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Who is Satan to you?

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posted on Feb, 15 2023 @ 04:04 AM
Satan, the way we know it, is a secondary character in the Bible. Therefore, the earliest records we have (as written records) of this character are from the middle ages. And, just as with Jesus or the entire mythological kingdom of Israel (as well as all the other myths in the Bible), there is no hard evidence that any people anywhere really feared this fictional character described in the Bible anywhere in the world. It's just another of the Bible's many lies or "stolen and modified" elements.

The Satan character that appears in the Old Testament was never "a devil", on the contrary, the dude is a servant of Yahweh, some kind of district attorney who puts the Israelites to test, to see who really believes in Yahweh and who doesn't. Then, the Christians identify this dude with the "devil", but in Christian cosmogony (which is highly platonic/dualistic: spirit vs. matter, heaven vs. earth, light vs. darkness, christ vs. anti-christ, etc.), the character of Satan represents the seduction of the material/physical world and pleasures, something that will lead you astray from the spiritual path. That's why you have this character always tempting and teasing Jesus, who represents the concept of spirituality incarnated. Jesus and Satan would be the two sides of the coin. In every story, you need a hero and a villain.

On an interesting note, there are some people who indicate that the presence of Satan in the New Testament is another sign that Jesus wasn't a "Jew", or a follower of "Yahweh". Because, as said, if the Satan of the Old Testament was a servant of Yahweh, what was he doing trying to stop Jesus from his mission? This would mean that Yahweh was against Jesus. But well, again, these are just interpretations over a myth.

What we have real archaeological records of comes from Sumerian tablets (Sumer was a REAL civilization, easy to verify, not like the Hebrews or "Israel" which are totally mythical), tablets dating almost to 3.000 BC. The Sumerians used the word SATAM, but it didn't represent evil, is simply meant "administrator of the lands", or "ruler of the lands"; it was a title, not a person. Enlil (who has much resemblance to Yahweh), for example, is described as the grand SATAM in these tablets, because he was the Annunaki god who was assigned to be the administrator of the entire earth, which made him the one in charge of the material/physical lands and resources of the earth.

Just as with the myth of the Garden of Eden, and even the myth of the Flood, these stories were STOLEN from the Sumerians by the authors of the Bible, who took these myths, modified them and twisted their concepts, in order to suit their own agendas. The Garden of Eden was called the Garden of Dilmun by the Sumerians, which was an enclosed-protected land where the Annuna gods lived and where the first human (A-DAM) was created. By the way, A-DAM in Sumerian means Animals. Enlil referred to humans as his A-DAM, his animals. Long story short, according to the Sumerian myths, the Annunaki god Enki (who was associated to the Serpents, through Ningishzida), was a friend to humans and he liberates humanity from the dictatorship of Enlil, and makes humans free by giving them knowledge (therefore, they are kicked out of Dilmun/Eden).

P.S.: All that being said, I'm sure some people will come and tell me that they saw Satan, so he exists. There are disembodied entities around us, some people call them "spirits", others "ghosts", the muslim call them "djinns", the Greeks used to call them "daemons", etc. All the cultures in the world know about them and have a name for them, it's pretty much a global phenomena. I won't go deep into this, but these entities are known tricksters who are after your attention (and worship, if they manage), and they can take any shape they want, they'll take the shape that will get your attention the most. Some will appear like Satan, others (the powerful ones) can even take the shape of Jesus or the Virgin Mary. If you think you saw Jesus or Mary, or Satan, think twice, you are probably not that special....

edit on 15-2-2023 by ltrz2025 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2023 @ 05:34 AM

originally posted by: Hiram33
a reply to: GENERAL EYES
The darkness came before the light and in the darkness the light was born
Much like the initiate stripped bare and alone venturing into the cave to emerge later as an illuminated being

You call "darkness" to that which you cannot see, but those are you human eyes, the perspective of selective ignorance. Other beings can "see" in what you call darkness, and that what you call "light" simply blinds them. You are not blind by darkness, but by perspective.

I get you, what you say is freemasonic indoctrination 101... but well, I guess any light will do when you are deep down in the cavern. True light involves questioning your "masters", I guess you are not there yet.

edit on 15-2-2023 by ltrz2025 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2023 @ 05:41 AM
As an Atheist, Satan is whoever sits on the board.

Satan is not one sole entity, it is a code of ethics that some follow, taking pleasure in the practice and the suffering they freely dispel onto others. Satan(s) take pleasure in evil, corruption, war and genocide.

posted on Feb, 15 2023 @ 05:59 AM

originally posted by: Degradation33
a reply to: kwakakev

In nondual religions "Satan" is merely the negative part of a single God's plan. Some forms of Judaism point to Job specifically as an out-of-context way to illustrate that even evil is the will of a single god. Everything (good and evil) are God, hence nondual.

Completely wrong. First, there is no such thing as "nondual religion", such a thing is an oxymoron, religions are founded in duality. Then, there is no "negative" in nondualism, since the very word "negative" indicates the presence of a "positive", you are talking about dualism!

When it comes to Judaism, you are wrong again. The dualistic nature there is blurred because the character of Yahweh is not a God, he is a demon: he is roaming the earth, he has his own power agenda, he goes around creating wars and catastrophes, obsessed with humans worshiping him, producing genocides, demanding sacrifices, etc. That's what Christians (particular the early ones, the gnostics) would define as "Satanic", or "Demonic", or a "Fallen Angel".

originally posted by: Degradation33
a reply to: kwakakev
It is in many respects the psychological realism to "demonic possession" whereby belief in its existence conjures exactly what it's supposed to. How close it can get The Exocist (sans the rotating head) could make believers out of a skeptic. Conjure Pazuzu myth and end up like that girl. It can happen.

Here you are making the mistake of mixing spiritism/demonology with Satan. They are two separate things, they also respond to two completely different phenomena. Spirits, demons, disembodied entities in general (whatever you want to call them), are known and discussed in ALL the cultures around the world and they have their own defined set of rules. Satan is only discussed by Christians and his "metier" varies depending on you ask. Then, possession is real. I would advise you not to talk about things you don't know. Just to show you 1 thing: you are your soul; therefore your body and mind are possessed by your soul.

edit on 15-2-2023 by ltrz2025 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2023 @ 06:05 AM
a reply to: ltrz2025
Yes I am a freemason ...that darkness i refer to encompases many things .. one being ignorance
Too much light is blinding and not enough cannot see ..... The play of light and dark,.. to me the grey area is more appropriate (all possibility )
Duality is just a part of this illusionary simulation ...

posted on Feb, 15 2023 @ 06:12 AM

originally posted by: Hiram33
a reply to: ltrz2025
Yes I am a freemason ...that darkness i refer to encompases many things .. one being ignorance
Too much light is blinding and not enough cannot see ..... The play of light and dark,.. to me the grey area is more appropriate (all possibility )
Duality is just a part of this illusionary simulation ...

Right... this vast, harmonic and amazingly beautiful universe was designed to played a practical joke on this r*tarded species called "humans", right... My dear lord, how can someone be so brainwashed?.... Anyway, You are a human being, that "freemason" thing is a human made label, a "boy's club", and the way you phrase it indicate how much in the "darkness" you are, your "beliefs" just prove it. Anyway, boys will be boys, that's it. One day, hopefully, you'll become a man and won't need your "buddies" around you to "give you apples" or to "guide you".

Good luck.

edit on 15-2-2023 by ltrz2025 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2023 @ 06:16 AM

originally posted by: Compliant
Satan is not one sole entity, it is a code of ethics that some follow, taking pleasure in the practice and the suffering they freely dispel onto others. Satan(s) take pleasure in evil, corruption, war and genocide.

There is a group of nut jobs, dualistic psychopaths, in this world who believe that by doing "evil deeds" they are actually approaching a higher level of spirituality. They don't even understand how stupid and childish that is and the effect that it has on them. They are being used, but they don't get it. They are simply too st*pid.

posted on Feb, 15 2023 @ 06:21 AM
a reply to: ltrz2025
It's like you read into what you want to see ?
Your not really paying attention ... Self assured of your own genius and making assumptions about me and my path in life..... All I was simply saying is the goal is to be a non dual being ... Much like the ancients would have been ... Before the time of the archons and the mind parasite and what the Bible refers to as the fall ... Which was a fall in dimension
Duality is an illusion as is seperation
And luck is just a word the ignorant use to describe a force they do not understand

posted on Feb, 15 2023 @ 06:36 AM
a reply to: Hiram33

First, if you have any type of enlightenment, you wouldn't be making this "personal". I'm not talking about "your" path, I couldn't care less about your "path". Read my words and find the concepts, instead of making it an "insult" against you. Then, you talk of the "ancients" like if they were a race thinking all the same, lol. No buddy, true nondualism was always only cherished by the few, today and 2.000 years ago. Average people, now and then, are always busy procuring food and taking care of the children, they have no time for that.

Then you don't even know how to use the proper words, because the word illusion encompasses a mockery, or a deception. There is no such thing. The fact that you are ignorant or blind doesn't make the universe a "practical joke". Choose your words more wisely then. And nondualism, if you really understand what it means, can't EVER be a "goal", since it is the very nature of the universe. Maybe your goal is to "not be as lost as you are", but that's just your personal situation, not of the universe. Stop trying to define the universe through your lost human eyes and mind. That's the real step 1.

The rest you wrote is simply Enochian dualistic brainwashing gnosticism, which is a childish game when it comes to real spirituality. You claim to reject dualism, but then talk about "falling into dimensions", lol. You still have a long way to go, and yes, you'll need luck!

edit on 15-2-2023 by ltrz2025 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2023 @ 06:40 AM
a reply to: kwakakev

For me I'd say satan is an archetype, a representation of the things we consider evil. Maybe so we can "cast away" negativity without going into the details of truly understanding it.

Jesus was always more of a concept to me although eventually I came to understand him as human. Myth or not the idea of him is a pleasant one.

I needed stories of neither to come to terms with existence and it's nature, both have proven to be a fog when it comes to understanding the nature of good and bad. I also find either of them to be excuses for misunderstood things. Perspective is needed to discern good and bad and I guess what I'm saying is I prefer my own peepers and thoughts when it comes to understanding.

I wouldn't give excuses for my good or bad behaviour and if understanding the cognition of others is anything like my own I imagine it wouldn't be too kind of me to accept excuses for others either. I'll never understand that "excuse my lack of understanding but please accept this archetype that'll explain" type of mentality, that said I've always wondered if discernment is an exceedingly rare attribute.

I'll decide what's good and bad for me, everyone else should do what's good for them. If I have "bad thoughts" I aim to understand them and work on the why. It's a system that works and dispels myths, for me anyways. I'll still see darkness but there'll never be a devil in my head... Just me and a lack of light.

posted on Feb, 15 2023 @ 07:07 AM
Earth is historically a kind of Australia? Lol 😂

originally posted by: Meldionne1
Who is Satan to me ?…. One word ….. “Biden “. I’m kidding , I don’t really think Biden is Satan. but I do think he has sold his soul to Satan. Therefore, to me , Satan is the bad guy who manipulates people to do Bad things.… At least that is the easiest to believe in this crazy world …... Otherwise,You could argue there is no such thing as Satan . It’s just a myth . And ,we are all really bad people , with bad DNA genetics , and evil
Is engrained in all of us. We are descendants from a long line of criminals , thugs , and gang members . Maybe Earth was once an intergalactic prison , and we are the descendants of what once was …… Either way , I will keep believing Satan is the grand manipulator , evil and chaos .

posted on Feb, 15 2023 @ 07:32 AM
Maybe Greta because the new statue to Ruth Ginsburg looks just like her.

I think satan is the archetypal evil, which has everything to do with perspective and learning. It's the lack of innocence that keeps us evolving. It's the harshness of winter that takes out the weak and hones the sharp mind. It's the wolves in sheep's clothing that have currently taken over the world, awaiting our collective to realize it's all nonsense, come to our senses, choose to pull our support and rise above it... until the next lesson is needed.

posted on Feb, 15 2023 @ 07:34 AM
As some of you may know, a few years back I did a survey of the KJV Bible to see if the doctrine of "hell" stood up to scrutiny. It's too long to go into here, beside being off topic, but "hell" did not stand up to close examination.

Along the way, I also took a little time to examine "Satan." It was a bit off my path, but what I did see made me suspect he was as much a construct as "hell." My big takeaway was that "Satan" is NOT the ruler of "hell." I could find no connection between the two until the Revelation, and then only because "Satan" was tossed into the Lake of Fire, which btw, is not ID'd as "hell" in the is only assumed to be.

What the Lake of Fire is, as I found in a subsequent word study, is the Presence of God. Fire is closely associated with Him and His surroundings in the Bible. We see it from the Burning Bush to the tongues of Fire on Pentecost. This knowledge leads me to see the popular conception of a "hell" of fire, and ruled over by Satan, as being close to blasphemy.

If you disagree, all I can say is - do your homework. I spent over two years on mine.

posted on Feb, 15 2023 @ 07:44 AM
a reply to: kwakakev

A great example is Satan is Donald Trump. Evil personified. Other than that....I walk with Jesus...who carries me when tired.

Satan. Trump. False prophet, 3rd Coming, Messiah complex, Satan, Devil, Trump...I'm the BEST...

Yep. Check! Pretty sure...Folks? Give no evil power, then your Light, will keep "Satan"...from ever governing your Soul.

Look at all our "leaders". "Satan" lives in the worst pieces of crap out there. We listen, we cheer for political "Satan's" as our heros....

Until we get it...Donny-the-Devil-Trump is proving to be... Satan personified.

Truth be known....even Satan don't wanna talk to D.J.

So, there it is.

* Make no mistake, I'm SURE, neither side is good. Biden, Bush, Obama, Clinton Trump.

Yep ...real sure Trump is Satan himself. It's the eyes, the mouth, the sneering, lies, cheating, false witness, stealing...goading people into doing wrong...yep. That's a good description..

PS Jesus Saves ..and/or any God you believe in. The Heart knows the Truth.
edit on 02233828America/ChicagoWed, 15 Feb 2023 07:50:38 -060050202300000038 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2023 @ 08:03 AM
Satan is a ginger, like that allaroundyou guy.

posted on Feb, 15 2023 @ 08:04 AM

originally posted by: mysterioustranger
a reply to: kwakakev

A great example is Satan is Donald Trump. Evil personified. Other than that....I walk with Jesus...who carries me when tired.
Satan. Trump. False prophet, 3rd Coming, Messiah complex, Satan, Devil, Trump...I'm the BEST...

You are on the right track friend, and you are starting to see how the powers that be use these "biblical archetypes" to make the American conservative Christians crazy and develop cognitive dissonance (which keeps them in fear and sitting at home watching the news while they wait for "Jesus to come"). In fact, the book of Revelations is their favorite guidebook. They manufacture events with the aim of resembling the apocalypse, so everyone goes crazy.

Just a small detail. Trump is not following the character of Satan, he is playing the character of the Anti-Christ. All politicians dream of becoming the Anti-Christ. Which, is not an "entity", but an "architype", sort of a role, character, or title.

edit on 15-2-2023 by ltrz2025 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2023 @ 08:08 AM

originally posted by: Lazarus Short
As some of you may know, a few years back I did a survey of the KJV Bible to see if the doctrine of "hell" stood up to scrutiny. It's too long to go into here, beside being off topic, but "hell" did not stand up to close examination. Along the way, I also took a little time to examine "Satan." It was a bit off my path, but what I did see made me suspect he was as much a construct as "hell." My big takeaway was that "Satan" is NOT the ruler of "hell." I could find no connection between the two until the Revelation, and then only because "Satan" was tossed into the Lake of Fire, which btw, is not ID'd as "hell" in the is only assumed to be.

If you disagree, all I can say is - do your homework. I spent over two years on mine.

That's the thing with the "Bible" and why there is no true LIGHT in that book. There is some, but it's deeply encoded, atomized and layered. Everything in the Bible is always up to your own interpretation, or how you call it, you own "homework". What's the point of having a "holy book" which says different things to each person?... That can only lead to division, confusion, conflict...

edit on 15-2-2023 by ltrz2025 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2023 @ 08:36 AM
a reply to: Lazarus Short

With the burning pits of hell, I have not gone through the theology of it. As for the science some thing like the inner Earth with its molten core or the sun with plenty of fire and plasma there. Maybe even scattered among the stars in one way or another? So perhaps something like the light of God fits in some way?

As for how something like this actually works, don't know. Maybe there is just one place all dead souls go, maybe there are many? Entering the white light with Near Death Experiences is common. With some of these ghost stories, perhaps the entity fought going into the light, it was not offered or some kind of breakdown in the connection?

I do see heaven and hell as a similar place, depends on just what kind of life it was and how we deal with that, stored there with the rest of the eternal past as we contributed our bit to the future.

With some of these past life reports from children, just what is going on with some of these life cycles and how do we make the most of it?

posted on Feb, 15 2023 @ 09:20 AM
a reply to: kwakakev

With some of these past life reports from children, just what is going on with some of these life cycles and how do we make the most of it?

I read a few weeks ago where researchers have found that ones' memories have the ability to imprint on DNA and can be passed down genetically for at least three generations in mice.
I immediately thought of all the stories of memories of past lives and reincarnation.

I'm not sure, but I think the greatest pitfall for humans is to convince ourselves we have discovered all the answers; it may close our minds to ever truly finding that which we seek.

posted on Feb, 15 2023 @ 09:27 AM
He is the misunderstood freedom fighter for human rights, slanered and blamed by a powehungry, lying, megalomaniac god party.
The Serpent is admired for it's wisdom by humans and ancient civilisations apart from abrahamic religions.

Trying to free you from oppression and wanting you to gain knowledge is far from evil.

Evil is to stop you from gaining wisdom and make your own decisions. Then call those who spread wisdom bad.
But that is how tyrants roll.

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