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What are ghosts and does anyone have any weird experiences like mine?

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posted on Feb, 2 2023 @ 08:07 PM
Are ghost and poltergeist encounters actually a physical phenomenon we don't understand?

I ask myself this question often as I personally have had two odd experiences that I am not sure how to categorize.

The first happened when I was about 10 or 11. I was goofing around in our living room and threw a sock up into the air and it literally disappeared. I never heard or saw the sock land anywhere and I never found the sock again and this has been something I have thought about periodically over the years as kind of a weird thing that happened.

The second time, I was in my early 20s and laying down on my bed. I had a small table against the opposite wall from the bed and it had a medium sized candle in a glass jar. The candle was not lit and I was just doing my weird thing I do where I just lay down or sit and stare off thinking and day dreaming. For some reason my eyes focused on the candle and as I was looking at it, it slid about 3 inches to the right on it's own. I was home alone, no movement in the house, no pets. Basically no way this thing was somehow jarred or bumped to make it move. It moved on it's own. I doubt a haunting because it was a brand new apartment.

I don't think I made either event happen but I do think that there is some type of energy or force that no one really can quantify that exists because sometimes in certain circumstances I can sense this energy, usually when I am around people. I don't know if I am just a more perceptive person than most, but sometimes it is eerie because I can just sense what is going to eventually happen. And by eventually I mean that some of the things I feel have taken up to 2 years to manifest themselves. I don't even know how to describe this and I am definitely not saying I am psychic because it isn't like that. It is just a sense that I know what is going on and I know what is going to happen. Kind of like an aura but not really. Just a wave of energy is the best way I can describe it.

I have done mushrooms one time and it led me to have an experience I also struggle to describe. I felt as if I was dying, dead and was flashing through my life running through my childhood home. The images were so real it felt like I was in the hallway, I saw the unique linoleum and my bedroom and felt that I was a kid again and it was really wild and unsettling.

Does anyone else have any experiences similar to this? Are ghost and haunting experiences actually just a part of physics or something that just happens for some scientific reason having to do with a type of energy we don't realize or understand?

posted on Feb, 2 2023 @ 08:44 PM
I'm of the belief that what's called 'paranormal' is actually a very normal phenomenon that we don't understand yet. Science seems to be dismissive of things they don't understand or can't figure out.

Nikola Tesla once said "The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” I agree.

posted on Feb, 2 2023 @ 08:54 PM
Not exactly like that, but did have a camera fly off the bed and hit the door once. Found out a few days later a friend had committed suicide. I think he was just trying to get my attention.

Two of my children and I had our blankets fly off the bed, you could feel an unseen entity next to the bed before it happened...very frightening. It ended-up being the last thing remembered while being abducted. Anyway, lots of experiences but not many with physical phenomena.

posted on Feb, 2 2023 @ 09:38 PM
a reply to: Antimony

Ummm…I don’t know…I used to visit many purported haunted places…apparently all the ghosts were away on holiday…never once saw a ghost…or spirit…or felt anything malevolent…

The scariest thing I ever encountered…was always my own imagination…

That led me to believe that these occurrences are probably dredged from an individuals own psyche…then when there are more witnesses involved…this psychic manifestation is compounded…a quasi mob mentality conjuration…

The mind and intention…even subconscious intention…coupled with visualization…can be very powerful convincing’ s…
conjuring up Tulpas…usually quite unintentional…

Just something I’ve bothered to consider…


posted on Feb, 2 2023 @ 09:40 PM
I wholeheartedly believe that there are both physical and spiritual phenomenon that science doesn't acknowledge or at least understand.
I also have a theory that a very long time ago man did have an understanding of some of this and that knowledge was lost

posted on Feb, 2 2023 @ 10:07 PM
a reply to: Antimony

I used to be stationed at F.E. Warren Air Force Base, Cheyanne Wyoming (SAC Minuteman missile base). To give you a brief back story, the base was built in 1867, It used to be a cavalry fort. I have two true stories which happened to me personally, but I’ll just tell you about one of them today. One night while returning with my Wife to our house on base; from visiting friends, we walked in the house, my Wife sat on the sofa in the living room, and I went to turn the heater up. After adjusting the thermostat, I turned around, started walking towards where my Wife sat, and a dress came at me and through me. I tried to hit it with the jacket I was holding, but it went right through. As soon as it passed through me, I looked back and it was gone. I hadn’t had any alcohol to drink, and I wasn’t sleepy, so I was in my right mind when I say this. This happened in 1983, so it was a long time ago, but I remember it like it was yesterday. The dress was one of those bell-shaped dresses that woman wore in the 1800’s. It was sort of a tan or beige color, I could see layers of lace going around the dress. It had short sleeves that were puffy at the end. As soon as this happened, I started to shake, and I couldn’t stop the tears. I just stared at my wife and crying like a baby.
She asked me what was wrong, but I couldn’t talk, no words would come out. She started laughing because she thought I was messing with her. When I was finally able to utter some tremulous words, I told her what had happened, and asked if she’d seen anything. She laughed again, and said, “I didn’t see anything”, and one of the living room lamps shut off and on. It had one of those little nobs that you have to turn in order to turn the light off and on, so you hear the clicking sound at the end. She started screaming and crying after she saw and heard the light, and I asked her again, “did you see anything”? and she said no, and the light did it again. That night we left our house and went to a friend’s house off base. After telling my friend and his Wife the story, he suggested that I call the base Chaplain; to see if he can bless the house or something. I called the Chaplain and he said that he would see me at my house the following day. When he got to my house the next day, he asked me to relate to him again, what had happened to me. Unbeknownst to me, the Chaplain had spoken with the Bases Catholic priest and told him to go to my house.

When the priest showed up, he sprinkled holly water in every room. I’m not Catholic, but I was so freaked out that I didn’t care if they flew in a witch doctor from Haiti to take care of this thing. After the priest left, he tried to start his brand-new Cadillac which he had just bought. The car wouldn’t start, so a few other people in the neighborhood tried to help him, but the car still didn’t start or even make a sound. They ended up pushing the car to a neighbor’s house a couple of houses down, because the neighbor had a battery charger and thought he could get the car started. Before they put the charger on the battery, the priest tried starting the car again and it started. I didn’t know anything about all this with the car until the next day when I went to my command building and was told the story. They offered me another house on base if I wanted to move, but I turned it down because to move out of a base house you had to perform a thorough cleaning. After the cleaning the house gets inspected, and it’s extremely difficult to pass that inspection, you usually had to hire a company that does that professionally. I would also have to move off base so I would have to wait until another house was available, which normally took months. The reason the military was so cooperative was that what happened to me was a common occurrence on that base. I didn’t know any of this at the time, but while at my office; I was regaled with story after story about the happenings on the base.

posted on Feb, 2 2023 @ 10:24 PM
a reply to: stelth2

I used to be stationed at F.E. Warren Air Force Base, Cheyanne Wyoming

I use to live in Cheyenne and that whole town has TONS of stories of phantoms and i heard a LOT from the base as well.

posted on Feb, 3 2023 @ 12:34 AM
Different universes in the multiverse bleeding over into our world .
Just like anything called "paranormal"
edit on 2/3/23 by Gothmog because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2023 @ 02:37 AM
a reply to: stelth2

Great story.

At one point in my work, I was on night shift and would walk through an old building that was built by the German army in the 1930s. There were occasional odd noises that came out of the dark office spaces when one strolled in the corridor at O-dark-thirty. Some noises were so loud that I would speak loudly into the room, "Anyone in there ?" They were empty, spaces for people who worked there during regular hours. But I never saw any visual phenomena.


posted on Feb, 3 2023 @ 07:38 AM
a reply to: stelth2

WOW. That whole experience would have freaked me out. I probably would have moved regardless I am glad nothing that extreme has happened to me, I don't know how I would have acted.

posted on Feb, 3 2023 @ 07:41 AM

originally posted by: Oouthere
Not exactly like that, but did have a camera fly off the bed and hit the door once. Found out a few days later a friend had committed suicide. I think he was just trying to get my attention.

Two of my children and I had our blankets fly off the bed, you could feel an unseen entity next to the bed before it happened...very frightening. It ended-up being the last thing remembered while being abducted. Anyway, lots of experiences but not many with physical phenomena.

Do you mean you were abducted by aliens or otherworldly entities? That is interesting if so. I have wondered if it is connected to alien activity or to parallel universe or time travel and such.

posted on Feb, 3 2023 @ 08:30 AM
When I was between 5-12 years old, my mom and I lived in an older house where apparently, a young handicapped boy had lived and passed away. We constantly would see things in our peripheral, items would be misplaced or totally go missing. It was extremely common for our laundry to get mixed up, and I swear you could see the boy going from room to room. In the middle of the night, my tv or computer would randomly turn on. After awhile you get used to it and it doesn't seem out of the ordinary until we had some foreign exchange students stay with us. I let them have my room and I slept on the couch but that only lasted one night. They were so terrified of my room and something bothering them, that they stated they would rather sleep in the bathtub than be in my room for another night. I hate all the ghost deniers but I completely believe in what I experienced and it's terrible that it can't be scientifically explained.

posted on Feb, 3 2023 @ 10:18 AM
a reply to: Antimony

I have never had "ghostly" encounters until we bought our current home. It's a very small house with a nice bit of land. Built in 1947 out of old timbers from a church that was torn down. 3 houses were built with those timbers all next to each other. Today, two still exist, while one was destroyed in a tornado. There are many existing things showing the property had once been very well cared for, at least on the outside. Like giant azalais that form a fantastic barrier. Also the pecan trees, planted just right for plenty of growth. Apparently, a little old lady owned the property at some point, and died here. I only know of her, but we have met.

When we first moved in, the house was partially gutted. We had to gut most of what remined, removed walls, re-plumbed and re-wired, put in a new kitchen, and finished drywall. We tried to keep as much of the old in place as we could. While we were in construction, we continued to find crayon marks on the wall. We have a grandson living with us, at the time he was 3, so you wouldn't normally be surprised at crayon marks, but they were about an inch from the ceiling. Usually orange. I would kiltz the spots, and when we painted, more would show up in different spots. My wife decided to speak to her. She was alone in the house and told her that we were trying to fix this up to live in, and if she would give us a chance, she would like it when we were done. After that, the crayon marks stopped. My grandson was born premature and had some differences in when he progressed. he spoke his own language until he was about 4. he kept telling us about his friend in the corner. He would speak to her in his native language and laugh and giggle. All while we were working.

To this day, I catch movement from this same corner out of the edge of my peripheral vision at strange times. The same corner he would hang out in. We put the Christmas tree there this year, and had a heavy ornament fly a good bit off the tree with no reason for it's moving. She must not have liked that one. But strangely enough, none of us get any feeling of ill will, only friendship. So it's not creepy, and I'm still not convinced it's anything more than just imagination. But if it's really a ghost, it's not the spooky kind. She seems to like our work, and she is always welcome.

posted on Feb, 3 2023 @ 01:26 PM
I really can't explain this any other way than to say that we encountered a ghost.

In the eighties I was a field engineer with a computer company (Data General) based out of Westboro, MA. The company bought a small college in Woodstock CT. to use as their training center. We would go up there 3 or 4 times a year for courses that ranged from 2 weeks to 12 weeks. Technology was rapidly changing at that time which required frequent training.

A fellow engineer and good friend Mark and I decided to go cycling on a hot summer day. It was Saturday and we were stuck on the campus over the weekend. We decided to check out a couple of bikes from the student center and were going to ride from the campus to Lake Bungy a few miles away. Well, half way there, between the hills and the heat we were getting very tired and hot. There was a cemetary off to the left and we decided to ride in there and rest. The cemetary I found out later was Quasset Cemetary.

After a few minutes I took notice of a tombstone to the left that was from the 1700's. It read,
"As you are, I once was. As I am you soon shall be." I couldn't make out the bottom due to it's age and called Mark over. The words were erie and we were trying to see the rest of it when an old man was suddenly standing between us. We were only standing a couple of feet apart and this old man was suddenly right there almost shoulder to shoulder. He looked to be very very old.
We had been there about 5 minutes and there was no one there and no trees or shrubs to hide in. When Mark looked up he was a startled as I was and gave me a "where the ---- did he come from" look.

Mark asked the old man, "Who...who are you?"

His response was, "I take care of this place. I've been taking care of it for a long time."

I started to explain to him that we were just looking at that gravestone. I was afraid that we may have been tresspassing.

As I was talking Mark and I looked back at the gravestone and when we looked up the man was gone.

Now this was about 3pm on a hot bright summer day. There's no place to hide and no way a 90 yr old man could have run away in a couple of seconds. And I'm sure he didnt dive in the pond on the far side and swim away.

Mark refused to believe what he saw and began running from grave stone to grave stone saying "There's no way, that -----er is hinding here some where." But no, he was no where to be found.

The had man simply disappeared in broad daylight.

posted on Feb, 3 2023 @ 05:05 PM
I've had paranormal experiences my whole life, I am sure that I am a 'medium' or something along those lines.
Sometimes when I meet strangers, their whole life opens up to me like a book, and I rattle off things to them, which they are not always pleased to hear.
One woman I didn't know made me quite uncomfortable. Until I realized that her Aunt was standing behind her, trying to speak to her. When I told the woman this, she was quite upset - turned out her Aunt had passed away the night before.
The deceased have come to me many times, always desperate about something left behind.
My own mother and father, living in another state not close by, came to me when they passed on.
I'm not religious and don't believe in life after death, but cannot explain how the dead are still able to exist.

posted on Feb, 3 2023 @ 05:13 PM
I know this probably sounds strange, but it did actually happen to me.
One evening after work I had put dinner on and was running down the road to our old house to feed our outside kittie, who refused to come with us, so I would feed her every morning and evening.
I heard someone fall into step with me and looked, but there was no one there. A voice said, 'Hi, it's me - Freddie'. I couldn't believe my ears, and said, 'Freddie who?' The answer was, 'Freddie Mercury'.
Well I was stunned, and then he said, 'Tell her to search'. I asked, 'Search for what? And who?' He replied, 'My ring, I lost it or misplaced it, it's still in the house.' And he kept repeating, 'Tell her to search, search, search', quite adamantly.
I explained to him that I am in NJ, and his old home is in London, and that he must find a psychic in London to get a message like that to the proper person. (I assume he meant the woman he left his home to, Mary.)
With that, he took off.
I know it sounds ridiculous, but it really did happen. Even my husband asked why on earth Mercury would appear to me, a nobody, but I think he is just a strong personality looking for those who can hear him.

posted on Feb, 3 2023 @ 05:31 PM
I have witnessed Shadow People both solid black and red eyed and one nasty spirit that got upset about renovations that was one peed off spirit .. It literately grabbed me by my foot and dragged me half way out of my bed .

I got involved with Paranormal research after and I'm still not sure I have them completely gone they do not bother me anymore sleep paralysis was a major factor but ever since I have overcome the hold they ran from me and no longer try.

But I have to say there are many different types of Spirits /Ghost / Poltergeist .

Some are just a type of recording "example" A floor has been replaced and raised 2 feet but the ghost is still seen walking on the original floor level .

I recall a case in San Pedro back in the 70's or 80's were a guy got hanged in a attic - They did a get together and asked I forget the exact question but the spirit repelled " The Sky is filled with Phantoms"

Also some of the Poltergeist have never been born human and keep normal ghost hostage some type of slavery or power harvest .
edit on 3-2-2023 by Ravenwatcher because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 02:07 AM
a reply to: Antimonyghosts are dumb, idk how it works but im pretty sure they would all be naked or not even with a body, people see ghosts wearing clothes and see ghost trains etc.

the body and clothes etc dont become ghost lol makes no sense, a ghost would be the spirit that has left the body right?

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 04:46 AM
I will try and explain how I understand things. It is quite complex though, so a person has to be careful about saying this or that is absolute.

Once the body here, with a surface (not skin, but layer of particle-type) made of molecules, has deteriorated, the bodies in all other dimensions (think "plane" of particles of a given type rather than 2-D, 3-D) still have a surface in each (made of atoms, quarks, neutrinos etc.) That life still exists. It is just in the nearest dimension to the human surface, so occasionally phenomena can overlap.

This is what is commonly referred to as the "underworld". It is still a material realm, but the restrictions on the body are less allowing things to pass through the spaces among molecules here. If you were actually to stand on a nucleus in the same scale, the distance to the electrons would look like stars.

There is a lot of space there and it is all filled will layers of particles, dimensions, and life. Even scientist today have discovered stars that only have a quarks material surface. It doesn't coalesce into more coarse surface matter like atoms and molecules. This is the situation with "ghosts" only with atoms rather than quarks.

Sometimes some people talk about "vibrations" or higher "vibrations". It isn't really something so abstract. It is just that at each layer (quarks, neutrinos, and so-on down), there are smaller and more densely packed particles, so the activity there results in higher frequency phenomena. In order to view or interact, the instrumentation (biological (eyes) or technological) , must accordingly be able to receive those frequencies.

This can be experienced/viewed directly via genuine spiritual cultivation (in many forms) or sometimes just due to a persons inborn things. It is explained very scientifically in Faliun Gong - 2016 Translation, but in any case exists that way. There are many more things beyond that dimension though. It just happens to be close in "level" concept.

People and scientists in the future will have a much clearer understanding of this.

Why there is Mankind You might also find this interesting. It is the current state of things, but you can just think of it as an interesting idea if that helps.

edit on 4-2-2023 by Halfswede because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2023 @ 11:17 AM
a reply to: Halfswede

To the link you shared "Why there is Mankind"; I read it. What do you think about the mental health disorders that the soul had to go thru in a damaged body by the environment and other things? I am talking about irreversible effects from birth / comes up during the life time.

Great read it was by the way. Thank you for sharing.
edit on 6-2-2023 by belkide because: (no reason given)

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