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Breakthrough Survey Gives Americans Guide to Woke Corporations

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posted on Feb, 7 2023 @ 08:21 PM
Identifying institutions and companies who may close your accounts or deny you service is a good list to have in my opinion and I am glad someone is doing the leg work to identify them.

I am sure many companies are not going to be happy being exposed for what they have done.

Good news story.

The primary purpose for 1792 Exchange’s corporate evaluations, according to a press release, is to determine how likely a company is “to cancel a client or deny services based on ideological or religious belief” and is “intended to “help organizations understand their vulnerability and likelihood of being denied service by their vendors, including banking, IT, and insurance, due to their religious or political beliefs.” This data compilation makes up the largest of its kind for assessments of woke corporations.

In a just-released groundbreaking report, 1792 Exchange—a corporate “wokeism” watchdog—assessed the policies of more than 1,000 companies, hoping the information will give every American a much-needed chance to evaluate corporations’ intrusions into the political arena.

In a move certain to upset corporate CEOs who are rarely held accountable for their political activism, the report, titled “Spotlight Report: Corporate Bias Ratings” classifies each company in its assessment as either “high risk,” “medium risk,” or “low risk.” Examples of “high risk” companies, according to the press release, include well-known corporations like Bank of America, Etsy, JPMorgan Chase, PayPal, YouTube, and Amazon.

“We want American companies to be highly profitable, apolitical, and welcoming for their employees, customers and suppliers,” Fitzpatrick said. Those who have been subjected to cancellation or denial of service can share their story either privately with 1792 Exchange or publicly using the hashtag “#CanceledToo.”

posted on Feb, 7 2023 @ 08:33 PM
Thank you for this. Good to know.

I get so many glitchy things that happen in my life with big companies like this and I wonder if it is because they're aware of the stuff I post on the internet.

Amazon once owed me a large amount of money and refused to pay it or explain why they were withholding it. After months of this impasse, I reached out to a lawyer and started discussing my options. No joke, the day after I talked to a lawyer, Amazon suddenly released my funds still without any explanation. It's as though they have such comprehensive data on me that they were aware I was discussing with a lawyer. I am still not allowed to sell on Amazon despite having no bad reviews or other types of infractions.

posted on Feb, 7 2023 @ 08:36 PM
Great post! Ironically, earlier today I was on the 1792 Exchange site examining some of the places I do business. Pretty eye opening. Thank you for the post.

1792 Exchange

posted on Feb, 7 2023 @ 08:52 PM
This is a win looking at it from the outset, but need more info to see if I agree or not. Sounds Novel but is it?

posted on Feb, 7 2023 @ 09:32 PM
a reply to: infolurker


You have to go to page 38 to get to companies that are not beholden to the woke globalist agenda.

posted on Feb, 7 2023 @ 10:02 PM
a reply to: infolurker

Thank you, at least my company isn't there.

posted on Feb, 8 2023 @ 01:33 AM
The times, I do believe, are getting ready for a-changin'.

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