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New Study Estimates 13 Million People Worldwide Killed By The COVID Vaccines

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posted on Feb, 13 2023 @ 09:26 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

It’s interesting that of the approximately 70% of the Indian population that is fully vaccinated, almost none of them received the mRNA vaxx. Most of them received a version of the Astra-Zeneca viral vector vaxx, some of them received a version of the Russian viral vector vaxx and some of them received a version of the home grown DNA plasmid vaxx.

Yet the study you cited seems to try to attach the estimated number of deaths in India to VAERS data in the US, which is based almost exclusively on mRNA vaccines. In other words, the article is claiming that 3.7 million Indians died from a vaxx they didn’t even take.

posted on Feb, 13 2023 @ 09:32 AM

originally posted by: 1947boomer
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

It’s interesting that of the approximately 70% of the Indian population that is fully vaccinated, almost none of them received the mRNA vaxx. Most of them received a version of the Astra-Zeneca viral vector vaxx, some of them received a version of the Russian viral vector vaxx and some of them received a version of the home grown DNA plasmid vaxx.

Yet the study you cited seems to try to attach the estimated number of deaths in India to VAERS data in the US, which is based almost exclusively on mRNA vaccines. In other words, the article is claiming that 3.7 million Indians died from a vaxx they didn’t even take.

Not to forget that the AZ vaccine has been withdrawn from most countries that have used it as it caused a lot harm and deaths, including the UK the country of origin of the vaccine.

If anything it shows the magnitude of the scandal that there still a few countries using it.

posted on Feb, 13 2023 @ 09:38 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

You are trying hard to be sarcastic

I thought you were done with me... It's just one sarcastic remark following another. It seems the other got like 8 stars, so all good right?

Actually, I know of no one with even a hint of anything past 2 or 3 days of feeling like a weak flu. I felt pretty much nothing, and my wife and kids about the same. All 4 of us got shots in different locations and at different times too. I actually got mine at the VA. About 1000 people at work got the vaccine and I have yet to see anyone take time off for it or fall into sickness later either. I know that is all anecdotal but is also why I see many here push way past reality in all this. How do I take the OP serious if I see nothing at a personal level.

Likewise you don't know anyone who has died yesterday or let's say anyone in the last week. Most likely.

But if you take a look on the statistics you will find out that hundreds of thousands of people every day. I will say anything between 150,000 to 200,000
You are still unlikely to know anyone who has died as a result of the vaccine or even Covid.

posted on Feb, 13 2023 @ 09:58 AM
My perspective is that I am not convinced that the covid-19 death risk is worth a vaccine that has deaths and other life altering adverse effects associated with it.
Even if the deaths and adverse reactions are miniscule they are still unnecessary risks. Additionally, the long term adverse effects are unknown. And for chdren, no way is the vaccine a good idea based on the deaths and severity from covid-19 from that demographic.
Hard pass on the vaccine, people should be able to get the vaccine if they want and people should be able to refuse.
When after 4 or 5 doses of the "vaccine " you still feel the need to have covid-19 test kits handy you have been duped, that's not how vaccines are supposed to work.

originally posted by: frogs453
So out of 5.5 billion vaccination doses you have approximately 0.12% deaths. A study of infant deaths shows MMR deaths at .5 and Diphtheria at .6. So this vaccination has a lower cause of death rate.

posted on Feb, 13 2023 @ 02:14 PM

originally posted by: frogs453
So out of 5.5 billion vaccination doses you have approximately 0.12% deaths. A study of infant deaths shows MMR deaths at .5 and Diphtheria at .6. So this vaccination has a lower cause of death rate.

80% of children under age 24 months in the US are vaccinated for Diptheria. It seems like it would be difficult to come up with solid death percentages on young children regarding the Covid shots, even more so to compare the two shots. One has been around for years and years, the other for maybe a year.

posted on Feb, 13 2023 @ 07:29 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

The below correlation surely needs an explanation as well. It might be legit, such drugs are a necessity and can be given compassionately, but...When you also consider the increased power of doctors to issue DNR's it could also indicate what many feel. That our response to covid and the "standard of care" were far more dangerous than covid itself.

posted on Feb, 13 2023 @ 07:41 PM

originally posted by: frogs453
a reply to: Asmodeus3

It's estimated in the U.S. alone the vaccination has prevented 18 million deaths, so we could estimate at least over 100 million world wide.


Lets start small, then work our way up from there.

You do realise just how ridiculous the modelling from the covid astrologers at places like Imperial College has been?

Can you supply any solid evidence that the vaccines have prevented 1 death from covid?

ps. Have you wondered why worldwide "covid deaths" increased in 2021 with mass deployment of the (ahem) "vaccine" (they surpassed 2020 levels by june from memory) including in the US, despite less deadly variants circulating? Do you accept the narrative driven explanations?

edit on 13-2-2023 by Quintilian because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2023 @ 07:53 PM

originally posted by: sarahvital

that's sick.

and all the job openings! lol.

Another young soul taken by the vaccine!

Eminem's Former Stunt Double Ryan Shepard Dead at 40 After Being Hit by Truck While Crossing Street.

posted on Feb, 13 2023 @ 07:54 PM

originally posted by: Quintilian

Lets start small, then work our way up from there.

You do realise just how ridiculous the modelling from the covid astrologers at places like Imperial College has been?

Can you supply any solid evidence that the vaccines have prevented 1 death from covid?

Read the OP's title and then reread your post with a straight face.

posted on Feb, 13 2023 @ 08:24 PM

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

You are still unlikely to know anyone who has died as a result of the vaccine or even Covid.

I understand your point, but I do know of 4 that died to the virus and many who had a hard time with the virus, but nothing with the vaccine, so 13 million to 20 million is kind of a big number of just vaccine deaths would you not say? 224 million vaccinated would be pushing up to 5 to 10% dead now. Kind of big numbers to suggest the population is so big one person will most likely not actually know someone dead.
edit on 13-2-2023 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2023 @ 10:44 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

You are still unlikely to know anyone who has died as a result of the vaccine or even Covid.

I understand your point, but I do know of 4 that died to the virus and many who had a hard time with the virus, but nothing with the vaccine, so 13 million to 20 million is kind of a big number of just vaccine deaths would you not say? 224 million vaccinated would be pushing up to 5 to 10% dead now. Kind of big numbers to suggest the population is so big one person will most likely not actually know someone dead.

First of all covid doesn't kill people, the hospital does with their death drug remdesivir (run death is near), which has an over 50% mortality rate.

Elevating peoples vitamin D levels and using ivermectin would have saved everyone. 2 doctors wrote a book about 7000 patients treated with ivermectin and zero deaths. We knew this April 2020 but it was demonized by the mainstream media because they needed to kill people to blame it on covid and instill fear.

But that wasn't enough so they used rediculous calculations like died WITH covid, even people who died in a car accident. The "real" numbers that died from covid are 6% of that and probably all died from hospital protocols and not the virus by failing to use effective treatments like monoclonal antibodies and ivermectin and forcing the death cocktail that they knew would kill, including in people who would have survived without intervention.

The official story is the vaxx killed no one.

So even if you "know" 4 people that died from covid it doesn't mean they died from it.

And just because you don't know anyone who died from the vaxx doesn't mean it didn't happen and was classified as something else.

Speaking of which, you should meet some of these people who discovered their family members were starved and pumped full of remdesivir until they died. Then got labeled a covid death. I don't think you've seen the real anger yet, trust me.
edit on 13-2-2023 by v1rtu0s0 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2023 @ 04:34 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

You are still unlikely to know anyone who has died as a result of the vaccine or even Covid.

I understand your point, but I do know of 4 that died to the virus and many who had a hard time with the virus, but nothing with the vaccine, so 13 million to 20 million is kind of a big number of just vaccine deaths would you not say? 224 million vaccinated would be pushing up to 5 to 10% dead now. Kind of big numbers to suggest the population is so big one person will most likely not actually know someone dead.

The issue with these comparisons is that one cannot compare the fatality rates between vaccines and viruses as I said to someone earlier. Given the numbers and the population of the planet it is still very unlikely that many of us will know either someone who has died due to Covid or the vaccines.

There are hundreds of thousands of deaths every day from all causes in the entire world. But still if you ask around most wouldn't know of anyone who has died

A member above has suggested that even if 13 million have died due to vaccines there are many more who have died due to Covid and the vaccines have helped many more and saved them from death.

I seriously don't know where to start with the arguments. But it is one of the most flawed from all I have seen so far. If you have 13 million dead from the vaccine then sure you will have the biggest crime against humanity so far. A medical intervention that has killed millions. The member above doesn't realise that a vaccine is withdrawn with a handful of deaths and that the benefit to risk ratio has to be taken into account when releasing these products into the market.

Coming back to the harms and deaths caused by these products, it is more than obvious that not only they exist in large numbers but the establishment is trying to either ignore them, dismiss and disregard them, covering them up, and gaslight those affected.

The show is over for the AZ and J&J products and it looks like the show will be soon over for the mRNA products. But that is not enough. Those who pushed them and promoted them must face justice and harsh punishments.
edit on 14-2-2023 by Asmodeus3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2023 @ 04:38 AM

originally posted by: Quintilian

originally posted by: frogs453
a reply to: Asmodeus3

It's estimated in the U.S. alone the vaccination has prevented 18 million deaths, so we could estimate at least over 100 million world wide.


Lets start small, then work our way up from there.

You do realise just how ridiculous the modelling from the covid astrologers at places like Imperial College has been?

Can you supply any solid evidence that the vaccines have prevented 1 death from covid?

ps. Have you wondered why worldwide "covid deaths" increased in 2021 with mass deployment of the (ahem) "vaccine" (they surpassed 2020 levels by june from memory) including in the US, despite less deadly variants circulating? Do you accept the narrative driven explanations?

It's only anecdotal evidence and projections that come out of whatever computer models used and then inflated by the MSM and the system that supports mass vaccinations.

posted on Feb, 14 2023 @ 06:25 AM
Eventually the total number of people who died of the vaccine will be hundreds of millions - in fact, every single person who was vaccinated will, within the next 100 years, likely have died

The only thing more deadly to humans is dihydrogen monoxide (which eventually kills everyone who comes into contact with it)

posted on Feb, 14 2023 @ 06:30 AM
a reply to: AndyMayhew

The only thing more deadly to humans is dihydrogen monoxide (which eventually kills everyone who comes into contact with it).

So you are claiming that water kills??
lol you are funny.

Go on, tell me how water kills everyone eventually......that comes into contact with it?

I hope you aren't spreading misinformation.
edit on 14-2-2023 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2023 @ 10:31 AM

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

The issue with these comparisons is that one cannot compare the fatality rates between vaccines and viruses as I said to someone earlier. Given the numbers and the population of the planet it is still very unlikely that many of us will know either someone who has died due to Covid or the vaccines.

I'm not comparing anything... You asked me if I know anyone who died to the virus too, and I said I did, and I said I know a good number that had a hard time with the virus.

posted on Feb, 14 2023 @ 11:15 AM

originally posted by: AndyMayhew
Eventually the total number of people who died of the vaccine will be hundreds of millions - in fact, every single person who was vaccinated will, within the next 100 years, likely have died

The only thing more deadly to humans is dihydrogen monoxide (which eventually kills everyone who comes into contact with it)

Your attempt at sarcasm has failed several times in the past and I wonder why do you use the same failed sarcasm again.

You are engaging in vaccine apologetics, denialism of reality and you are defending the pharmaceuticals.
edit on 14-2-2023 by Asmodeus3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2023 @ 11:26 AM
a reply to: Quintilian

John Campbell's latest two videos are about the end of life drugs used to treat covid patients.

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