"Wagner Troops Plead for More Weapons and Ammunition from Russian MoD"
On the other side:
Ukraine pleads for use of cluster munitions
At the Munich Security Conference, Ukrainian Government Vice President Kubrakov advocated that Ukraine be allowed to use controversial weapons -
including cluster munitions. Their use is outlawed under international law.
At the Munich Security Conference, Ukraine's deputy head of government, Olexander Kubrakov, argued that Ukraine should be allowed to use cluster
munitions and phosphorus incendiary weapons on its own territory. Russia already uses such weapons against Ukrainians.
German Propaganda Staastfunk ARD Tagesschau
The difference is, the Wagner mercenaries ask Russia for the weapons they need. The Ukraine demands everything from the oh so good west, the peoples
tax money, while the Ukraine is completely broke and not able to pay for anything. And then they demand internationally outlawed weapons and ammo now.
What´s next, some Agent Orange, some ABC weapons. But wait, didn´t the comedian on coke demand a nucelar first srike on Russia months ago? Weren´t
there bio labs in the Ukraine led by the oh so morally good west, especially the US/UK axis?And i read the first reports in the wetsrern media that
the Ukrainians use drones to throw chemicals on Russian soldiers.
These must be the the morale-values of the west, the "freedom that is defended" not in Afghanistan anymore but now "in the Ukraine". What a BS. For me
it looks like a russian civil war. Vlad one fights Vlad two. Both WEF´s Young Global Leaders. I don´t know why we, the not involved nations have to
deliver whatever the corrupt Ukraine demands, i simply don´t get, I don´t get that whole "weapons save lives" suddelny, coming from especially Young
Global Leader Baerbock of the former Freedom party die Grüne or the Green Khmer as i call them.
Let those two Vlads bash each others head in, or let them act as if they would do it. When a neighbor attacks another neighbor with a knife then i
don´t support the Nazi neighbor who got attacked with mustard gas for retaliation. I didn´t forget the truth that was reported about the Ukraine,
that whole Nazi # there, that curruption BS there, by "our" propaganda MSM, from 2014 to 2019. Suddenly they try to make us believe that all this
never happened, never was the truth that was reported about. Now suddenly the Azov_Nazis aren´t Nazis anymore, now suddenly the official ukrainian
Nazi-Bandera holidays and torchlight marches done by the population there are no issues anymore, the corruption doesn´t matter anymore, the current
mostly anti-democratic behavior of the Selenskyi regime is even celebrated by the EU under corrupt, useless and in addition to that to 100%
transatlantic controlled Uschi von der Leyen.
Let them two vlads bash their heads in, it is not my effing problem. When did we start such a silly theater when nations wre bombed back to the stone
ages by the US? Where was our morale then? Why didin´t we fell we have to supüport the underdogs when the morally oh so good west does what
WEF-Putin does right now? Are there good wars, good regime changes, good dying people, is there good misery and devastation, depending who brings this
to other nations?
Meanwhile this whole lying world,east, west, north, south, can kiss my ass crosswise, again and again and again. All sides, all these beings with too
much power and money who are the only cause for all the misery in the world.
Eff ALL!!! of them who can´t let the world live in peace because of their power games.