posted on Feb, 12 2023 @ 07:01 PM
Could be paint chips. I guess that could be possible. I wasn't aware of any debris or recent wrecks in 'space', but i also don't really follow it. I
found this video from a comment in the youtube video of the Fox News Alert on the Objects being shot down today.
And I thought - hmm. I don't know if I believe this or if it is anything, but figured I'd share here for some insight.
And we have so far:
- leftover debris/space junk from purposefully de-orbited satellites/boosters/equipment, etc
- Paint flakes, debris from those two leaky Russian capsules
- balloons ?
- Maybe They don’t want us to know that these other objects being shot down is alien to earth
- The stream of particles could be from the Progress 82 supply craft which is venting coolant into space
Just watched the video again while thinking about the above list. IDK, I see some moving in a diagonal against the main direction. And I would think
paint chips could be very irregular in shape and not 'spheres', and also in no hurry to go anywhere.
I 100% believe that this weeks episode titled: Operation Balloon Drop Clown UFO Show, is a psyop to distract from:
- Laptops
- Ukraine
- Everyone knows covid is a scam designed to kill us with shots
- Epstein Islands Adventure Logs
- Egg price bad
- Orange Man good
- China in Charge
So, if it is a psyop then are we looking at Project Bluebeam fake alien 'invasion' of planet earth. Another 'world event', just like the fake ass
covid show.
This would mean total actual war on our soil, as well, we can't blame it on any country, right? The whole world is getting shelled, right? Ahh -
except for the 'Safe Cities' - for some reason these do not get shelled by the 'aliens'. Ahh - but you need to be quadruple boosted to live there,
monthly boosters. And you know how they power the place right?
Anyways... I kinda hope this is just China or Russia f'ing around at this point. Because project bluebeam is the death of the world that we now know.