have developed a bond with them and we see them as sentient and emotional being's so we don't want to harm them or to see harm come to them.

On the other hand most people have never had a cow as a pet or a sheep or a goat or a pig so despite pig's being perhaps more intelligent than dog's and cows and sheep not being completely stupid but having each one it's own personality just like any animal we tend to put that out of our mind.

We are Carnivores and omnivores and while some cultures have created almost entirely vegetarian diets they often suffer nutritional deficiency's of various kinds as a result or tend to have a smaller stature.

While I would like to be a vegetarian though perhaps not a vegan I can not deny my appetite for meat albeit I eat very little and mostly white meats like fish and poultry though I am partial to Ham (though not uncured pork I can't stand it) on occasion and Beef as well.

In that respect we are just as guilty but still I can't help but wonder if those people had a pet cat that loved them and they loved or a loyal pet dog that likewise loved them and they loved would they still willingly do this to our closest non food domesticated animals as both cat's and dog's were never domesticated as food animals but rather dog's helped in the hunt and as protectors while cats helped to keep vermin away from grain and food stores so they were never intended to be eaten, also as they are predators and eating predators is never a good idea since they are on top of there respective food chains it is also not healthy to eat such creatures and there flesh does not taste good by all account's unlike herbivores.

Actually the old Jewish rabbi's had it correct and there list of what could be eaten and what should not be eaten was very good, those creatures they said could be eaten carry the least communicable disease that can also affect humans while pigs being probably the oldest domesticated (Semi domesticated it takes only a generation or two for them to revert to wild boar if they escape) animal that lived on the scraps of the tribe and could eat almost anything but they also carry the most communicable diseases and parasites that can also live within the human body and feed on us as they do the pig's.

So while pig's are intelligent they do not in my opinion rate alongside a Dog or a Cat as a friend of humanity but for other reasons we really should have stopped breeding and eating them long ago, those reasons being that they are literally unclean in that they can and often do carry so many human compatible diseases and parasites.

Beef on the other hand is really good for you but of course not in excess, when you are run down a good piece of fillet steak can boost you and make you feel better, it also makes people that live on the stuff stronger like those that live on corn fed beef in the past in certain parts of the US whom became strong and were known as strong even in there own nation.

So beef is actually good for you.

In the UK there is now at least one farm that has tried to move away from the cruel practice of taking away calf's at birth to boost dairy production and the farmer has noted that he milk is healthier and the cows more content though they do still take them away after a couple of month's or so.

So yes I feel a bit guilty but I do love a glass of milk now and then and need it in my tea, on my cereal etc.

So are we any better than them, I was wrong to be angry with them but it still breaks my heart to think of people eating pet's or chasing after superstitious folk medicine making animals suffer needlessly, also remember that among those that eat them some cultures boil the cats and dog's alive so that is completely out of hand, yes we do it with lobsters but I do not eat lobster because of that and a cat or a dog is a very intelligent animal, loyal and friendly they are not meant to be eaten.

edit on 18-2-2023 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2023 @ 11:55 PM
I've had bobcat at a wild game feed. Once it was made into soup, that was not that bad, the other time it was roasted...didn't really care for that. Had some type of roasted mountain lion one time at an exotic dinner, not worth the money in my opinion. Ostrich was OK but I would rather have chicken. Ostrich eggs were too rubbery. The best fish I had was Sturgeon, I used to know some Indians that could take one a year with their tribal permit and it has a different but great flavor when smoked.

I doubt if I would like a domesticated cat, they don't eat naturally. I never had dog and can't say I would like it if I knew what it was. I remember when they had the horsemeat in the burgers at I think it was Sandy's restaurant in Marquette, they were actually great tasting burgers. I don't care for lamb much either, it has a taste I am not so fond of and they are too cute and friendly to want to eat.

posted on Feb, 19 2023 @ 10:37 AM
So? At least they're putting it to use.

Hypocrites acting like we don't kill stuff. So much is wasted we might as well be throwing bodies straight in the bin.

Get over yourselves.

posted on Feb, 19 2023 @ 10:51 AM
a reply to: rickymouse

Don't close the book on ostrich eggs. Yours was rubbery because it wasn't cooked properly. There is an art to making eggs. Not everyone has mastered it.

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